Chapter 37: Soulmate in the Nest

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Dream POV.

George and I returned to my bedroom to hang out. I had expected it to be the two of us curling up on my bed to watch a movie, but before we started doing that he wanted to go and get another warmer hoodie. I thought nothing of it as he disappeared into my closet, but then he appeared face-to-face with my nest.

He was just staring at it, and I worriedly paced over to him while trying to come up with an explanation as to why there was a pile of clothes on the floor in the middle of the room. I’d just tell him that I had been too busy to put everything away and some other typical thing about teenagers being messy and not cleaning up their bedrooms.

Before I got the chance to tell him anything though, he asked me a question. “Is this a nest?” My eyes widened as he asked, wondering how on Earth he knew what a nest was, but I nodded.
“Yeah, that’s my nest.” I then began getting self conscious about how he’d react. Would he think it was ugly? Would he think I was dumb for making a nest?

He was a human after all, who knows what he would think of when he saw the nest in the middle of the room. But then I asked him in response, ‘How do you know what a nest is? I didn’t think humans would know anything about them.’

This time it was George who hesitated, shifting on his feet under my gaze before eventually giving me a shrug. “I read about them. Well, I used to read about them. I stopped after I found out about you since I just thought it would be weird.”

Now I was just feeling more curious. George had read stuff about werewolves? He already knew about us before I had revealed the truth about our town to him. This could make everything so much easier.  “Where did you read these things?” I asked him. “Did you come across some werewolf anatomy textbook or one of our legends or something?”

If humans had this kind of knowledge about us it could be worrying. They knew the truth about our world and it could potentially put our whole lives at risk. Even though I loved George this much, it could be dangerous for him and I and my entire pack if people like him had knowledge on us after we’d been hidden for centuries.

“Nothing like that.” He answered dismissively, seemingly sensing my anxiousness. “I just found some stories online about werewolves. They are all fiction, but they have some truth to them. I have read about your nests, and shape-shifting, and your enhanced senses, and all sorts of other things.”

“Oh.” A made up story wouldn’t be as bad. It was just then that I remembered where we were, standing in front of my nest. “Well, if you had any questions about that I could answer them, but first would you like to take a seat?” I opened my arms, directing him into the centre of the nest. George studied me cautiously for a moment before stepping inside.

The brunette perched on a small pile of hoodies near the edge of the nest, seeming awkward and anxious. It was clear that he didn’t want to do anything that made me uncomfortable with his little knowledge of werewolf customs. I however was feeling like I was in heaven. The brunette sitting in the nest surrounded by my scent.

It made me want to hug him as I sat down opposite him, however I didn’t because I wasn’t sure if he would want that. “You can sit down however you like.” I insisted. “After all, you are my soulmate and my nest is meant to help the people I care about to feel comfortable. Although I don’t think you’ll find the same comfort in it that a werewolf would have.”

“Sorry about that.” He muttered. His sad expression made me let out an upset whine.
“Anyway…” I managed to continue. “Did you have any questions? I want you to be comfortable with me and that’ll mean you need to know about our species.” Being cautious, I shuffled towards him to the middle of the nest and pulled him slightly closer to the middle.

George POV.

“You can sit down however you like.” The blond insisted. “After all, you are my soulmate and my nest is meant to help the people I care about to feel comfortable. Although I don’t think you’ll find the same comfort in it that a werewolf would have.” Hearing him say that made me feel extremely bad.

From what I remembered reading in all of the stories I knew about how much nests meant to werewolves. At least if the stories were to be believed which they currently were since they seemed accurate. Me not enjoying this thing which was so special for him would probably upset him a lot. "Sorry about that." I muttered, only to hear a small whine.

After a moment the blond continued, moving further into the centre of the nest as he did. “Anyway… Did you have any questions? I want you to be comfortable with me and that’ll mean you need to know about our species.” He opened his arms to me and helped move me closer to him, which I didn't resist at all.

“Well I did have one question.” My voice was low although I was certain that only the two of us could hear our words. The reason I was speaking in a whisper was more because it was somewhat awkward. It wasn't something that people liked to talk about because mentions of sex were often considered disgusting.

“What was your question?” The blond was sitting shoulder to shoulder with me and looked down at me with an open and loving demeanour.
“I was… wondering if I’d have to help with your… rut… cause I’m not ready for that…” Dream was nice, and good for cuddling but the thought of sex with him this soon grossed me out.

I expected him to be offended by me saying this, but instead he just tilted his head sideways, seeming confused. “What are you talking about George?” He asked as his brows furrowed together. “What is a rut?” My face blushed as I realised that he had no idea what he was talking about.

“Is it because you go into… heat instead?” I asked, just as awkwardly. “Or will I go into heat instead?”
“What’s a heat?” He continued. “Is it a human thing that I don’t know about? I was never really good with biology for either species.”

That makes the question less awkward I guess, if he didn’t know the sexual implications of what a heat or a rut was, then I’d just have to wait until he was actually in the heat before telling him I wouldn’t help them. I didn’t have any other questions and so I muttered that I was tired, which I kind of was.

“Can we stay here?” He asked, wrapping his arms around my waist. “Having you here in my nest just makes me feel happy.” His head nuzzled into the crook of my neck and I nodded, not wanting to leave from the warmth he was giving me. We cuddled against each other and I dozed off in the warmth of the werewolf’s grasp.
1267 words.

It has been about a month since this story was first uploaded. Time flies.

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