Chapter 61: A Miserable Morning

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Karl POV.

“You’re back!” Sapnap grinned as I set the suitcase into the backseat before getting into the passenger seat of the car.
“Yes I am.” I responded. “Sorry I took so long, I was talking to Dream.”

The mention of Dream made his eyes narrow. He probably was jealous however I didn’t say anything to him to clear his mind as I pulled my seatbelt on. Then I pressed a kiss to the side of his face. “Don’t look so jealous.” I rolled my eyes. “I was talking to him about last night. Y’know, when there was all that shouting coming from his house.”

“Oh,” Sapnap looked relieved. I couldn’t help but wonder if this was a werewolf thing, always being paranoid about your soulmate talking to other guys, or if it was just a Sapnap thing. Either way, he doesn’t need to worry, especially when the person he’s paranoid about is his best friend who has a soulmate of his own. “Is he okay?”

“He’s staying with George for the next few days.” I told him. “His grandparents aren’t too happy that the alpha’s soulmate is a human.” I tried not to let it get to me that it would mean they’d also hate Sapnap for being my soulmate. It made me feel guilty, that I was responsible for the way that they were acting, and that Sapnap’s family might hate him because of me.

Sapnap seemed to be thinking about this as well. He didn’t say anything as he started the car and began driving. He’d promised he’d take me to a diner in town for breakfast, apparently it was the best diner in the whole of Florida. I thought it was sweet that he’d spoil me so much, even though I have told him many times that he didn’t have to.

“I feel bad for Dream.” I said as we drove, vocalising my thoughts. “What he said about werewolves and the way they acted around human soulmates…” I wasn’t even sure what I was supposed to think. “Are your family like that?” I went to ask.
“Thankfully not.” A sigh of relief fell from his lips.

“Why do they hate humans though? Do they actually make werewolves weaker?” Perhaps it was wrong of me to ask Sapnap these questions. I mean, he is adorable and a kind leader, but he definitely wasn’t the smartest.

“Dream’s grandmother worked really hard with this pack when she was the alpha.” He explained. “She and my grandfather turned our pack from a small and weak one, into one of the most powerful packs in America. It’s unsurprising that she wants to keep it strong.” He explained. “Humans, with their much weaker senses, would be seen as threats to power.”

“So is your grandfather the same?” I questioned. “Would he hate me if I met him and he knew that I was a human?”
“I honestly don’t know.” The ravenette answered. “He died before I was born. I never got to meet him. Same thing with my grandmother.”

“That’s terrible.” I sympathised, moving to hold his hand momentarily as he moved it away from the steering wheel. “I lost my grandfather before I was born too.”
“I’m sorry for you too.” He whispered before falling silent. It was a strange moment of care and love being passed between the two of us.

George POV.

My entire body felt a weird tingly warm sensation which ran through every nerve that I had. It was a strange yet comforting feeling to wake up to, even in what I quickly realised was such a strange position. I was curled up around something warm which I couldn't quite name in my tired state.

When I heard soft breathing I realised. Memories of last night began reappearing after that: Dream's grandmother, him coming to my house, him being utterly miserable, me making him a nest in an attempt to cheer him up. Those things alone were enough for me to be able to fill in the rest of the pieces of the metaphorical puzzle.

A beautiful smile was the first thing I saw when my eyes fluttered open. The smile belonged to the werewolf who was hugging me safely in the nest that I had made for him. “Morning,” I muttered, looking up at him.

“Good morning,” he responded. “How did you sleep?” His hand tangled itself in my hair as he smiled softly down at me.
“I slept well.” I told him. “It’s easy to get a good night's rest when you are sleeping with the most amazing person in the world.”

“Technically I am not a person.” He responded, allowing a small chuckle to fall from his lips. “But thanks. You looked so perfect curled up in my arms.”
“How about you? How did you sleep?” I had made this nest for him, I hoped that he was comfortable in it.

“Best sleep in my life.” He answered with a chuckle, burying his face in my neck. His breath tickled my skin and I turned and kissed him lovingly.
“I’m so glad.” I responded before nuzzling my face into his chest, his arms squeezing me protectively.

Dream POV.

“How did you sleep?” I asked George, mainly wanting to hear compliments about how amazing I was at protecting him while he slept.
“I slept well.” He replied. “It’s easy to get a good night's rest when you are sleeping with the most amazing person in the world.”

“Technically I am not a person.” Since you apparently have to be a human to be considered a person, and I was a werewolf. I chuckled at that fact. “But thanks. You looked so perfect curled up in my arms.” George blushed as I said that.
“How about you? How did you sleep?” He questioned after a moment.

“Best sleep in my life.” I answered. A lie, of course. The words my grandmother had said to me really affected me, and each time I nearly fell asleep I'd wake myself back up and sob silently and pathetically. Lying to my soulmate's face wasn't a nice feeling either, so I buried my face into the crook of his neck and slowly inhaled to calm myself.

"I'm so glad." George responded, clearly none the wiser. He began cuddling into me and making me feel even worse. I wrapped my arms around his waist and fell silent, continuing to inhale his scent and reassure myself that everything would be fine.
1082 words

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