Chapter 13: Second Day

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George POV.

When I walked into school today it was different. I still saw the stares from all of the other students, and heard the whispering of my name passed between them, but it was different from the way that it had been earlier. Even teachers had been giving me a similar treatment, despite them managing to hide their curiosity of a new student yesterday.

But the stares and the whispers today were all different. It was almost as if they were all scared to get too close to me, as though I was carrying some sort of disease. However, even that wasn’t right, since although they didn’t want to get too close to me, they were looking at me as though they were almost surprised and curious at who I was.

I pushed down the feeling with a sigh, deciding that it was more of this small American town’s strange customs, even though I couldn’t possibly figure out how it was a custom. Regardless I just continued walking down the halls which I had somewhat memorised yesterday so that I could get to my locker before heading to the first class on my timetable.

As I was walking I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, which I saw was a message from Karl and I quickly read over it. It was a simple one, just wishing me good luck for my second day of school. Typing out a response was a lot harder than just reading it though, since with all of the people watching me I felt like they’d know if I spelt something wrong.

Eventually I managed to write a response, or three small sentences as my answer. ‘At school already. Everyone’s staring, more than yesterday. Kinda creepy.’ A couple of moments passed before I got a response from my friend simply saying ‘LOL, they think ur a weirdo’.

It was a simple response, but it was good enough for me. I continued to type out to him, ranting to him (and most definitely to his school friends who would be reading this from over his shoulder) about the weird happenings. Several times during my rant while walking to my locker I’d ask if this was ‘typical American stuff’ or if there was some other meaning behind it.

I knew I probably sounded insane to anybody who was reading it, and Karl was most likely laughing about what I said with his friends in North Carolina, but I didn’t frankly care, just wanting to get all of these thoughts out onto my messages even if it looked like a bunch of word vomit.

Once I reached my locker I finally calmed my typing, allowing myself to take a few deep breaths as I looked up only to notice that once again, I was being stared at. I let out a disappointed sight before opening my locker and grabbing books for whatever my first few subjects were.

I decided that a good idea would be for me to just find out what class I had first and hide away in there until the bell rings, that way all of these prying students could stop gawping at me and whispering like I was some kind of zoo animal. But before I got the chance I heard someone calling out my name.

The person who was calling me got the attention of multiple people, all of whom turned to look in the direction the calling was coming from. I was slightly relieved to see that it was Bad and Sapnap, both of whom were nice to me yesterday and I allowed myself to smile as I approached them. “Hey guys…” I greeted, approaching them as I did.

Behind the pair was another person, someone who I hadn’t seen yesterday. He was taller than the pair standing in front of him and seemed to be trying to avoid looking at me. “So George, this is our friend Dream.” The ravenette introduced before Bad continued.
“He was sick yesterday, so you couldn’t meet him then.”

“Well it's nice to meet you, Dream.” I couldn’t help but smile as I offered my hand out for him to shake, thinking that it would be polite despite me also thinking about how strange his name was, then again a lot of the names of people I’d met were already strange, including Sapnap and Bad. The blond refused to look into my eyes however he did mutter a ‘nice to meet you’ back at me.

I was slightly weirded out by this, and I stood expectantly, thinking that maybe he’d have something else to add. Perhaps he would say something like ‘welcome to our town’, or ‘what do you think of town so far?’, and it seems that both Sapnap and Bad were waiting for this too. It became clear quickly that Dream wasn’t going to do this, and so Bad spoke up again.

“He is the mayor’s son. One day Dream is going to be in charge of this entire town, aren’t you Dream?” All three of us looked over at the blond expectantly for an answer, and he didn’t give us one, continuing to avoid my gaze.

Part of me couldn’t help but be surprised that this was the son of the man who I had met a couple of days ago. I had assumed since then that when our parents tried to get us to meet up it was so I would have a friend for school, but maybe it was for Dream since he seemed to be really antisocial and awkward.

However as I looked over his appearance that just confused me more. He was tall and appeared well built, as though he’d spend all of his free time in the gym or going on dates with hot girls, not sitting in a corner awkwardly like an antisocial person would. Yet the way that he seemed to try and shrink in on himself throughout the entire conversation was strange.

During my examination of the blond’s confusing appearance, the pair who had brought him over continued to talk, making comments directed at both of us. I only tuned back in when I heard Sapnap mentioning my name again. “...parents were going to have dinner with the mayor tonight, so you’ll be walking home with Dream today.” He finished explaining.

Sapnap let out an ‘oh’ sound, as if only now realising that I had tuned out at some point. “Well Dream was telling me earlier that your family was invited over to his for dinner, and so he was going to be walking to his house with you after school today. He was meant to tell you the same thing, but it seems that’s stopped talking, for some reason.”

When he said the last few words he shot the blond a pointed look, one that the blond seemed to notice based on the  way that he tense up, afterwards though Bad changed the subject by asking what period I had first. “I have maths.” I responded. “With a teacher called Mr Phallus.”
“Really? Dream, don't you have that exact same class?” Sapnap asked, raising an eyebrow.

Dream muttered something which sounded like a sound of agreement but that was all. It made Sapnap let out a loud sigh before Bad spoke up this time, offering to walk with me to class and I decided to go with him. I didn’t say it out loud, but I was desperate to get out of this conversation with the weird son of the mayor.
1261 words

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