Chapter 52: Aftercare ❤️

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George POV.

Turns out werewolves love giving their soulmate aftercare. They loved it just as much as they love giving their soulmate before-care, during-care, and care the rest of the time. After I came over my chest he stopped his movements, pulling me in for a hug and beginning to pepper kisses all over my face, not caring about the mess.

“You look so beautiful right now.” The blond praised me as I looked up at him. I was utterly exhausted after just one round but he seemed wide awake. “How are you feeling sweetheart?”
“Tired.” I responded. The pile of hoodies and blankets was feeling more comfortable by the minute and my eyelids just kept feeling heavier.

Dream pulled me up so I was laying against my chest and he was cradling me in an almost baby-like fashion, not that I minded. However, I did let out a moan as he was still inside of me and I was overstimulated. “Can I get you anything? Are you wanting anything to eat and drink?” He began fussing over me.

“Just tired.” I basically repeated, causing the werewolf to relax slightly. A grin grew on my face as I reminisced about what had happened just moments earlier. It reminded me of the stories I’d read about alphas and mating and all that stuff. The only difference was that we weren’t being held together by an uncomfortably large… you know what? Nevermind.

As I leaned into his touch I felt myself being pulled out of and lifted up, causing a tired whine to fall from my lips in protest. “Sorry honey,” Dream cooed. “But I don’t want you to wake up dirty.” Another whine of protest. “It’ll only take a few minutes George, then you and I can sleep.”

He laid me on his bed and walked into the bathroom. A moment later I heard the water running in the large bathtub which I’d seen several times during my visits. It sounded overly peaceful, drawing me even further to sleep.

My hand drifted down to my stomach, where there was still a slight bulge left after what Dream had done. Would this make me pregnant? I mean, I am a human male and human males can’t get pregnant, but perhaps werewolf males could. Would I be pregnant after what we’d done?

I didn’t want to ask Dream if that was a possibility, mainly because it would be really awkward. Instead, I’d wait for me to start looking pregnant and then the blond would tell me and I’d go ‘oh yeah I saw this and suspected it, but thanks for letting me know’.
But that was a long wait, at least several months away, so I didn’t need to worry about it now.

As my thoughts continued to wander I was suddenly picked up again by the blond and he began carrying me through to the bathroom. An adoring look was present on his face before he lowered me into the water. “Dream,” I hummed tiredly as I was enveloped by warm water and bubbles (he must have added them and I was grateful because they were pretty).

Dream slid into the bathtub beside me and he pulled me to his chest. “You look so beautiful.” He commented, his hands gently massaging my body. I moaned weakly before curling into him. I loved being able to be cared for like this and had always hoped that I’d meet someone who treated me this way. I had never figured that it would have been my literal soulmate though.

“I brought some new soaps.” The blond told me. “I figured you’d like the smell of them more than my plain ones.” He pulled out a pretty purple bar. “Here.” He hummed. I leaned in and took a sniff before humming as well.
“Smells nice.” I told him tiredly, recognising the scent of sweet orange.

“Thanks.” As he responded he began lathering up the soap to softly massage it into my hair. It was so gentle and practised. “I am so glad you like it because a lot of other scents like lavender could hurt werewolves. However I would have dealt with it for you, if you had wished.” I smiled at his words.

“You don’ have to do that.” I told him, my eyes fluttering shut as my cheek rested on his shoulder. “Anything you buy ‘ll like.” My words were somewhat slurred in my relaxed state. We were both smiling tiredly after that, with me feeling close to drifting off to sleep and him continuing to clean me way more than he needed to.

“ ‘m clean enough.” I reassured after he’d sat with me in the bath with him for nearly ten minutes. “The water’s getting cold.” He chuckled but finally moved away from me. Dream had been making sure to clean me thoroughly, and I mean really thoroughly, but with my words he picked me up and lifted me out of the bath, not even thinking about cleaning himself.

Dream had fallen silent, seemingly running solely on werewolf instincts as he took care of me. It was sweet. He began going through an equally thorough drying routine with one of the fluffiest towels I’d ever seen. It was nearly impossible for me to not fall asleep.

When the alpha was satisfied he laid me back on his bed before hurrying into his closet. A minute passed before he returned with a fluffy hoodie which he helped me into. He himself was shirtless with a pair of basketball shorts on. Before the blond could do or say anything I climbed out of the bed, stumbling slightly as I did.

“George? Where are you going sweetie?” Dream asked as he went to follow me, seeming anxious. I had begun hobbling over to the closet and glanced over my shoulder at my soulmate.
“I was thinking that you’d be wanting to sleep in your nest.” I told him. “So I was going in there.”

The blond’s eyes lit up as I said that and without thinking he pulled me into a hug. “Georgie.” He whined out. “You are so amazing. I love you so much.” Then he lifted me up and carried me to the nest, with me giggling dopily the entire time. Once I was settled down in the nest he paused to admire me. “What did I do to earn such a perfect soulmate?”

“I could ask the same thing.” I responded. Dream climbed into the nest beside me and pulled me closer to him. Using only one hand (since the other was wrapped around me), he draped a blanket over us. A small yawn fell from my lips before I curled into him and drifted off to sleep, knowing that my amazing soulmate would keep me safe and warm all night.
1222 words

George just always has that ✨ Omegaverse mindset

And look at him being a good soulmate and going back to his nest for Dream's benefit, although it might not be good for his legs benefits. After all, you guys see how Dream reacts whenever George does anything.

Anyway, EZRAisTHEBEST has written a new part for his smut book under his account. It was updated a couple hours ago and if you like smut then you should check it out.

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