Chapter 86: Leaving

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Sapnap POV.

“I can’t believe that I am going to be seeing you again in nine hours. I miss you so much.” I heard Karl squeal happily into the phone.
“I miss you so much too.” I responded. “But it’ll be more like ten or eleven hours once you add in all the traffic and stopping and starting for food and stuff.”

“However long it takes I will make sure I have a hot drink waiting for you. Not hot chocolate though, obviously.” Karl giggled after making that comment, causing me to smile.
“Even if you do make hot chocolate, and it is cold by the time I get home, I would still drink it for you my darling.” I told him.

After several weeks of being apart we decided that I should come and visit before the school term starts. Thankfully it was the last school term before we both graduated and we were going to go to university together. I wanted to get a chance to meet Karl’s friends as well, see if they are safe for him to hang around (they obviously will be).

“I need to go eat breakfast, but I’ll see you this evening.” Karl said happily to me, and I nodded in response even though he couldn’t see it.
“Love you Karl,” I told him before he left, and he responded with an ‘I love you too’ before we hung up.

After pocketing my phone I began loading my stuff into the car. There wasn’t much, just one suitcase full of clothes and another full of gifts for Karl and his friends. It was perfect. I was going to befriend them and they were all going to be jealous that Karl had such an amazing soulmate, but they were also going to love me.

I was just about to go inside and tell my parents that I was leaving when I heard shouts coming from Dream’s house next door. Members of the pack council were crowded around the door of Dream’s home. All of them were yelling things which I couldn’t understand.

Part of me wanted to go over and see what was happening, but if it was involving the pack council then I should get my father, after all he was the pack beta. I ran inside, seeing him on the couch as he watched a show on the TV.

“Dad.” I spoke solemnly, catching his attention. “There is something going on next door.” He looked over at me as I said that, seeming confused.
“What do you mean there is something going on next door? What is happening?” As he asked that as he stood up.

“I’m not sure exactly, but it seems like everybody is there and they all seem to be mad.” I told him. “They are all crowded in the doorway and screaming overtop of each other so I don’t know what they are saying.” His brows furrowed as I explained and he walked over to the window which faced towards the alpha’s home.

After pulling back the curtain we both looked, the sunlight hit our faces which did make it difficult but we still both got to see. Just as I said there was the pack council standing in the doorway but not trying to force themselves in. All of them seemed to be yelling at one person who was in the house, most likely Alpha James, Dream’s father.

“What do you think they are yelling about?” I whispered to my father as we stared at them from through the window.
“The pack council has been upset about Dream’s human soulmate.” He responded, not taking his eyes off of the scene. “It’s probably something to do with that.”

I let out a small whine at the thought of the pack council hating human soulmates. After all, I had a human soulmate and the only reason that they weren’t over here yelling at me was because nobody outside of my friend group and immediate family knew about him. Since the pack had allowed George to stay as a human soulmate I assumed the same could be said for Karl.

“Owen, Sapnap, why are you standing at the window?” My mother asked as she walked into the room behind us. Neither of us turned to look at her and that caused her to approach. “Shouldn’t you be getting ready to leave?” She asked me again, stepping closer, and then I felt her brush up against me from behind, looking over my shoulder at the scene.

“What’s going on?” She asked. “Owen, why is everyone there?” She assumed he knew as he was the beta, but he had no answer.
“I’m not sure.” Was all that he said. “I will… perhaps I will go and check it out.”

“Good, you should do that. If the whole council is there then surely you need to be involved.” A nod was exchanged between my two parents. Then she turned to me. “Now grab anything else you need and go, you don’t want to keep your soulmate waiting for you, do you?” She gave me a loving stare and I nodded.

“I just want to grab some snacks for the road.” I told her as I ran through to the kitchen, planning on raiding the cupboards for snacks. She followed after me as we heard my father leaving out the front door. She began suggesting snacks of all sorts, mainly healthy things that are good for werewolves such as bacon bites and beef jerky.

“You better call me every time you cross through different states, just so I know you are safe and don’t get kidnapped, and call me when you arrive as well.” She said, fussing over me as any mother would. As she said that she pulled me into a hug which I squirmed out of.
“Mom, I’m fine. I know how to deal with people that try to kidnap me.” I replied.

“I know that you do, but I just need to make sure. Can’t have my big strong werewolf son being hurt now, can we?” I just rolled my eyes. “Oh, and remember to tell his family that they are always welcome with us, and invite them over for Thanksgiving.”
“Thanksgiving is months away.” I reminded her.

I pocketed several bags of food before grabbing a bottle of coke out of the fridge. “I’ll call you when I’m in Georgia.” I reassured her for a final time before walking out. The crowd of council members were still gathered around Dream’s door and were drawing the attention of the neighbours and other pack members walking by.

My father was dealing with this, I thought with complete confidence. I trusted my father and so I was going to go and it would be sorted when I got back. But just as I was about to get in the car I glanced in the direction of the house and saw Dream and George hurrying towards me.
1172 words

More of Sapnap's family cause yeah...

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