Chapter 72: Welcome Home

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George POV.

The moment we got home I was surprised to see all of my friends (with the exception of Karl who was back in North Carolina) standing outside my house. They were all grinning as they saw me and the moment I stepped out of the car I was tackled into a hug.

For a moment I was surprised before Bad let go of me and grinned. “I’m so glad that you are home safe, you poor muffin.” He told me, continuing to hold me tightly. “I can’t believe what happened to you, you are the sweetest person I know and you don’t deserve that.”
“Thanks Bad.” I replied, hugging him closer before letting him go.

As I looked around at my group of friends, I noticed my parents in the corner of my eye. They were grabbing the bags of stuff that I had been gifted by my friends. Then the two of them didn’t draw any attention from my friends who were more focused on me and they wordlessly slipped inside the house.

“Did you get our gifts?” Wilbur asked, a grin plastered on the brunette werewolf’s face. “Your dad delivered them for us.”
“Yes, I got all of your gifts. They were so thoughtful, but none of you had to get me anything.” I told them, before being hugged from behind by Dream.

“We did though.” Sapnap replied. “Karl insisted, plus we wanted you to have some things while recovering.” I smiled at him, seeing the way that he looked when he mentioned Karl made it obvious that he was missing him.
“Thank you.” I told them all again.

All of us talked for a while in the driveway, mainly with them all asking me questions about what I was doing. After at least ten minutes of them bombarding me with questions my mother opened the door and stepped out. “It’s almost dinner, would you boys like me to order you all some pizza?”

“Yes please!” Quackity and Wilbur spoke at the same time, grinning over at her. We all laughed at their eagerness but all also agreed, wanting to get some dinner.
“Alright, what are you boys all wanting?” She went on to ask.

Most of the guys unsurprisingly asked for her to order meat lovers, the werewolves all craving to eat meat. The only exceptions were Techno who instead got bacon and chicken, Sapnap who got a barbeque, and Bad ordered Hawaiian. They all looked over at me, wanting to know what I was planning on ordering.

“I’ll just get a cheese pizza I guess.” I said with a shrug, I enjoyed being around my friends but I wasn’t in the mood for something more flavourful. Dream didn’t hesitate to order the same thing as me and then Quackity piped up again, asking if we could also have some chicken wings and a bottle of coke, which my mother nodded for.

That is when I formally invited the group in, deciding that since pizza was being ordered that we were all going to be in there anyway. We all piled into the living room, deciding to watch a movie. It ended up with five of us (Bad, Skeppy, Sapnap, Dream, and myself) piled on the couch while the rest of the group sat on the floor.

None of them even made an offer on a movie to watch, instead just mindlessly agreeing with every suggestion I made. It concerned me, but I figured that all just felt pity about the attack, since none of them were able to keep me safe. In a state of anxiousness I brushed my hair over the scar on my forehead and pulled my sleeves over some of the marks on my arm.

Eventually I reluctantly chose a Marvel movie, thinking that surely everybody would be fine with a superhero. Nobody, as I suspected, complained. They all just settled in to watch the movie as the logos started flashing over the screen. My parents included. Both of them sat down on a pair of chairs they’d pulled from the living room.

I even offered to get food, planning on sharing the edible gifts that I had been given with the group, however Dream pulled me back down with a hug, not wanting me to leave his side and instead Sapnap was the one to stand up and grab a bag of bacon bites (which he had gifted) to share with the group.

“Is this what it’s going to be like?” I whispered quietly, only catching the attention of the alpha and the beta who were sitting on both sides of me. They seemed confused as they glanced at me and I continued. “Are you guys never going to let me do anything myself again?”

“What?” Dream asked, seeming both confused and hurt by the question. “How could you think that George?” He pulled me closer and nuzzled into me.
“I’m sorry it’s just you bombarding me with gifts, don’t want me to leave your side even to get food, and you seem worried to disagree with me.”

“It’s not that.” he whimpered. “I am just worried about you. You’ve been through so much.”
“Thanks, but I don’t need this much sympathy.” I appreciated the fact that he cared about me, but I didn’t like how they suddenly thought that I needed help with every situation that I found myself in.

“Oh…” he muttered. “I was just trying to help you. I can stop though if you want.” His tone made me feel guilty, how pitiful and disappointed that it sounded. I didn’t say anything though, instead just continuing to look at the screen. The movie I suddenly realised wasn’t one that I was overly interested in.

“I have a migraine.” I announced to the group. “I’m going to head upstairs for a nap.” And then I disappeared upstairs without saying another word. I could feel the group's eyes on me as I left but that didn’t stop me at all. All that I continued to do was walk.

When I got to my room I collapsed on my bed, straining to hear any noises coming from my friends and parents downstairs but not being able to. So I just looked around the room, immediately taking notice in the closet. The door was mainly shut, but I could see that the nest I had made for the blond was still there.

It hadn’t been touched since I was last here, over a month ago, and someone had moved my Patches toy over there, likely Dream. I smiled softly at the sight of her, noting the way the eyes seemed to shine in the light. Without even thinking I moved over to the nest and grabbed her, tucking her safely into my arms before returning to the bed.

I began to get tired, just feeling stressed after everything that had happened, and the fact I was back in my comfortable bed instead of the uncomfortable hospital bed helped a lot too. Just as I was close to falling asleep the door opened. The blond’s figure appeared in the doorway. “Hey.” He spoke softly, not daring to come in without permission.

“Hey Dream.” I replied, my gaze moving back down to the pillow. “What are you doing up here?”
“Just wanted to check on you.” He shrugged. “Everyone’s leaving. When the pizza arrived your parents sent them home with their food. Would you like me to bring your box of pizza up to you?”

While he was speaking I could tell that his gaze was focused on the cat toy that he had given me. “I said that I had a migraine.” I reminded him.
“I know, but I wasn’t sure if you actually had a migraine or if you were pissed at me and wanted me to leave you alone.”

“I’m kinda pissed at you.” I admitted, knowing that he knew why I was pissed. “But I also know that it was probably your weird werewolf instincts that have you acting like this. Can you bring up the pizza?”
“Of course.” He nodded, seeming happy that I was asking something of him.

“I’ll be right back.”
1368 words

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