Chapter 73: Alone

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Dream POV.

I kept quiet as I returned downstairs, going to grab the pizza for George from where it was sitting in the fridge. After the food had been delivered and the rest of the guys had their pizzas we had put our leftover ones into the fridge. They’d only been there for a minute, so they weren’t cold, and I pulled the two boxes out.

George’s parents had both decided they wanted to watch a movie in their bedroom while eating their pizza, so they wouldn’t ask me any questions about why I was taking both of the pizzas (along with the sides we brought). I carried them all upstairs to George’s room and knocked on the door again.

“You can come in, Dream.” He spoke, knowing that it had to be me. “You don’t have to knock.”
Without a word I stepped into the room, walking over to the brunette who was sitting beautifully on the bed and gave him his pizza. After he had it I turned to leave.

“I’m going to go home and let you stay here and rest.” I told him, balancing my pizza box in one hand and brushing the other hand through his hair. “I’ll see you around sweetheart.” And then I turned to leave, but before I could reach the doorway George called me back.
“Wait.” He said instantly. “Please, stay.”

“Are you sure?” I responded. “You seemed upset at me earlier.”
“I know I was…” the brunette muttered, looking away from me with guilt in my eyes. “But please stay, I think you being here could help.”

I nodded, not saying anything but being able to see how he desperately wanted me to stay with him. Without a word I went and sat on the edge of the bed, smelling his scent before beginning to eat my pizza. George was eating as well, the two of us sitting on the bed while saying nothing to one another.

All I could do was think as I sat there. Thinking about how he had gotten mad at me earlier. I had been terrified for his safety and it did make me a lot more protective, as it would for any werewolf. Perhaps I had been too protective though, and now I was at risk of facing the consequences of him getting mad at me.

“Hey… can I borrow your phone?” I heard George ask. I looked over at him, confused as to why he would want my phone but I nodded nonetheless. My phone was in the pocket of my jeans and after wiping the grease off of my hands with a napkin I pulled it out of my pocket and passed it to him.

“What do you need it for?” I questioned, watching as he opened the phone and unlocked it (I had told him my password not too long after we had sex together after our double date to the movies with Karl). “I mean, I don’t mind either way, but, y’know, just curious.”
“I was wanting to call Karl.” He told me. “I haven’t been able to talk to him for ages.”

He went to contacts and scrolled down to Karl’s name, since I had added his number even though I rarely ever used it unless I was updating him on George’s condition. “Can’t you use your own phone?” I asked him, raising an eyebrow while examining him.
“It broke when I was attacked by those wolves.” He reminded me as though it was obvious.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. I never realised.” I had been more focused on protecting my soulmate, and fighting off the wolves who dared to law a finger… paw… claw(?) on him. His phone was the least of my worries at that point in time.
“I’m needing to get a job to save up for another one.” He added on.

I could actually buy you your phone sweetheart, after being hurt you don’t need to be working, you need to be recovering. For now I didn’t say that, just letting him call his best friend on my phone. After he pressed the call button he lifted it to his ear and tapped his foot anxiously while waiting for Karl to answer.

After a few rings I could faintly hear Karl answer. “Hello? Dream?” He asked, obviously having seen my name when George had called.
“Karl!” George responded eagerly, excited to be able to talk to his friend after five weeks.

“Oh my God, George?! You’re back?!” He asked, his voice growing louder and more excited. “I thought that you were still in hospital!”
“I got out this morning.” George laughed. “Dream and my Dad came to pick me up. I figured that I should call you and-”

“Hi George!” Someone else called from over the phone. I noticed there was a lot of chattering on that end of the phone in the background. Karl was probably with multiple people, alongside whoever it was that was screaming into the phone.
“Hi Chandler.” George smiled with a sigh. “Good to hear from you.”

“You won’t believe what Karl is-” he was cut off, just like George had been a moment beforehand. It sounded like he had been shoved and then I heard laughter echoing out of the speaker from Karl’s end of the call.
“Sorry about him.” Karl sighed. “He’s had lots of sugar today.”

“No I haven’t!” He called out, causing Karl to laugh along with those other people. Karl then began talking to George about who-knows-what. The two of them continued to talk with one another while I finished off my pizza before cuddling into him. I noticed the way that he smiled before leaning back into me.

Neither of us said anything about it. He was comfortable as I just began playing with him. I rubbed my hands over his body, but mainly just using it as a way to assess his injuries and how badly I failed as a protector. The brunette continued to gossip with his friends over the phone, completely ignoring what I was doing.

Eventually I started to press soft apologetic kisses into his neck causing him to stutter in his sentences. “I know how we were talking about me may-maybe meeting up a c-couple of weekends from now, b-but my parents aren’t real-ly comf-ortable with me leaving the state, I don’t even think they’d want me to l-leave the house.”

I didn’t bother trying to pay attention to Karl’s response as I nuzzled my face against the brunette’s neck, covering him with my scent. “I’m going to go now, sorry.” And that was when I finally listening.
“George, I just wanted to ask a couple more questions, just wanting to make sure you’re okay.”

“Actually Karl we are going to watch a movie. Good talking to you. Bye-bye.” I said before hanging up the phone as George continued to hold it in his hand. Then I shifted into a wolf, my tail wagging as I slowly approached George.

He rolled his eyes and I pinned him down, beginning to sniff at him, taking in the intoxicating scent. Then I began to gently nip at his neck, being aware of the fact that I have sharper teeth as a wolf. After a moment he cupped my face lovingly.
“I love you so much, but I’d rather do this with you as a human.”

His request caused me to shift into a human. My legs were on either side of his and my hands were in line with his shoulders. “Of course.” I smiled before pulling his lips to mine in a loving kiss.
1301 words

Really considering doing a Truman Show type fic for DNF. Hopefully you all understand the reference.

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