Chapter 25: Sketch

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Dream POV.

Even though I’d just shared all of my classes with George, and had been around him all of lunch, I was eager to see him again. The moment I had left the school I shifted into my wolf form and sprinted in the direction of the brunette’s house via a route which I had memorised at this point.

I was panting as I sat on the patio by the sliding glass door, watching the interior of the house intently as I waited for George to get home. My ears were up and attentive as I listened for any sign of life in the house since I’d be able to hear them before I saw them. If someone who wasn’t George arrived first, I’d hear them and be able to leave.

A few minutes passed but I didn’t even realise, all time just disappearing as I waited for my soulmate to get home. Eventually I heard the sound of the door opening, causing my ears to twitch as I listened for any hint that it might have been George’s parents instead of George himself. Thankfully though, it was the brunette who appeared.

My tail began wagging as I saw him and I adjusted myself so that he could see me easily. I noticed that he was talking on his phone which made me get slightly paranoid. Was he talking to a boyfriend or girlfriend of some sort? The thought made me worry.

George hung up a few moments after entering the room and that’s the point when he glanced over at me. My tail wagged happily as he approached the sliding glass door and I stood up, wanting to be able to just run into the house the moment that I got the chance. After the pretty brunette opened the door I jumped in and began nuzzling into him.

“Hello again.” He smiled down at me with one of the most adorable expressions that I have ever seen. My tail wagged and I licked at his hands. In response George patted my fur, sending fireworks firing through my mind. One day when I am alpha and he is my mate, I will need him to do this everyday. It just feels so perfect.

“Do you want to come up to my room?” the brunette asked me. “I have some work I need to finish off, but you can sit with me while I do it.” Before he had even finished his sentence I was already bounding up the staircase, causing George to chuckle before he followed after me.

By the time he reached his bedroom I was already on the bed, curled up right beside his pillow and wagging my tail. For a few minutes, the brunette joined me on the bed, my tail continuing to wag as his gentle hands began brushing through my fur. The soothing touches that George was giving me was almost enough to make me drift off to sleep.

Before I got to that point though, George stood back up again, causing me to let out a small irritated huff. The brunette didn’t care to explain himself as he pulled a notebook out of his backpack and sat down at his desk, beginning to draw something which piqued my curiosity so I padded over to him and looked onto the desk.

It was the sketch he had shown me earlier, the one that he had said he’d give to me when I was finished. George noticed my gaze and smiled at me. “Do you like it?” He asked, before getting an answer as he saw my wagging tail. “Most of it was drawn by memory. It does look like you though, doesn’t it?”

I let out a dog-like bark in agreement. He patted my head appreciatively before beginning to draw one of my hind legs. I sat beside him, my head peeking above the desk and watching what he was doing. The brunette kept smiling and saying things along the lines of ‘it’s great to have a model in front of me to help me draw’. I smiled at his compliments.

“What about your friend?” George asked at one point. “The smaller black one you brought to my house yesterday?” It seemed as though he just didn’t want there to be silence in the room, since he didn’t know I could respond, but I still answered to myself. 

You see, yesterday Sapnap was making jokes about how I had some sort of pet kink and offered to buy me a collar and a lead. Because of his stupid comments, I fought him, beat him, and then told him that he’s not allowed to come by your house anymore since I don’t allow it. Simple really.

My head ended up resting on the brunette’s lap. In long moments where George had put his pencil down and was trying to think of what he had to add or redraw, his hands would begin running through my fur and he’d let out a low hum, one which sounded like absolute magic to my ears.

Eventually it grew darker as the afternoon progressed, and I knew that I should probably head home. George watched as I stood up and began walking to the door. “Do you have to go back home now?” He questioned, sounding somewhat sad. I turned back, wanting to comfort my soulmate, spending a moment to lick his face adoringly.

A happy feeling bubbled up inside of me as I saw the wide yet annoyed grin as he wiped the slobber from his space. “You are adorable.” He commented. “I’ll open the door for you.” I followed after him with my tail wagging so much that the rest of my body was basically wagging alongside it.

The brunette reached the glass sliding door and opened it for me. After giving him an appreciative look I headed outside, my tail continuing to wag. Before I jumped over the fence I glanced back in the direction of my soulmate’s house only to see he’d already left. Seeing that he had already gone back inside I was slightly upset.

When I was over the fence I shifted back into my human form before stretching and beginning to weave between trees on a path back towards my house.

George POV.

Once I had let the dog out and shut the door behind him I returned up to my room. I was just needing to add the final details in order to have the picture finished for Dream tomorrow when my gaze drifted up to the window and I saw something outside.

The wolf-like dog was walking between the trees in the forest, probably returning to his owner, whoever that may be, but before I looked away the dog began shifting before my eyes. It was strange, and I couldn’t find myself looking away as the cream coloured dog which I’d grown to like in the past few weeks turned into a human male. A recognisable human male at that.

Or I don’t even know if I could call him human, seeing as he just shapeshifted in front of me. But it was Dream. The person I was meant to be drawing a wolf sketch for. I don’t even know how, it wasn’t possible after all. Without a word I moved away from the pencils and paper on my desk before just collapsing on my bed.
1250 words

Oh well, no more head pats for Dream. 🤷‍♀️

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