Chapter 28: The next morning

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George POV.

Just like yesterday, I didn’t want to go to school. Now that I knew that everyone in town was a werewolf, and that Dream knew I knew that everyone in town was a werewolf, I was scared that everyone would be against me. So I laid in bed with my head under the covers, making fake coughs and groans to sound as though I was sick.

But just like yesterday, my mother didn’t buy it when she came into my room. She took my temperature and told me that I was fine, then she told me to get ready for school or she would drag me there in what I was sleeping in. Without another word I stood up to get ready.

I considered telling my mother about what I had found out yesterday thanks to Dream’s stalkerish actions. However, she would almost definitely think that I was insane if I said ‘Mum, everyone in this town is a werewolf’. So it was best for me to keep quiet.

Part of me worried that Dream had told everyone that I found out about them being a werewolf, however as I anxiously entered the school all of the other students were acting as they usually did. Still though, out of self preservation I made sure to avoid all of the other students, heading straight to my first period class and keeping my head down.

After a while, the bell rang and students began filing into the room and heading to their usual seats. I kept my gaze on the door as they entered. Now knowing that all of these people were werewolves made me worry as they sat all around me, in a position where they could easily attack me if I tried anything.

A couple of people who I recognised such as Wilbur, Sapnap, and Techno all came into the room, having the same class as me. All three of them asked the similar question of ‘why didn’t you come see us this morning,’ and I responded that I just wasn’t feeling up to it, which they accepted as an answer before going to their own seats.

Someone who I noticed wasn’t here though was Dream. The seat beside me remained empty up until the final student walked in and shut the door. It continued to remain empty as the teacher went up to the front of the class and began calling the roll, followed by him beginning the lesson.

I didn’t say anything, after all it wasn’t my problem if Dream didn’t show up, in fact I was glad. I mean, he is a werewolf who has been following me around the entire time I’ve been here. Why should I not be glad that he wasn’t here. Still, somehow I felt a pang of sadness at the fact that he wasn’t beside me to joke around and make a boring lesson more fun.

That pang of sadness stayed with me the entire day. I shared every class with Dream, and he sat next to me in all of them. Without him to talk to and joke with I was feeling slightly worn out, everything seemed to have been dragged out much longer than it usually is and it made me anxious.

I knew that I was the reason he wasn’t here. I didn’t know how I knew that, but it just felt like it was my fault and so I should go to his house and find him. Maybe he’d let me apologise and that would make that strange pang of sadness I was feeling go away.

After I left school I planned on doing that, going to the blond’s house and talking to him about everything that has happened and telling him I was sorry. When I reached the street that I had to turn down to head to Dream’s house I hesitated. In front of me I saw Sapnap walking, playing some loud music which I could hear from thirty metres away.

Seeing him made me feel even more nervous, after hearing from Dream that he had also been to my house. So after a few moments of consideration, I reluctantly sighed before continuing my trip back to my own house, not to Dream’s like I had planned.

Sapnap POV.

When I reached Dream’s house I stopped, pausing my music and looking up at the two story building with consideration. After the blond had been absent from school with no explanation I wanted to go and check on him, since he was my best friend.

Usually when he was off school, whether it was because he was sick or his family was going away for a meeting with another wolf pack, he’d tell me. Today though, there was nothing. So, I began hurrying up the steps to the front door and knocked, wanting to check if my best friend was alright.

I knocked on the door, despite the fact that Dream’s parents have told me time and time again that I didn’t need to knock, and after a few moments someone opened the door. It wasn’t Dream, nor was it his parents but instead it was his younger sister. The moment that she saw me her face fell into a glare. “What are you doing here?” Drista asked in a sour voice.

“Just wanted to check on your brother.” I said with a shrug, although she probably figured that out already. “He wasn’t at school today.”
She thought it over for a moment before sighing and stepping to the side. “Fine, but I have friends coming over and I don’t want you stinking up the house with the smell of failure.”

“Thanks for that.” I muttered before walking into the house, intentionally bumping into her in one of the most petty ways possible. That was what our relationship was like: just us being somewhat disrespectful towards each other but not meaning it. She yelled some insults at me as I hurried up the stairs to her brother’s room.

The blond’s door was shut, so I knocked a few times just to check if he was awake and wanting to talk. There was no response from him, and so I opened the door slightly to just peek in and see if he was awake. The curtains were all drawn shut, but I couldn’t see the blond and most of his bed was stripped bare.

I worriedly began to look through the room for my best friend. The bathroom door was open and so he obviously wasn’t in there, leaving only one place to check for him. With a few quick steps I reached the closet, opening the door and seeing his nest piled in the centre of the room. It was moving, clearly with somebody laying in it, and accompanied by quiet sobs.

“Dream.” I spoke softly, knowing that it had to be him since who else would be in here. “Are you okay? Can we talk?” I didn’t dare approach, knowing that he might freak out if I entered somewhere personal like his nest without his permission. “Can I come over?”
“We can talk…” his voice was strained from crying. “You can come over.”

With careful steps I walked over to the edge of his nest, which recently had the sheets and pillows of the blond’s bed added to it. As I got closer I could see that the blond was curled up as a wolf with his head resting on a t-shirt that I didn’t recognise as his. “Are you okay?” I repeated the question. “Why weren’t you at school?”

“I told George.” He explained, and I noticed his eyes were red from tears. “I told him about werewolves.”
“Oh.” I responded. “And why are you upset about that?” I asked. “Did he say that he hated werewolves? Did he say he didn’t want to be your soulmate?”

Dream whined at the idea but shook his head. “Then what is it?” My voice stayed soft as I tried to figure out the answer. After a few long moments he responded.
“He just said he doesn’t want to see me.” The blond’s voice was weak, snivelling as he spoke. I instantly knew why the blond had confined himself here.

Werewolves who fall in love with their soulmate fall hard. If a soulmate upset them, they were known to get sick and end up bedridden, often going days without food, water, or even sleep. It pained me to see Dream like this, but I knew that the only person who could possibly make this better was George.

My hand moved to brush through my best friend’s fur. “I’ll go talk to George.” I told him, with Dream whining in pain as I continued to pat him. “I’ll try and get him to come here.”
“Please.” The blond spoke longingly, heartbreak clear in every ounce of being. And that was all I could do for him.

Without another word, besides a faint goodbye, I stood up and I left the room.
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