Chapter 21: House

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Dream POV.

I waited outside of the school for Sapnap to turn up. My last period had been just for studying and so I spent my time sitting in the library, waiting for Sapnap to finish his class so that we could go. My foot was tapping against the floor anxiously as students began filing out of the building at the end of the day.

My gaze caught on George as he left the building, chatting with both Bad and Skeppy. Even though I was meant to be looking for my ravenette best friend I couldn’t help but keep a protective eye on him as he approached a car.

His mother was in the car waiting for him, and I kept focused on him the entire time as he got in and began talking to the woman. He was still wearing my clothes, well obviously he was since he didn’t have any clothes to change into at school, but it still put a smile on my face. Now everyone at school was bound to know he was mine.

“Dream.” A hand on my shoulder made me jump before turning to see that Sapnap was standing there looking at me. I was honestly surprised that I didn’t hear or even smell him approaching, since usually I was good at picking these things up. After my reaction, the ravenette couldn’t help but laugh. “Did that seriously scare you?” He asked. “How?”

“Sorry.” I responded, rubbing the back of my head sheepishly. “I was just focused on George. I saw him walking past.” At the mention of the brunette I looked back over in the direction of the car, only to see that it had already driven off.
“That’s cute.” My friend responded. “So, what do you want to tell me about George?”

As he asked the question I began walking away from the school with him trailing after me. I began rambling to him about how funny George was, even when he wasn’t trying to be, or his cute sassy remarks, and everything in between. Sapnap listened patiently, the look on his face showing that he was happy for me.

“And he’s so small, Sapnap.” I told the ravenette. “I mean, obviously he is short cause you’ve seen him, but when he was curled up with me in bed it was even more obvious.”
“That’s sweet.” Sapnap responded feeling happy for me. “I hope that when I find my soulmate that they’re smaller than me.”

Without thinking much I turned and ran down a path which led through to the woods, deciding that I wanted to go for a run as my wolf. Because of the perfect brunette I was in a playful mood, feeling like an excited pup, and my best friend was happy to join me.

After we shifted, the two of us went running between trees in a game of tag. We were acting exactly like we did when we were young. Neither of us were running at full speed or attempting to actually hurt each other. Just bouncing back and forth as we weaved between trees and pushing one another down.

However we paused when I realised where we had actually run to. Whether we had just been running aimlessly and somehow ended up here, or if I had subconsciously been seeking out this exact location, I couldn’t tell, but we now were in front of the brunette’s house. I slowed down and stopped running as my tail began wagging a lot faster.

Sapnap noticed how I was acting and slowed to a stop. His gaze followed mine to look at the house and he sighed. “Did you intentionally bring us to George’s house?” He asked through a string of short barks and growls. I didn’t bother answering him, still straining to see if the brunette and his family had gotten home or if we’d somehow beaten them.

“Dream.” The black wolf repeated, closing the distance to attempt to get my attention but failing to do so. “Dream!” This time he nipped at my ear, causing me to look over at him with shock from his actions. “Why did you bring us to George’s house?” He asked, his ears back before he sniffed at the air.

“Sorry.” I responded. “I didn’t even realise where I was going. I just started running and I ended up here.” Then I realised that Sapnap doesn’t know where George lives, since he had not been here, nor had he been told the address. I growled at him at the realisation. “How do you know this is George’s home?” I questioned protectively.

“Since I saw how you reacted.” He rolled his eyes before jumping up so he could peer over the fence. “You don’t need to worry about me stalking your soulmate.” His words comforted me and I jumped up beside him, my ears upright and alert as I tried to look for any sign of the brunette through the windows.

Sure enough, as we were peering into the brunette’s house he walked past the window, seemingly in a conversation on the phone with someone. My tail began wagging at the sight of him, following his movements with my gaze.

Part of me wondered who he was talking to, having a small fear that maybe it would be a boyfriend or girlfriend of some sort. The thought made me mad even though it was just wild speculation. The thought of somebody else being with George instinctively made me want to launch myself at him and bring him to my nest back at my house.

George stopped pacing back and forth as he talked on the phone and hung up. He stopped and turned to look out the window, spotting me and Sapnap. Without saying anything he stepped outside and smiled at us. “Hello you two.” He grinned, which was enough of a welcome for me to jump over the fence.

I padded over to him before beginning to sniff at the brunette. He was still wearing my clothes, despite the fact that he had the opportunity to change once he got home, which hopefully meant he liked my clothes. The beautiful smell of my soulmate mixed with the smell of my clothes was even better, and Sapnap followed after me, still hanging back slightly.

“Who’s your friend?” George asked me, although I obviously couldn’t answer him. The brunette tentatively held his hand out in the direction of Sapnap, with me watching the pair of them. My best friend allowed George to pat him, which caused my ears to lower. “You have very pretty fur.” George commented.

That annoyed me, knowing that Sapnap was getting compliments that I wasn’t getting and so I moved closer to him, leaning into the brunette’s side. George smiled down at me and began running his fingers through my fur. “Your fur is also pretty.”

Without saying anything he sat down on the porch, allowing me to move to sit beside him. My head rested on his lap and my body curled around his to keep him warm. I barely moved as he pulled his phone from his pocket and began using it.
1207 words

Well isn't Dream just the cutest little stalker? ❤️❤️❤️

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