Chapter 34: Held

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Dream POV.

I noticed George shivering as he sat staring into the darkness, making me feel a sense of worry for my soulmate. Without saying anything, I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and pulled him close to me. Part of me feared that George would hate me for what I was doing, but instead he just leaned into my touch.

That made me happy as he accepted the warmth that I provided. I pulled him even closer onto my lap, my only aim being to keep George warm as I held him. He quietly allowed me to adjust him, seeming happy to have the warmth cuddling into him from behind. I on the other hand was happy because it seems we made progress.

We left the entire party, not physically as we still sat on the porch, but mentally we could not care any less about it or anything happening inside. Neither of us spoke another word to each other, instead just accepting one another’s company.

What worried me was the way he continued to shake, even with me wrapped around him like a giant, living blanket. “Do you want to leave?” I eventually asked him. “Go somewhere warmer instead, unless you want to stay at the party.” The thought of him staying in this place with alcohol, drugs, and hook-ups worried me, not that I’d admit it out loud.

Much to my surprise though George mumbled out an answer. “We can go.” His voice was nearly silent, difficult for even me, with my superhuman hearing, to be able to make out. “I want to tell Karl I’m going first though.” It was a reasonable request and I nodded, helping George up and holding his hand so we didn’t get separated as we headed into the building.

It was warm inside. The mixture of hot, sweaty, tightly-packed bodies made sure of that. I grumbled to myself. Sapnap knew that I didn’t like parties, but he probably invited me for the sake of rekindling my relationship with George.

Speaking of Sapnap, we spotted both him, and George’s friend Karl sitting in the middle of the kitchen on the floor playing truth or dare. I smirked as I noticed the way that Sapnap would give Karl nice truths and dares, while giving everyone cruel ones, really shows how fast he fell for the other boy, almost as fast as I did.

George walked over to Karl, stepping around empty beer bottles and trash thrown about before whispering softly into his best friend’s ear. Whatever he said, Karl nodded, and when my soulmate was satisfied he returned to me, taking my hand once again and began walking out of the house.

“Where are we going to go?” George asked when we reached the street, his breath becoming visible in front of us as it spiralled into the coal coloured sky. I thought about it for a moment, perhaps less before making a suggestion.
“My house is only a five minute walk. We can go there.”

He nodded and then began shivering again, muttering something under his breath about how impractical his outfit was, and about how ‘Karl made him wear it’. If that was the case then I probably needed to thank Karl, as he made the brunette standing before me look absolutely stunning, even though he was also stunning the rest of the time too.

“Do we have to walk the whole way?” He eventually asked, looking up at me with a softened gaze. “I’m kinda cold.” It sounded like a whine as he told me these things but I didn’t care, I was too focused on my soulmate’s issue rather than his tone of voice.
“If you don’t want to walk you can ride me instead.” I suggested.

The brunette almost choked at the offer, his eyes widening with confusion, fear, and slight embarrassment. A faint red dusted his cheeks as he looked up at me. “I’m not sure if I want to ride you, Dream. It’s cold and it’s public and-”

“Not like that.” I reassured, although I wouldn’t exactly be opposed to it being like that (just not at this point in time). “I mean that if you don’t want to walk, I can shift into a wolf and you can ride on my back, back to my house.” For a few moments George considered it, but he still seemed awkward about it.

“Won’t I hurt you?” He asked, concern clearly visible in his gaze. “I don’t want you to struggle if I’m too heavy.”
“You won’t be.” I reassured the brunette. “I’m strong, plus my fur is very warm.” After saying that I shifted back to show him, watching as his hand slowly raised to run through my fur.

“It is warm.” He agreed, taking his time to let the soft, shiny, cream coloured fur (which I spent ages cleaning this morning) brush through his fingers. “But are you sure you’re okay with this?”
Of course I am sweetheart. Obviously he wouldn’t be able to understand me if I tried talking so I gave a large, clear nod.

“Alright.” George muttered before climbing onto my back. I gave him a moment to make himself comfortable and knew that I was able to start walking when his arms wrapped around me and his face nuzzled into the longer fur on my neck. As I began to pad along the path in the direction of my house he hugged me closely.

I was fast as a wolf, much faster than a normal person walking and almost as fast as a car, however I was quite slow with George on my back. It was not because of his weight or anything ridiculous like that, but because I didn’t want the brunette to fall off. I also made sure to avoid any areas where the paths were uneven to make sure the trip was comfortable for George.

He was so still as he laid on me that I worried that the brunette had drifted off to sleep. It made me worry that he would fall off and get badly injured. Thankfully, he managed to stay on my back until I was in my driveway. I waited for him to move and slide off of my back before I shifted back into my human form.

George stumbled slightly, seeming nearly asleep. I held him close and pulled his tired, tiny body close before beginning to direct him inside so that he could get to sleep. My parents were already asleep, as was Drista, so I had no issue bringing him up to my room without any strange comments from my family.

He tiredly sat on my bed as I went to find some warm and comfortable clothes for him to change into, and as well as being warm and comfortable I knew that they had to smell strongly of me. That way anyone who came across him would know that he's mine. I found what I considered to be perfect and returned to the bedroom to give them to him.

Turns out, I should really be a fashion designer because he was looking adorable in my clothes. I had already changed and watched intently as the brunette climbed into my bed beside me. If I was in my wolf form my tail would be wagging as I flicked off the bedroom light, plunging the room into darkness.

After that was done I cautiously pulled my soulmate close, wanting to see if there was any indication he was uncomfortable, but he seemed fine. I grinned happily into the darkness at that as he curled up in my arms and went to sleep, but I still had a lot of thinking to do.
1307 words

The first of multiple ways that George is going to ride Dream. ☺️

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