Chapter 56: Hot Chocolate

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Dream POV.

In an attempt to cheer Sapnap up I had gone into town and brought sushi, something which I knew that my best friend was fond of. It was a large share box with five different types of sushi (salmon, pork, crispy chicken, teriyaki chicken, and vegetable), along with some other snacks and drinks I’d thought he’d enjoy.

When I had been upset about George, Sapnap had dutifully come and comforted me on the daily, both as my friend and as my beta and I was thankful for that. Now, as Sapnap’s best friend and his alpha, I was returning the favour the best way I knew how, through food.

I hadn’t eaten much when I was rejected by George and I didn’t want Sapnap to go through the same thing and so I made sure that I was prepared. All of the food was in two paper bags and after his mother had let me into the house, not knowing what was going on herself, I headed up to his bedroom.

“Hey Sapnap.” I greeted as I knocked lightly on the door to his room. “Can I come in?” I didn’t want to go in and invade his nest if he didn’t want to.
“Yeah of course.” He responded from through the door. I opened it and much to my surprise he was sitting on a beanbag in the middle of his room and playing video games on the TV.

“You seem happy.” I noted as I walked in and put the two bags of food on his desk. “I would have thought that you’d be curled up in your nest miserable. I brought you all sorts of food to help you feel better.”
“Oh I feel fine.” Sapnap nodded, not taking his eyes off of his game.

“Why is that?” I questioned. “Karl seemed upset when he came to mine this morning.”
“I know he was upset, and that hurt a lot.” Sapnap told me. “But then I realised that George will be able to explain everything to him, so it’ll all work out.”

The ravenette seemed completely confident with his statement, being absolutely sure that George was going to talk Karl through everything and that by the afternoon, he’d be absolutely fine with the idea of being soulmates with a werewolf. “I will still love to have the food you brought though.”

“Fine.” I scoffed. “I brought heaps of stuff, I thought that a movie marathon would be able to cheer you up.” As I said that I settled on the floor beside Sapnap.
He inhaled deeply and then a grin grew on his face. “Did you buy some sushi from that really popular shop downtown?”

“Yes, and I had to suffer through the long lines for half an hour. Now that I know you aren’t depressed, I know that I have wasted my time.” Sapnap scoffed at my words.
“You would have brought me it if I just asked nicely enough so hand it over. Even though I am happy I would love some sushi, thanks.”

I got the share box out and sat it on the floor. There were also two bowls of chicken on rice which came with a wooden fork each. “God you are the best Dream,” the ravenette grinned brightly. “You always are able to get the best food.”
“Thanks.” I responded. “Now, what game are you playing?”

Karl POV.

“Can you please explain it again.” I huffed out, holding my head gently in my hands. “I know I’ve asked you that five times already but please just one more time?”
“Alright.” George responded as he passed me my second hot chocolate of the day.

We’d moved up to my bedroom when I began explaining it to him, since my parents would probably be concerned for us if we were sitting at a table in the living room and talking about werewolves.

“So basically every living creature has a soulmate.” George explained. “And it is always with their own species or a different compatible species. Humans don’t have any overly strong senses so we can’t tell when we come across our soulmates, werewolves however are strong enough to sense their soulmates.”

I nodded, understanding that bit. Then George continued. “Dream just so happened to be my soulmate and I obviously couldn’t sense that, however, some humans have strong enough senses that they can feel a kind of warmth or happiness when around their soulmates.” This was where I started to get lost.

“So you realised that Dream was your soulmate since you always felt warm and bubbly around him?” I questioned, tilting my head to the side as I looked at him.
“Well… no…” George hesitated before smiling. “It actually took me ages to realise that Dream was my soulmate. Sapnap told me several times but I never believed it.”

“Sapnap helped you find out about Dream being your soulmate?” I asked cautiously, thinking that it was nice of the ravenette. “That was kind of him to do.”
“Yeah, and you are the same as me.” His grin disappeared as he looked into my eyes. “You just so happen to be Sapnap’s soulmate.”

I glanced down, taking a moment to sip at the hot chocolate, my eyes focusing on the small marshmallows as they bobbed around. “I know it can be difficult to comprehend that the universe gave you someone you are destined to be with, but Sapnap is great.”

“Is this why you stopped reading omegaverse?” I questioned to which he nodded.
“Just felt weird reading intimate stories about werewolves, and nests, and heat, and alphas, when I have friends who are werewolves.” George huffed.
“Makes sense.” I agreed.

“So… Do werewolves actually have heat? And second genders? And all that stuff?” I questioned. “Just wanting to know.”
“No, none of that.” He responded. “Turns out that all that second genders junk is just junk. However it turns out that Dream is the pack alpha, and Sapnap is the beta.”

“Really.” I smiled. “You’ve come to know so much about all of this and you’ve only lived here a few months. Sapnap and Dream have taught you so much.”
“Actually most of this was me emailing the school's biology teacher. He was happy to help me learn some of the things which Sapnap and Dream weren’t good at explaining.”

“I might have to get his email then.” I laughed before taking another sip of my hot chocolate.
George joined me in laughing for a few moments. “Does this mean that you are feeling better about all of this?”
“I guess so.” I nodded. “There’s still a lot to talk about though.”

“Can we go and talk to Sapnap then?” He asked, to which I gave a small nod.
1149 words

Should I tell you about the maybe controversial chapter that I have? Or should it be a surprise?

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