Chapter 20: Instincts

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Sapnap POV.

“So did you finish off the homework for the math test?” I asked Quackity, leaning against the lockers as I did and watching the way his face paled.
“I didn’t realise that we had homework for a math test.” He responded awkwardly, all the while me and the rest of the group were trying to keep a straight face.

None of us said anything to Quackity, just staring at him and watching as he had some kind of panic attack. “Guys seriously?” He asked, his eyes wide and switching between everyone in search for some clarity to what was going on. “Guys seriously!” He took several deep breaths before continuing. “I haven’t done any homework… the teacher’s gonna be so pissed.”

My hand covered my mouth to suppress a chuckle. Before any of us got the chance to tell him that I was just messing with him, I saw Dream approaching with George trailing a few feet behind him. The brunette human was wearing clothes that weren't his own. The pair of them approached us and then I began to sense a really strong smell.

“Hey guys.” Dream greeted happily when he reached us, and as the rest of the group all responded saying ‘hi’ or something similar I noticed that pretty much every student and teacher in the hallway was staring at the blond and brunette pair. “How’s it going?”

“Well this muffinhead was just teasing Quackity.” Bad answered while motioning at me. “He was telling him there was a math test, which there was not.”
“So there isn’t a math test?” Quackity questioned with a sigh of relief. “Oh thank God.” His realisation still caused us to laugh at him which he ignored.

“How was last night?” Skeppy asked Dream and George while our laughter died down. “You and your parents had dinner at Dream’s house, right George? Did it go well?” At the question I could see the way Dream anxiously looked over at the human, wanting to know what George felt about it, and I knew I’d tease him later for it.

“Oh, it was alright.” He responded. “The dinner was nice, Dream’s Mum is a good cook. My parents were talking about having Dream and his family over for dinner at some point.” Even though George didn’t go outright complimenting everything that happened at the blond’s house, Dream kept his loving gaze on him the entire time.

“And it seems like you stayed the night.” Quackity smirked while subtly sniffing the air, and sure enough as I did the same thing I could smell Dream’s scent all over the brunette, something that Dream was most definitely proud of.

“Oh is it that obvious?” His voice quietened down slightly. “I had asked Dream to give me some plain clothes to try and make it so nobody would know.” He had most likely thought that having bland clothes would make it impossible for a human to tell he was wearing someone else's clothes, but a werewolf’s sense of smell helped us notice fairly quickly.

“That and the fact that you two arrived together.” Bad nodded, and Dream’s pride only seemed to multiply as we pointed that out. George was blushing awkwardly by this point and looked away from the rest of us. Before anyone could say anything else though I grabbed Dream’s arm and began pulling him away.

“I just need to talk with Dream for a moment.” I informed the group as I pulled him. When we were out of ear shot I raised an eyebrow at him. “So how did it go?” I asked, “Now that you don’t have to worry about exposing the entire werewolf world to George, can you tell me properly.”

“He seemed like he didn’t really like the dinner.” Dream sighed. “He didn’t really talk much about it, nor did he want to hang out with me.”
”Yet he still smells exactly like you.” I pointed out. “So something must have gone well.”
“Well he fell asleep in my room, so there’s that.” Dream grinned bashfully.

“And let me guess, the whole night you kept an eye on him while he was sleeping so that nothing bad happened to him while he slept. The same way a good mate should?” Dream gave a proud nod of yes.
“I laid with him all night.” He explained, “not letting anyone near him.”

The instincts of a werewolf were strange to have to explain, to both werewolf and human alike it has strange rules and affects us in strange ways. Despite Dream knowing clearly that nobody would break into his bedroom and kill George in the middle of the night his instincts kept him believing that that wasn’t the case.

I knew that if and when I found my soulmate I’d be acting the exact same way, but who could blame us when thousands of years of evolution caused us to instinctively want to protect our soulmates. It was harmless, at least to those smart enough to not approach a werewolf couple when their guards are down.

Even now, I could tell the way Dream was anxiously tapping his foot that his instincts were driving him wild, wanting him to find George and protect him. Even though we were in a school filled with people that we’ve known for years who all were smart enough to know that hurting the future alpha’s mate wouldn’t be good for them.

Our instincts were even more wild and intense in the first few weeks of meeting our soulmate, we had learnt this kind of thing in class years ago when we were just pups. In history, we’d be told stories about werewolves when finding their soulmate. Since their instincts are so overwhelmed in their first few weeks, the ways in which they try and protect them are extreme.

High ranking alphas and betas such as Dream and myself have it much worse though. I don’t know exactly how it works, since there is no biological component to make an alpha more dangerous, but maybe I’d just been slacking off in class. Alphas can and have gotten to a point in their desire to protect their mate where they’ve destroyed their own pack.

“God he’s just so perfect.” Dream swooned, which was an un-werewolf-like action indeed. “I want to tell him everything Sapnap. All about the werewolf world and about his importance to me, but he’ll just think I’m insane.”
“Maybe you should wait a while then, gain his trust?” I suggested.

Dream almost whined at that suggestion, not liking the idea of having to wait longer than he needs to to be with his soulmate. My hand moved comfortingly to rest his shoulder in an attempt to cheer up my best friend. “Hey, how about after school if it’ll cheer you up you can tell me all about George.”

The thought of being able to talk about his soulmate made the blond perk up, just as the bell rang through the school hallways. “I’d love to.” He smiled. “Thanks.”
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