Chapter 18: Asleep

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POV from Dream's Dad, could be interesting to see the world from a werewolf who is not completely horny for a random human he just met yesterday.
James POV.

I sipped on the glass of wine while watching the pair of humans sitting opposite me. They were both enjoying themselves, chatting happily with my wife and I as they ate some chocolates and sipped on their drinks. Richard, George’s father, was no longer drinking alcohol since he was planning to drive home, George’s mother however was on her third glass of wine.

Myself and my wife Amanda were both also on our third glass of wine, but we had felt next to none of the effects of the alcohol. That was what werewolves got, a super immunity to things such as alcohol.

It was just past 10pm, and Ashley had finished third first glass of wine when George’s parents both stood up. “We should probably be getting home.” Richard said respectfully. “We have work in the morning and I don’t want either of us to be too drunk for then.” He explained, to which both myself and Amanda nodded in understanding.

“But we thank you both for dinner, and we’ll go get George. Maybe we can invite you over to dinner some time in response.” Ashley hummed.
“That’ll be great. But don’t feel pressured to do anything.” Amanda replied. “I’d just as happily cook for you both and George again.”

After saying that, the four of us began heading upstairs to Dream’s bedroom, where he and George had been hanging out for the past few hours. Before any of us went into the room we knocked, just in case something was going on between the two teenagers, since, after all, they were soulmates, so who knows what could be going on.

My ears were straining to hear any noise in the bedroom, and although I could hear very well, it wasn’t as well as I would be able to hear when I was in wolf form. There were no noises coming from the room, which was somewhat of a relief, since it would mean that we didn’t walk into the two of them making out or doing anything else.

So I decided to be the one to open the door, being slow and quiet so as to not disturb them if they were watching a movie or anything, even though they weren’t. When I walked into the room with Amanda and George’s parents following me I paused as I saw the pair both laying on the bed asleep.

George was sleeping on the far side of the bed, sleeping soundly, and Dream was also asleep, cuddling into him from behind. The blond’s hand was holding George’s side, and seemed much more rigid as he slept than the brunette did.

This may have seemed like a simple pair sleeping, whether as a couple or as friends, to humans such as George’s parents, but it was a lot different to werewolves. To both myself and Amanda, it was a lot different. The way that the pair were laying, and the way that Dream was holding George, was a form of defence and protection.

His hand resting on the human’s waist, and the way that he was laying in between George and the door was a way of protecting a mate from any outsiders. All four of us stayed standing by the bedroom door, with me and Amanda both being ready to stop George’s parents from getting any closer since we knew how dangerous a werewolf can get, especially when subconscious.

“Aww, they are so cute.” Amanda hummed quietly, and I noticed how at the sound of the voice, Dream’s hands tightened protectively on George’s waist.
“We should probably wake George up and get him home.” Richard muttered. “He has school tomorrow.”

He took a step forward and Dream let out a low growl in his sleep, while also moving closer to the brunette laying beside him. It was a growl that showed his wolf form pushing forward to protect his soulmate, as it was one that no person would be able to make in human form, whether werewolf or human.

When his parents were understandably worried by what they heard I quickly went to defend this action without giving any hint as to what was actually going on. ‘Dream snores,’ was my excuse before motioning the parents out of the room and shutting the door again.

“It seems as though they are both fast asleep though, and they seem quite comfortable, so it is best not to wake them up.” I continued as I began motioning Richard and Ashley down the hallway.
“Oh yeah, that might be a good idea.” Ashley nodded, before pausing. “Are they dating?”

“Who knows.” My wife responded. “But we’ll take care of your son for the night.” George’s parents thanked us for that before we directed them out. The moment they were gone we both let out a sigh of relief. Amanda looked over at me and her expression softened. “I honestly didn’t expect the two of them to get on that well.” She said with a smile.

“Same.” I responded. “From what I’ve heard it takes a lot longer for human and werewolf soulmates to get together than werewolf and werewolf soulmates.”
“Makes sense since they can’t sense their soulmate.” Amanda nodded. “But Dream is such a charmer, I’m not surprised how quickly it went.”

As she spoke we quietly padded up the stairs, wanting to catch a glance with our son and his soulmate again even though we knew how anxious it could make him if we got too close. “How much do you think Dream has told George?” My wife asked again as we opened the door just enough to peek in and see the two of them cuddled up still.

“Not much I’ll guess.” I responded. “It is quite soon. Might take Dream a while, but I’m sure George will understand, he seems like a smart kid.”
“He does seem like a smart kid. And he is perfect for Dream.” After my wife said that, I closed the door to the bedroom quietly, not wanting to disturb the pair of them.

Both of us headed to our room, speaking quietly to each other about how perfect this was all going to be, since now that Dream is with his soulmate he’ll need to begin the process of becoming the pack’s alpha alongside George.
1151 words

They haven't even had a dozen proper conversations yet and they are already cuddling while sleeping together. Isn't that interesting

Just wait until George worries about going into heat ❤️ then it'll really interesting

Also it was so close to being 1111 words but I thought that was too perfect so I've added a bunch of this rambling stuff to bring the word count up to 1151.

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