Chapter 31: Doorstep

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George POV.

“So would you like to find a movie?” I asked Karl, but before I got a response I heard my mother calling me from downstairs.
“George, one of your friends from school is here! He wants to talk to you!” I let out a small sigh before standing up and reassuring my friend I’d be right back.

I hurried down the stairs, knowing that Karl was almost definitely going to follow me at some point to see who my friends were after I had claimed that I didn’t have any, not wanting to keep him waiting. My mother was standing in the doorway and the moment I looked past her at the person waiting at me my face fell. It was Sapnap.

Because my mother was standing there I couldn’t just slam the door in his face, so I crossed my arms and asked him what he wanted (even though I already knew what the answer would end up being).
“Hey George.” He greeted me awkwardly. “I was here to see if you’d come to visit Dream.”

I let out a sigh before stepping onto the doorstep and shutting the door, after all I didn’t want either my parents or Karl to find out about the werewolves. “Sapnap, I’ve told you before I don’t want to. Now can you please leave, my best friend is here and I want to spend time with him.”

“George, I understand that you want to be with your best friend, and so do I. But Dream is utterly miserable because of what you said to him. He hasn’t eaten, he hasn’t slept, it took me an hour to convince him to drink water this morning.” Sapnap explained, looking as though he was about to start yelling at me. “Please, can you come with me?”

“If he isn’t doing any of those things then I don’t know how I can help. I knew him for two or three weeks before that happened, he barely knew who the hell I was.” Then in a lower voice I added. “Plus, most of what he did know he learnt as a wolf instead of having a conversation like a normal person, or like a normal… werewolf.”

Even though my voice was impossibly low, Sapnap heard me thanks to his better werewolf hearing and he averted his gaze. “Look, I know what he did was bad, but he just didn’t want to scare you off since he often says and does dumb stuff as a human.”

“That still doesn’t explain how I can help!” I took a moment to have several deep breaths. I thought that the ravenette was being insane but I didn’t say that. “Can you please just leave me alone, at least for a few days.” Instead of saying something related to me wanting him to leave me alone, Sapnap asked a question.

“Can I ask you a question?” He asked, finally moving to meet my gaze. “Just one question and then I will leave you to hang out with your friend.”
“Fine.” I replied. “One question. What is it?”
“Do you believe in soulmates?”

My brows furrowed at the question and my face scrunched up slightly. Surely this had to be a joke question right? Not something meant to be taken seriously. “What do you mean by that?” I asked before cutting myself off, not wanting to keep him here for any longer than he needs to be. “Actually, nevermind by that. I do not believe in soulmates.”

“You don’t?” Sapnap asked, repeating my words in a quiet tone. “Seriously?”
“Of course seriously. Why would I joke about this? I’ve read all about them and it is impossible for you to have someone you are destined to be with.” I explained, crossing my arms as I looked over at him with utter disbelief as to why he was dragging this out.

“And why not?” He questioned, crossing his arms. “Why is having a soulmate impossible?”
“Because there is no way that the universe, or God, or whatever-the-fuck-else would be able to know who I am supposed to marry! I am meant to figure that out for myself.” I answered, feeling confident but not being sure as to why he was continuing with this.

“Well, have you ever felt anything strange while you were around Dream?” The ravenette continued to question, averting his gaze as he did. “Some happiness or love or care that you couldn’t find an explanation for? Which you still don’t know the cause of to this day?”

“I guess.” I nodded. “But what you are saying is impossible. Why does nobody else know about soulmates? Surely I can’t…”
“Humans have much  weaker senses than werewolves do.” Sapnap told me. “Most of them aren’t able to figure it out, even you sensing your bond makes you stronger than most.”

“Wait… so are you saying that Dream is…” I cut myself off, not sure how exactly to say it since I wasn’t exactly sure I believed it.
“Dream is your soulmate.” Sapnap nodded. “That is the reason what you’ve said has affected him so much, cause you are the person who is meant to make him happy but instead you….”

“No, this can’t be possible.” I cut him off firmly. “There is no way that I am destined to be with Dream. It’s impossible. It-” I stopped myself and took a deep breath, wanting to reclaim my thoughts. “I’m sorry.” I continued after a moment. “...But I am not sure that I can believe this, it’s just too much to hear at once.”

“I know that. I mean, you finding out that you live in a town full of werewolves and that one werewolf is your soulmate and that he is destined to be with you is…” He paused as the door opened behind me and Karl peaked out. Sapnap’s mouth was clamped shut but as he looked up at the brunette I could see his eyes widen and his pupils dilate.

“Sorry for disrupting.” Karl spoke softly. “I was just wondering if George was alright since he has been taking a while.”
“Oh it’s fine.” The ravenette brushed off breathily, his gaze fixated on the person in the doorway before seemingly realising where he was. “You're Not interrupting anything.”

“I’m Sapnap.” He greeted, holding his hand out eagerly for Karl, and the brunette grinned as he took it to shake. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Oh I’m Karl.” My best friend grinned. “It’s a pleasure to meet you too, George told me that he didn’t have many friends around here.”

“Well George and I are great friends.” Sapnap told him, seeming desperate to keep the brunette’s hand in his own. “You and I could be friends if you’d like too.” His voice sounded as though it was close to letting out a whine but Karl, always eager and friendly, accepted without any care.

“That would be nice.” The brunette said before managing to get his hand back.
“There is a party in town tomorrow.” The ravenette continued. “I can bring you two along if you guys want.” As he said this though, I knew his gaze was focused on Karl and not me, clearly aiming the invite mainly to him.

“I’m not sure.” I muttered. “We are probably going to be very busy. I’m not sure if we have time to go to parties.”
“George, surely we could go.” Karl responded. “I barely go to parties back in North Carolina, it’s not the kind of thing that me and my friends do often.”

“That surprises me. I mean, why wouldn’t people want to invite someone as amazing as you are.” At that moment, I realised what it was that Sapnap was talking about with me, what a soulmate was based on his awe-struck gaze, directed solely at my friend.

“W-Well…” The ravenette stuttered after a moment. “I have to get home for dinner, but I’ll pick you two up at 7pm tomorrow.”
“That sounds amazing.” Karl responded. “We’ll see you then.” It was clear that Karl was just as in love in less than a minute of talking as Sapnap was.

I grabbed Karl and pulled him inside while giving Sapnap a quiet ‘goodbye’. The ravenette’s love-struck face was still present until the door was shut in front of him and I sighed before pulling my best friend back upstairs.
1409 words

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