Chapter 11: Leaving

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Dream POV.

I’d relaxed slightly as most of the crowd of werewolves filed out of the town hall. Although it had taken ages for the pack council to come into an agreement regarding George and the rest of his family. They were allowed to stay, and nobody was allowed to shift in front of them. That was what had eventually been decided.

A lot of the audience was happy, but an equally large section of the audience were annoyed by this conclusion. They had to be much more careful around humans, but they also were happy, since any werewolf who got together with their soulmate did better with nearly everything on average.

Almost everyone had gone, aside from a few members of the pack council who were talking with one another, and Maddy and Sapnap, who were both waiting for me near the back of the town hall. Just as I was about to walk over to them my father stopped me.

“Dream.” He spoke in a stern voice which made me flinch. I turned to look over at him, feeling nervous since he could be wanting to talk to me about anything.
“Yeah Dad?” I asked awkwardly, feeling as though this was going to be receiving a lecture of some sort.

“You didn’t tell your mother and I that you had found your soulmate. I assume that this was the reason why you came home early today.”
I nodded, signalling that this was the reason. “Sorry. You two are just busy, and I didn’t want to bother you today, you both seemed busy.”

“We’ll talk about this when you get home, okay?” My father continued, giving a small smile to me. “Your mother and I are upset that you didn’t tell us, cause you know that we’d put our lives on hold for you and your sister… right?” I nodded, and then my father’s gaze moved over to Maddy and Sapnap. “I’ll leave you with your friends for now.”

With that he walked out, and after watching him disappear out of one of the side doors of the town hall, I began approaching my two friends. “Hey guys,” I greeted them when I reached them. ”Are you ready to go?”

Neither of them said anything for a few moments, before Maddy let out a deep sigh. “Sapnap, can you give me and Dream a minute? I need to talk to him.” Sapnap seemed awkward to leave the two of us alone, but he reluctantly did, muttering about how he’ll wait for us in the car after taking my car keys.

“Maddy…” My voice was much softer when the two of us were alone. “I am sorry that this is how it all…” I was cut off by her as she shook her head at me.
“Dream. You don’t need to apologise. When we got together we came to the agreement that our relationship would only start up properly if we didn’t find our soulmates.”

“But this means that we will never get together. I don’t want you to feel upset about…” Once again I was cut off again.
“Dream. I have never experienced finding my soulmate yet, but I know that it is the best feeling in the world.” She said with a low hum.

“If I had been the one to find my soulmate first I wouldn’t want you to hate me. I wouldn’t want to feel guilty that I got to be happy when you couldn’t do that. So now that I am in that place, I won’t allow myself to hate you and I want you to do the same.” Her words hurt me to hear, but I saw the truth in every single word that she said,

“I turned eighteen a few months ago. My plans for the future don’t require me to graduate, I was just waiting around for you to graduate so that we could travel together, but you don’t need to go looking for your soulmate now. So that means that I don’t have to wait around for you.”
“So you’re leaving?” I asked, only to get a nod in response.

“Aren’t you going to say goodbye to the rest of the friend group?” I questioned, and she shook her head.
“I’ve already said goodbye. I told them today after you went home. The moment that I realised what was happening, I knew that I should go.” She explained.

“When do you leave?” I brought myself to ask, feeling saddened over the thought that one of my oldest friends was going to be leaving.
“There is a town a half hour away which has a bus that’s going to be taking me to Georgia on Thursday. My parents and I are all going there tomorrow to spend some time together first.”

“Well, good luck either way.” I smiled. “I hope that you find your soulmate, and I know that whoever they are, they’ll be lucky to have you.” She responded by pulling me into a hug, not one of romantic love and intimacy which we might have done in the past. Now it was just two friends who loved each other, and wished one another the best.

“Good luck to you too, Dream. George is really nice, and the two of you will be perfect for one another.” She muttered while still holding me. The compliments of George made my heart speed up despite the somewhat sad situation, and when we finally let go of one another we barely spoke.

“Would you like me to drop you home?” I questioned after a few minutes, but she said no.
“My parents are waiting outside actually.” She explained. “They were here for the meeting. I just told them that I wanted to say goodbye to you first.”

“Will I ever be able to see you again?” I questioned as she began walking towards the door.
“Maybe.” She replied. “If I find my mate and we decide to come back here. Or if I don’t find my mate and decide to come home. But this may very well be the last time that I see you.” I let out a quiet and slightly sad ‘oh’, but that was all as she walked out.

“Bye Dream.” Were her last words before walking out of the room and shutting the door. I was then left alone, and stood there for who knows how long. Then after letting out a deep sigh I turned and slowly walked out of the side door, only to see Sapnap sitting in the passenger seat of my car.

Once I slid into the driver seat he looked over at me sympathetically. “I assume Maddy told you, and that was the reason you took so long, and the reason why you came out alone.” I just nodded, not wanting to say anything to the ravenette at this point in time. He seemed to realise this, and fell silent too.
1189 words

Looks like she is not going to be another Monica. Unless I decide to do some kind of plot twist involving her at the end of the book 🤔🤔

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