Chapter 94: Midnight

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Only two chapters left after this one guys. And this one I worked really hard on

❤️ - Ezra.
Dream POV.

The smell of thousands of kids, mixed in with the 1980s, was covering the brunette like a blanket. These also blended in with the smell of Karl’s house, making even more mix to the scent. My face was nuzzled up against his back and I inhaled his scent softly, the faint tinge of George present over everything else.

It seemed as though he was asleep already, not caring as I desperately hugged his waist. My body was pressed against his, spooning the brunette lovingly. It was a great situation. The only thing that would make it better was if George and I were in his house, or in mine, but that wasn’t possible. We were many hundred of miles away.

The arcade was fun. There were all sorts of games, everything from shooting hoops to pop-the lock. We had spent hours there, with Karl’s friend Jimmy basically spoiled us by paying for lunch, and passes for the entire afternoon, and a private party room for the seven of us to hang out in. It was awesome.

I had earned enough points to win George a toy axolotl. It was about the length of his arm and he was hugging the toy close to his chest. When I saw the toy behind the counter I knew that it would be great for the brunette.

The toy was made of a soft yellow fabric, and smells faintly like strawberries. The gills were soft orange and it had black eyes. George (who was absolutely, completely, 100% colourblind), cutely called it a green axolotl, saying that it was ‘awesome that I got him an axolotl in my favourite colour’.

Now he was asleep. He’d curled up and fallen asleep clutching both the toy axolotl and Patches, the cat toy I had gifted him when he was in the hospital. I was spooning him from behind, and while he was peacefully sleeping after a long day of hanging around with Karl’s friends and visiting schools, I was wide awake and my mind was running wild.

It was like that yesterday as well. All of the stress of what was happening back home in Florida was completely overwhelming me. Who knows what was going on there? What my friends, and the pack council, and my family were all doing.

After taking a final deep breath, inhaling George’s scent one more time, I pulled my arms away from the brunette and shimmied off of the bed, hoping not to wake him up. Thankfully his breathing remained at the same, calm, monotonous pace, signalling that he was still dreaming peacefully, not disturbed by my moving.

I grabbed my phone off of the bedside table before just sitting myself on the carpet and turning it on. There had to be at least a hundred notifications from friends and family desperately texting and calling me. All of them were worried about where I was since I had not been answering my phone and since myself and George disappeared without a word.

For ten minutes I sat there reading over them in the darkness. The light of my screen bathed me in a bright glow, hurting my eyes in their tired state. There were messages from everyone, friends, family, family friends, teachers, even Maddy (who was apparently in California) had messaged to check on me.

Each one I read through, hundreds of questions asking if I was alright, begs for me to come back home, and everything in between. None of them I responded to though. I’d simply scroll through texts and read everything they had to say before moving on again. It was a simple routine I quickly fell into.

The last two people I checked through were my parents. We had a group chat which was made between myself and them (there was a separate group chat which was all three of us and Drista, and one that was just Drista and our parents), which was flooded with all sorts of messages.

Just like all the texts my friends had sent they were mixed with questions about why I had left and what was happening, mixed in with begging me to come home, or to at the very least let them know that I was alright. A couple ‘I love you’s and ‘we love you’s were also there, making me feel guilty for leaving, but I managed to stop myself from crying after one or two tears.

There were also hundreds of voice mails, which I also ignored since I didn’t bring my headphones. If I had listened to them I probably would have woken up my beloved soulmate and that would probably just make me feel even worse.

After taking a deep breath I began typing something out, planning on sending it to everyone who had messaged me.

Hey Everyone.

I am sorry that George and I left, especially without telling you all anything. Just after everything that has happened regarding myself, George, and my grandparents (among other things), we both felt that we needed some space to process everything. Both of us are safe and we will message you if anything happens. Just know that-

After that I stopped. It felt wrong, I wasn’t sure what I could or should say, or if any of this was accurate. I wanted to say more to them, but I couldn’t figure out the words that I wanted to say to them. A small sob in defeat fell from my lips and I slumped forward. My head was in my hands and I was terrified that everyone was going to hate me.

This was terrible. All I wanted to do was just shift back into a wolf and crawl under the bed and stay there forever. I just couldn’t do anything for anyone. Everyone hated me: my family, my friends, the pack council and the rest of the pack. Sapnap, my best friend, and Karl probably both hated me for intruding on their visit.

My hand ducked into the pocket of the hoodie which I was holding and I pulled out a folded slip of paper. It was the one Principal Myers had gifted me, slightly crumpled from being in my pocket for twelve hours.

George and I were only staying here for the holidays. Yet still, the opportunity to go to a new school would be so great. I wouldn't be the centre of attention as the pack's future alpha. George wouldn't be the centre of attention for being a human and being my soulmate. We'd be nobodies, blank slates that no-one paid attention to.

A sad smile appeared on my face as I imagined what it would be like. The ideas and possibilities that ran through my head was enough to dry up my tears. My back ached from sitting against the wall however it was much better than the misery running through my veins.

I let out a small sniffle but much to my shock there was a quiet response. "Dream?" The voice asked. "What are you doing up at this hour? And why are you sitting over there?" I looked up to see the brunette sitting up. His pretty brown eyes peered at me in the dark.

Quickly I wiped my tears away before managing a grin. "I'm just thinking sweetheart." I told him. "It's nothing."
1271 words

Also new story is up! Demons V2 is now there so if you liked the original, or like demons then you should check it out.

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