Chapter 16: Dinner

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So you guys get a double upload today, not because I was feeling nice or anything but because Ezra was uploading the chapter yesterday and he uploaded the wrong one.

He uploaded chapter 15 as chapter 14 and didn't upload chapter 14. So you guys get chapter 14 and 16 today, LOL.

George POV.

All of this was strange. I mean, when two kids have their parents trying to seemingly force a friendship on them by making them hang out was annoying, and so there was an awkward tension in the air as I sat in Dream’s room. The aforementioned blond was just watching me from the corner of his room without saying anything.

The way he was staring made me feel unnerved, and I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. I generally did feel uncomfortable going into someone else's room for the first time, add to that the fact that Dream is practically a stranger, and the way he was staring, and it was too much.

“Um… why are you staring at me?” I eventually decided to ask, since I wanted to know why the blond was being so creepy.
His gaze stayed off of mine from the moment I asked the question and he looked around the room, before responding with. “Oh, I was just trying to think of something to do.”

He began listing off things for us to do and I just sat there and listened “I have some video games if you want to play those. Or maybe we could watch a movie, or I think we have some board games like Monopoly in my sister's room which I can go and get.” The entire time he talked, he was fidgeting with his hands and I found it really distracting.

To be completely honest, all of the options he suggested weren’t things that I was into. This entire thing felt too forced and I just wasn’t into it. Maybe I should just go and find Dream’s mother and tell her that I was feeling sick so maybe I should just go home. I couldn’t even start messaging Karl since I didn’t want to appear rude.

I was about to respond with an answer, but before I could say anything a loud voice echoed from downstairs, one which I recognised as Dream’s mother. “George! Your parents are here!” She told the two of us. “Dream, come on down and say hi! You don’t want to give a bad first impression!”

It was relieving, since it meant that I didn’t have to stay and hang out in Dream’s bedroom with the somewhat strange blond, who was currently giving me an apologetic look. “Sorry about her, but do you want to head down?” He asked. “Say hi to your parents?”

All I responded with was a simple nod as I stood up from the bed, allowing the blond to lead the way back downstairs from through the massive house. He was fidgeting anxiously with his hands as he walked down and I was trying to avoid looking at him because of… well just cause he weirded me out a little.

I mean, he looked normal enough, he was your stereotypical high school jock with his admittedly attractive appearance, but he just seemed so antisocial and strange, not that there was anything wrong with that. But somehow, by the way that Sapnap, and Bad, and Maddy, and the rest of that group were talking about him yesterday, went against everything I’ve seen.

Downstairs in the same entryway where I had met Dream’s mother, my parents now stood meeting her. The two of them were talking with the blond’s mother, and the man who I recognised as the mayor, or Dream’s father. There were a couple loud laughs between the four of them and I couldn’t help but wonder what it was that they were talking about.

Dream’s mother was the one to notice me and her son standing on the stairs. She smiled at the two of us before beckoning us down. “Mr and Mrs Davidson, this is our son Dream.” She smiled as the blond moved past me and over to them. A grin grew on his face as he held out his hand for them to shake, which they did.

“It’s a pleasure to meet both of you.” He smiled, most of his awkward, antisocial aura evaporating into thin air as he spoke to them. “George is an amazing person, you should be proud of him.” The comment felt strange to me, but I didn’t say anything, instead just standing at the bottom of the stairs as my parents took the compliment and thanked him.

“You two arrived just in time.” Dream’s mother smiled, “I finished dinner and it just needs a minute to cool. After I’ve poured us all some drinks it should be ready to eat.” As she spoke she began leading us through to the dining room, with the rest of the group following after her. “So, do you two like wine? Or should I get some of James’ beer?”

“I’ll be fine with wine.” My father responded. “Just a light drink after a long day's work.”
“Same for me.” My mother agreed. “I’m usually the one to cook everyone dinner, it’s a nice change to have someone else cook for once.” Dream’s mother chuckled at her comment.
“Then you’ll have to come over again sometime, I can cook for you all again.”

Please don’t,’ I thought anxiously as I sat down at the table in the dining room, making sure to take a spot in between my parents. I had nothing against the woman, and her cooking may be absolutely delicious, but I just didn’t want to be with the strange teenager who I was forced to hang out with.

Dream seemed to have a distressed expression when he saw me sitting between my two parents, but he cautiously moved to take a seat opposite where I was. My gaze moved over to the arched set of double doors which led through to the kitchen, where Dream’s mother was.

She carried out a large plate which was covered in a fancy looking dish. There was salad and cooked potatoes around the base, with a large leg of ham on top. It seemed surprisingly big for six people, and expensive to have afforded. Then again, judging by the nice house, cars, and most of the other stuff I’d come across, they had enough money.

I didn’t say anything though, even though I thought the size of the dish was overly wasteful, but I wasn’t going to tell Dream’s mother that since she’s probably wasted her entire afternoon making it for us. She set the dish in the middle of the table while Dream’s father set plates, knives, and forks down in front of each of us.

“Is Drista not going to be here for dinner?” Dream asked anxiously as his dad took a seat at the head of the table, with his mother taking her place almost dutifully at his side.
“She was going to a sleepover with some of her friends.” His mother said from her seat before smiling at the rest of the group.

“Oh,” Dream simply said as he fidgeted with his fingers. “I thought she was going to be here to meet George’s family.”
“You know that that’s not really her thing, sweetheart.” His mother spoke lovingly. “She can meet them at another time.” The way they were speaking weirded me out, but I didn’t speak.

“Now.” His mother spoke. “Unless your family would like to say grace or anything, then let's eat.”
1277 words

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