Chapter 40: Talking

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Dream POV.

George was laying on my chest as I cuddled him from behind. It was amazing, after spending weeks dreaming of him laying in my nest it was finally happening. I felt like a kid at Christmas, one who gets a new toy which is so spectacularly amazing that he doesn’t actually believe it’s real. But he was here, and this was real.

The brunette allowed me to run my fingers through his hair, and just keep in contact with him in any way possible. My face was in the crook of his neck and I inhaled his scent greedily like it was some sort of drug. The hand that wasn’t running through his hair was hugging his torso, feeling it move subtly with each breath.

“You’re so pretty.” I told him, since I’d made a habit of occasionally whispering compliments to remind him of how amazing he was. “If we weren’t soulmates I would have been so jealous of whoever was lucky enough to be with someone as beautiful and perfect as you.”

George hummed a ‘thanks’ in response, a dopey grin and faint blush on his face as he grew giddy at my words. This couldn’t have come at a better time either, the shirt which I’d buried in the centre of my nest which had belonged to him was losing its smell. However the faint scent on a t-shirt couldn’t compare to the real thing.

“I wonder what’s going on with Sapnap and Karl.” George said quietly, having been texting some people on his phone for the past few minutes. “Karl messaged and said that he was staying with Sapnap overnight.”
“Did he?” I asked, raising my eyebrows. “How curious.”

“Why is it curious?” The brunette wondered. His gaze shifted over to me with a few strands of hair in front of his pretty honey coloured eyes. I continued to brush his hair away from his face with my hand before explaining what Sapnap had told me the other day.

“Karl and Sapnap are soulmates.” I said, watching as George’s eyes widened almost immediately. “He told me that he is feeling the exact same way I felt when I met you. Isn’t it strange how both of our friends are soulmates.”
“It is strange.” George nodded. “Who would have thought?”

George bit his lip for a moment before deciding to add something on. “And Karl kissed Sapnap last night!” He spoke excitedly. “He told me that when I texted him this morning.”
“Lucky.” I whined out pathetically. “I can’t believe Sapnap got to kiss his soulmate before I could kiss mine. It’s not fair!”

“You haven’t earned a kiss yet.” George teasingly told me. “Maybe later you’ll get one. But anyway. I’m not sure how romantic you’ll consider it. They kissed in a closet at the party while they were drunk.”

“Oh well that I’m not jealous of. I want to be able to kiss you when you aren’t drunk, cause as soulmates our first kiss has to be special. I pity Sapnap’s first kiss being drunk.” George continued to laugh at the way I was acting, still having not gotten used to the bluntness of attraction when it comes to werewolf soulmates.

As we continued to quietly talk about our best friends we held each other. George had a lot of questions about what relationships with soulmates were like and what it would be like for the two of them (Sapnap especially) when Karl went back to North Carolina at the end of the holidays. I answered them as best as I could but it was hard.

Most of my questions ended up leading to more questions since I wasn’t the best at explaining things. The biology teacher at the high school knew all of these things and could answer most of the questions with more than enough information to satisfy everyone, but I didn’t have that so George would be better to ask him.

However the questions that George had about what Sapnap and Karl’s future would be like made me think about our own. Werewolves didn’t usually do marriages but since George is a human he might want to do that. We’d have children: at least two and hopefully from the same surrogate, but maybe we’d have more.

There was so much more as well. So many people and significant things to consider, even thinking about these things made me giggle like a schoolgirl. I’d be ruling this pack some day after all, with George being there to accompany me with his utterly amazing personality. The two of us would be the most powerful couple in Florida.

And the pack would obviously accept us, after all they had already voted that George and his family should be able to stay. If they truly thought a human leading a werewolf pack was weird, then I would be able to put them in their place, and Sapnap would be able to help me since he was in the same situation. Nobody would dare to hurt George.

If I had been in my wolf form, my tail would have been wagging nonstop during this thought process. Thinking about George has become my favourite pastime since I've met him. What I recently discovered though was that cuddling with George was a much better pastime than simply thinking about him.

As I continued to hold him I heard a door open, instinctively making me worried about my soulmate's safety. I pulled George even closer to me as I let out a warning growl, not liking the fact that someone was coming into a space which was just meant for me and him. The brunette's breath picked up but he didn't say anything.

"Dream." I heard my father calling me. "Are you in your nest?"
"Yes I am." I responded, however I continued holding George closely. "Don't come in." As I said that my fingers dug into the brunette's side lightly, causing him to let out a small gasp before curling into me.

"Can you come out here and talk to me?" He asked. "Since I don't want to invade your privacy." I looked over at George to see if he would have wanted me to move, but the brunette seemed indifferent. So I moved him off of me and wrapped his small body in a blanket before walking out of the room.

My father had knocked at the door of the closet when he talked to us, however he backed away to the bedroom door in the time it took me to get up. After shutting the closet door I asked him. "What's up?"
"I didn't realise you had managed to get this close to George." Was all he said.

I pressed my back against the wooden door and nodded at him. "Yeah, we started talking at the party we went to last night. I invited him to stay the night and he did."
"Does this mean you two are getting together?" He asked, and before even allowing a single thought out I nodded, being proud to admit that.

"We are." Then I felt my cheeks start to glow as I started rambling about him. "Even after what happened in the past month he was laughing and smiling around me. I'm so glad I get to be the one to make him happy. He's so perfect when he laughs."
"That's what I always thought about your mother when I met her."

A grin appeared on his face at the reminition before I went back on topic. "So what are you doing here?" I questioned, raising a brow at him as I did.
"Well if you are beginning your relationship with George…" my father began before hesitating slightly.

Eventually he found the words to continue. "Maybe if your relationship is going well, we could introduce them to my parents… the former alphas of the pack…"
1320 words

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