Chapter 95: An Idea

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George POV.

When I woke up I was cold. Okay… so I wasn’t cold, since Karl’s mother had been nice enough to put warm blankets on the bed, but I was just less warm. I wasn’t used to the feeling of waking up less warm and alone. It was honestly quite sad.

Ever since I got back from hospital, Dream and I would always be together, regardless of whether we were going into town, or just at one of our houses, or even sneaking into Sapnap’s car and going to North Carolina. Even when it was night and we were asleep, the two of us would still be together.

He’d always hold me protectively close to his chest, allowing me to use him as a pillow (I even thought about giving him the nickname Pillow). So when I woke up and he wasn’t there it made me feel anxious.

I knew that he wouldn’t leave my side during the night unless something really bad happened. If he had just woken up and he was bored or something he would still lay with me to make sure that I was safe. It was quite sweet. The only reason that I could think of that he would leave was that I was in danger (but why would I be in danger at like 2am) or he needed the bathroom.

While I was waiting for him I sat up, moving Patches and my green axolotl toy who I still hadn’t named to the side. I planned on waiting for him until he came back to bed, but as I sat up I noticed a light over on the side of the guest room. Bathed in a halo of light caused by his phone was the blond werewolf, seeming upset.

"Dream?" I called out to him softly, causing his gaze to flicker away from the screen and back up at me.  "What are you doing up at this hour? And why are you sitting over there?" I had quite a few other questions but decided they could wait for now. The two I asked were the most important at the moment.

"I'm just thinking sweetheart." He responded, trying to cover up a sniffle unsuccessfully. "It's nothing." I slid out of the bed, beginning to move across the guest bedroom to the blond.
“If you’ve been crying then how is it nothing?” I asked him, sitting myself down on the floor beside him, but he turned the phone off before I could see the screen.

“It’s nothing.” He repeated. “I just needed time to think… I didn’t mean to cry. It’s nothing, I swear that it’s nothing darling.” Dream seemed more and more anxious as he dug himself into a deeper hole. In order to comfort him I pulled him into a hug.
“Don’t worry.” I said to him softly. “You don’t need to be stressed out. You can tell me.”

He whined softly before nodding. “I was just thinking about how bad I am at being an alpha. I mean I’m just pathetic.” Dream whimpered out, his voice completely soft. Tears began pricking at his face again which prompted me to just hug him tighter. “I couldn’t even face the consequences of what I’ve done. I just ran away like some kind of…”

“Dream.” I cut him off. “You aren’t pathetic, you are perfect,” I kissed him on the cheek to help add to the point. “And what do you mean ‘consequences of what I’ve done’? What you’ve done is make me fall in love with your amazing personality, and protect me when I was being attacked. You shouldn’t face consequences for that.”

He whined softly but nodded against me, his arms snaking to move around my waist and he began inhaling my scent to calm down. “You are so amazing.” I told him. “Don’t ever forget that. You spend all your spare time helping people, regardless of what they think of you. You are the love of my life.”

The werewolf soaked up my loving words and cuddled into me. I cuddled back into him, hugging his waist softly as we leaned into each other. “Now why were you sitting here on the floor for who-knows-how-long?”

He seemed cautious and guilt filled, not wanting to answer since it was clear I wouldn’t like whatever he said. Eventually Dream muttered ‘half an hour’, causing my eyes to widen out of shock that this had happened for so long and I only just woke up. “I’m sorry.” He whispered out, his arms moving to clutch my waist, pressing his face against my chest.

“It’s okay.” I soothed, pushing him further into me.”You are alright.” He continued to whine softly as I began nuzzling into his hair. “Now how about we get you back into bed. That’ll be a lot more comfortable.” He nodded in agreement and we both loosened our grip (Dream was much slower and much more reluctant than me).

I then took our hands, entwining our fingers before standing up and pulling him back towards the bed. When I got there I fell back against the bedsheets and pulled Dream on top of me. He immediately returned to hugging my waist tightly, the rest of his body being mush and only his hands moving around.

He seemed so anxious, so on edge, having fallen from the grace of the proud leader he had been a few weeks ago. I didn’t care about any of that though, just attempting to manoeuvre the putty-werewolf so that we were both under the covers. He didn’t care though, just nuzzling into my chest.

One of his hands was balled up into a fist and as it came to rest near my shoulder I noticed that there was paper crumpled in his hand. I gently pulled the fist out to see what he was holding. It was difficult to see what it was in the darkened bedroom, and with the blond grabbing at me like a child, but I made out the name of Karl's school.

"Dream… why are you looking at this?" I asked him as I lowered the paper down, my eyes moving up to try and meet his, but he kept them hidden from my gaze. "Dream?" I repeated. Still no response, he was probably feeling guilty. "Please tell me. You know I'll love you regardless of what you say, right?"

"I…" he hesitated, seemingly trying to figure out what to say. "I was just thinking about what it would be like if we went to school here… instead of back in Florida." He answered anxiously, still not moving to look at me.
"Dream," I began, my voice soft as I looked into his eyes.

He began spluttering out a reply anxiously. "I was just… um… thinking that it could be nice, couldn't it? I mean we wouldn't have everyone hating us if the whole town thought we were average humans, right?" I nodded at him, since it would be nice to not be stared at by every werewolf in Dream's pack.

"So… I was just thinking that if we came here then we could live like average humans, instead of the werewolf alpha and the random, yet amazingly beautiful and perfect, human soulmate." He nuzzled further into my chest. "Like, I can play football and you can hang out with Karl and Sapnap, and we don't have to worry about our futures."

"Well we are eighteen so we should probably be thinking about our futures." I allowed myself to chuckle. "But I understand what you mean." Dream finally rolled over to look at me, smiling softly. He shifted up in the bed to lay beside me.

"I read over the form properly." He smiled brightly. "It's a scholarship type thing. Free education, no fees if we want to join a sports team or whatever. Plus, there are organised activities once every few weekends to go sightseeing or try out fun activities around North Carolina. Imagine it!"

"That would be nice. There are a bunch of things I've wanted to try out but couldn't afford." I moved to rest my head on his bare chest. "But we can't just stay at Karl's house for a whole school year. He and his mother wouldn't be happy with that."
"We're eighteen." Dream responded. "We can buy a house… our own place."

As we embraced he yawned quietly. "Seems like we should talk about it more in the morning. This isn't a decision we should be making at two in the morning." He nodded before nuzzling into me, and we quickly drifted off to sleep in an embrace.
1499 words

Final chapter tomorrow, how is everyone feeling?

4 gave me full creative liberty on the ending as well so I can do whatever the fuck I want. (So be nice and happy and interact with this chapter a lot or they all die and burn in hell. 😈😈😈😈)

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