Chapter 50: In private

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Chapter by EZRAisTHEBEST
George POV.
Smut warning

“You smell so good right now.” Dream commented, his head resting on top of mine as he took deep inhales. “Just of perfect things… and popcorn.” Then Dream’s arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. I curled up against the werewolf, my head rested on his shoulder while he continued to take in my scent.

“Thanks… I think.” I responded, giggling at the way he was acting as he went to lay down with me on top of him. Dream began peppering kisses over my face. “Stop it,” I lightly scolded. “That tickles.”
“Too bad.” He replied, continuing to kiss me.

Then his lips trailed down to my neck and lightly started sucking on the skin. I moaned lightly before curling into the blond more. “D-Dream…” I stuttered between uneven breaths. All I got in response was a hum, signalling he was listening while continuing what he was doing. “Please.” I hesitated for a moment before telling him. “I want you.”

When I said that Dream pulled away from me, his eyes were wide and practically stared deep into my soul. “What was that?” He asked softly, probably thinking his ears were playing tricks on him. “What did you say?”
“I-I said that I want you.” I responded, my hand clutching the fabric of his shirt.

The blond hesitated, not too sure about what I was meaning. To help clear it up for him, I pulled him to my lips, his hesitance quickly turning into dominance. After a moment his tongue pressed between my lips and I opened my mouth for him.

His tongue explored my mouth while I was pulled even closer to him on his lap, his arms wrapping around me tightly. During this, his teeth dragged over my lips, creating a fleck of blood from their sharpness. The blond pulled away out of fear he’d hurt me but I didn’t mind, quickly licking away the metallic liquid before pulling him back into the kiss.

We made out with each other while his hands possessively traced over my body. The two of us quickly changed position so that I was underneath him and his hands moved to the hem of my shirt. “How far do you want to go?” He asked me, holding my side.

“I’m fine with whatever.” I reassured him, shifting slightly under his gaze. “It’s all up to you.”
“No.” His voice was almost a growl as he said that. “It’s all up to you. I don’t want to make my soulmate uncomfortable in any way. How far do you want to go?”

“A-all the way.” I told him awkwardly, the question itself making me feel a little embarrassed. He nodded, although concern was present in his gaze. Without a word he pulled my shirt over my head and began kissing all over my chest.

Dream POV.

Seeing the brunette shirtless and underneath me was perfect. In fact, this whole situation was perfect. The way his smell was mixing with mine, creating a perfect blend which would tell everyone that he was taken. It was great. I took my time to kiss his chest, although I would have also been fine just sitting and admiring it for hours on end.

Only his hesitance and awkwardness made me feel worried. Humans lacked the bluntness that werewolves often had, and often they had issues telling others what they wanted, (at least according to some of my teachers). I wanted to take my time to make sure that George had every chance to back out, if he felt like he needed to.

George watched me with clouded over eyes as I kissed and sucked hickeys onto his skin, creating bright blotches of different colours which looked beautiful against his pale chest. I would have loved to add a few bite marks as well, but werewolf teeth were sharp and I didn’t want to hurt him even after his reaction to the blood on his lips.

Eventually I reached his faint ab lines, which I honestly found adorable and just went to light kisses over them. “Dream.” He whined. “Hurry up!” I rolled my eyes before moving back to his lips while simultaneously beginning to unbutton his pants. George kissed me passionately, his arms wrapping around me in an attempt to deepen the kiss further.

After somehow managing to get his pants off with one hand he let out a whine. I pulled away out of fear I’d somehow hurt him only to be met with a hand tugging at the fabric of my shirt. “Off.” He demanded firmly, his gaze stone cold as he looked at me. I rolled my eyes before pulling it over my head, feeling no shame as my soulmate looked over my appearance.

My lips eventually caught his again in another soft kiss. My warm breath tickled his ear as I leaned in and whispered, ‘may I continue?’
George nodded and I began kissing down his thighs, commenting constantly about how pretty he looked. His legs wrapped around my waist, squeezing me lightly.

His head had fallen back in bliss as I peppered light touches over his skin. Being able to hold him like this, seeing him with a vulnerability that only I, his soulmate, would be able to witness made me want to pleasure him even more.

My hands trailed over to his boxers. I looked at him cautiously. “Are you okay with this?” I asked, making sure that I didn’t end up doing something that he was uncomfortable with. He nodded, to which I began kissing over his chest. “Can I get some words sweetheart?” I asked him lovingly.

“Please Dream.” He begged. “I want you please!” Hearing my soulmate saying that, especially in the desperate tone made me let out a possessive growl. I pulled his boxers down eagerly while kissing him like a desperate man. Then I pulled away and got a look at his naked body as he laid among my clothes.

It was like I was staring at an angel. His pale skin, fluffy hair, and pretty brown eyes were all engraved in my memory by this point. “Hurry up.” The brunette instructed after a few minutes. “It is embarrassing with you staring at me.” I allowed a smile to grow on my face as he said that.
“But I love admiring you.” I responded, however I did comply with him.

I stood up and moved away, going to get some lube which was kept behind a pile of folded socks in a cubby in the corner of the closet. It physically pained me to have moved away from George but I quickly returned when I grabbed the bottle. I’d brought the lube ages ago, however I had never actually used it before.

The brunette watched me with wide blown eyes as I settled down between his legs. I opened the bottle and after getting another few words of confirmation from him I pressed the digits of my fingers against his hole.
1182 words

Feels like this going a bit fast but oh well, not my job

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