Chapter 54: Early Morning

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George POV,

A loud growl emanated from beneath me, waking me up. I looked to see Dream holding me tightly while still being asleep. My eyes widened as he still seemed to be asleep as he did this, probably some subconscious protection system. The sound grew annoying fairly quickly and so I lightly whacked him to wake him up.

“What’s wrong George?” He asked, furrowing his brows at me, his growls having died down when he’d woken up.
“You were growling.” I told him. “You woke me up and-”
“Dream, is your soulmate there?” A girl yelled from outside of the room.

I recognised the voice of Dream’s sister and sat up with the blond sitting up beside me. “He’s here!” Dream yelled yet. “What the Hell do you want Drista?”
“Someone’s at the door for him.” She told us. “Sounded kinda scared so I let him in.”

My brows furrowed as I tried to think of who would be coming to Dream’s house to find me while I was staying here. It wouldn’t have been my parents, and it wouldn’t have been any of the guys from school, so it had to have been Karl. But that didn’t make sense.

Why would Karl be scared? He was just with Sapnap and Sapnap was his soulmate. Why would the ravenette do anything to scare Karl?
“We’ll be out in ten minutes.” Dream told her, his arm still hugging my waist, but I moved it off.
“We’ll be out in two minutes.” I corrected my soulmate. “It won’t take long to get ready.”

“Alright, hurry up though.” Drista spoke firmly. “I wanna finish my show and I can’t do that if I have to entertain some random human.” Then her footsteps receded as she walked out of the bedroom and the blond began cuddling into me again.
“I’m sorry for waking you.” He whimpered.

“It’s alright Dream.” I told him. My hands moved to brush through his hair and caused the alpha to hum contently. “Now, let's go see what my best friend is wanting.” I said as I wriggled myself out of his tight yet loving grip. The blond seemed upset but he followed after me, climbing out of bed before beginning to pull our clothes off.

I quickly changed into some clean clothes: a pair of jeans and a shirt. Dream did the same before going to open the closet door for me. “Thank you,” I smiled with a giggle as I walked out, then he ran to the bedroom door and did the exact same thing, causing another small giggle and another ‘thank you’.

Karl was sitting in the living room, staring at the window while sitting awkwardly on one of the two couches. Dream’s sister was on the other couch and she was using her phone with the TV remote beside her. She had been watching some show on Netflix but it was now paused as she waited for Karl to leave the room.

“Hey Karl,” I greeted as I walked over to him, causing his gaze to snap away from the window to look at me. The brunette’s gaze softened quickly when he realised it was me. “Are you okay?”
“I need to talk to you.” He responded, then his gaze flickered over at both Dream and Drista before locking back at me. “Alone.”

“Of course.” I nodded. “I’ll take you up to Dream’s room.” The blond seemed annoyed that I was going up to his room alone, but when he saw the distress on Karl’s face he stayed quiet. My gaze was full of thanks and I began leading him upstairs to Dream’s bedroom, glancing over my shoulder at him every few minutes.

Thankfully we had slept in the nest instead of on the bed, otherwise it would have been completely messy. So I let Karl sit down on the bed with me, noting the way his gaze was focused towards the window as it happened.
“What’s up Karl?” I asked him. “It is kinda early.”

“I know it’s early, and I’m sorry for wasting your time.” He muttered. “I’m just worried. I think there is something really, really bad in this town.”
“What do you mean ‘something really, really bad’?” I asked him, growing slightly concerned by his behaviour. I mean, it did have to be bad if he came at six in the morning to tell me.

“This might be really hard to believe since you are dating Dream and Dream is Sapnap’s best friend.” He huffed. “But I found out that Sapnap is a werewolf.” Oh, so it wasn’t actually that bad and I didn’t have to be dragged out of bed at six in the morning.

The brunette began ranting without letting me get a word in. “I know it sounds hard to believe but I looked in his closet and he has a nest, exactly like from all the stories we’ve read! When I asked him about it he actually told me and I came here, I mean he could have killed me! He could have killed everyone!”

And this is when I knew that I had to step in and explain it to him. “Karl calm down.” I told him, my hand resting atop his.
“But George! What if he ends up going on a mad rampage and kills everyone! We have to call someone and tell them about this!” He started freaking out until I squeezed his hands.

“Karl, you don’t have to worry.” I told him. “Sapnap isn’t going to hurt anyone.”
“You might think that, but he admitted he was a werewolf! I’m not sure what to do.” Tears were pricking in his eyes at this point. “I want to go back to North Carolina,” he sobbed.
“No, even as a werewolf Sapnap won’t hurt anyone.” I told him.

“What do you mean?” He responded. Karl looked completely and utterly confused. I had thought that Sapnap would have wanted to be the one to explain, but I guess I had to.
“Sapnap isn’t the only werewolf.” I told him. “Everyone in this town is a werewolf. I live in a werewolf pack.”

My voice remained calm as I explained this, but I saw the way Karl’s eyes widened out of fear as I said that. “Yo-you mean…?” He cut himself off as he glanced around the bedroom, the bedroom which he now knew belonged to another werewolf. “George! We have to get out of here if there are werewolves!”

“Calm down.” I instructed, which he struggled to comply with. When I figured he was calm enough I spoke again. “Karl, you need to think logically about this. I know that it seems like he is a big scary werewolf, but it’s still Sapnap. He cares about you and he hasn’t tried to hurt you yet, has he?”

The brunette simply shook his head and so I continued. “If he did want to hurt you then he would have done it already. Besides, he wouldn’t dare to hurt you either way.”
“Why wouldn’t he?” Karl questioned, and I decided to ask him what Sapnap had asked me.

“Have you ever felt anything strange while you were around Sapnap?” His brows furrowed as I asked that but I continued it, knowing the ravenette’s small speech word-for-word since I’d repeated it to myself several times. “Some happiness or love or care that you couldn’t find an explanation for? Which you still don’t know the cause of to this day?”

“Well… I…” My best friend paused, his lips pressing into a straight line. Neither of us said anything for a few minutes before he spoke up again. “Can we go back to your house?”
“Sure.” I nodded, standing up and offering a hand out to him.
1312 words

George just casually attacking his soulmate for trying to protect him.

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