Chapter 90: Karlnap Smut

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Cuz 4 and I luv you all <3

Also I begged 4 to let me write the ending. And they let me 😘✌️

Ezra really is the best.
Sapnap POV.
Smut warning

For a while the two of us laid in bed, our bodies entangled with one another kissing. It was quite late, after having dinner we walked with Karl to a shop on the corner of his street. We each brought an ice cream before returning to his place and watching a movie.

Now though it was about 11pm, since the school tour was at 9am we didn’t want to sleep in too much. Dream and George disappeared into the guest room together, and myself and Karl disappeared into his bedroom. Neither of us were in a mood for sleeping though, instead wanting to just be in physical contact with one another after weeks of being apart.

My nose was nestled in the crook of his neck, sniffing at the brunette’s scent which was already beginning to tangle itself was mine. Karl giggled at the feeling, especially when I pressed the occasional kiss onto his soft pale skin. “I love you so much.” I murmured against his skin before lightly beginning to suck just beneath his jaw.

Karl let out a low moan at the feeling. “C-careful Sapnap…” he stuttered lightly. “I don’t want the guys to see any marks when we meet them tomorrow. It’ll be embarrassing.” I whined out as I pulled away but I guess I understood human awkwardness enough to understand why he wanted it.

“Aren’t you really good with makeup though? Like a makeup artist?” I responded, my eyes focusing on the mark I left which was already starting to grow into a beautiful purple plum colour.
“I wouldn’t say that I am that good.” He told me defensively. “But right against my jawline is difficult to do with makeup, it smudges far too easily.”

“So if I mark up other places it’ll be fine?” I asked teasingly, fully expecting the answer to be a firm no. Much to my surprise he gave me a nod. Not wanting to waste this opportunity my lips connected with his soft skin further down and I began sucking a harsh mark.

“Fuck~” He whimpered out, clinging onto me tightly. “Feels amazing!” I lovingly hummed before beginning to make some more marks, creating a flurry of colours along his neck. As I did this I continued to sniff his scent.

“You smell so good.” I muttered in a growl, pulling my lips away from his neck, however leaving them close enough so that he could feel each subtle breath.
“If you weren’t a werewolf I’d think you were a weirdo.” Karl commented, giggling as he panted out. “But thanks.”

The two of us peppered kisses over each other some more, with it eventually shifting to a full on make-out session. I growled possessively against his lips, wanting nothing more than to mark up his entire body as mine. He probably wouldn’t want that though, since he won’t want to spend hours putting on makeup tomorrow.

“I love you so much.” I told him. “And I want you so bad.” Then I froze my assault on his beautiful skin to look into his eyes. “Please let me have you,” I whined out. Karl blushed before nodding, giving me a response of ‘I want you too’ which was a good enough answer for me.

My hands trailed down to the hem of his waistband for the shorts he’d changed into. That was all he wore to sleep in Summer, just those and his boxers. “You will have to promise me that you’ll be quiet though, alright honey? I don’t want Dream or George or your mom to hear us.” I watched the desperate nod before pulling down his pants and boxers at once.

I took my time to admire his body. His soft pale skin that I wanted to mark up with love bites. The curves of his body which I wanted to touch every inch of. The way his breath hitched the moment I pulled his clothes away, leaving him exposed beneath me. Karl was completely and utterly beautiful, the most beautiful human to ever exist.

“Hurry up Sapnap,” he told me, since I had been sitting there for at least half a minute staring over his frame. Then he desperately added a whined out ‘please’. How could I say no to something as beautiful, as perfect, as him? Without any warning I gently bit at his plush thighs, causing another moan to fall from his lips.

“You sound amazing, sweetheart,” I told him, pulling away momentarily. “But we don’t want everyone to hear, even if I do make you feel good.” Karl’s skin grew crimson, a bright blush caused by the embarrassment of being called out.
“ ‘m sorry.” He muttered, his hand covering his mouth and muffling the words slightly.

His deep grey eyes pulled me in. I loved being able to look into them, it was as if each one was its own universe full of love, love dedicated solely for me. “Can I keep going?” I asked him, wanting to be completely sure that my beautiful soulmate was okay with this. He nodded and so I pulled away, going over to my bag.

Karl sat up, seeming to be in a daze as he watched me rifling through the contents of the bag which had been sitting in the corner of his room all afternoon. I ignored the desperate whine as I found what I was looking for. As I stood up to return to him I opened the lid and Karl strained to see what it was.

It was an unused bottle, I’d never had a reason to use it before. I jokingly brought some with Dream so that when we found our soulmates we could immediately put it to use. But it’s been a year now and thankfully lube doesn’t expire that quickly. “Sapnap.” Karl giggled softly. “You brought lube?”

I nodded, finding no shame in his discovery. It wasn’t like I was going to talk him into sex so that I had a reason to bring the lube, it was just for if the opportunity arose, like right now. “You are okay with this, right?” I asked him worriedly, my eyes showing clear signs of preparation to be rejected.

He nodded. “I want you,” he repeated the words from earlier, a determinness in his eyes which made me woozy. I crawled over to him and entrapped his lips with mine, kissing him lovingly as I gently pulled his legs apart. “B-but this is my first time,” he went on to admit when I was nestled between his legs, clearly anxious.

“It’s my first time too.” I responded. “I wanted to wait to meet the one I was destined to be with, and now I have.” I kissed a trail down his body, from his lips to his neck to his chest, to his belly button, and finally to his thighs. “Just sit back and relax darling. I promise I’ll take care of you.”

He nodded and laid himself down, all of his fear melting away as he looked into my eyes. “Good boy,” I told him before smearing some lube on my fingers. “Such a good boy for me.”
1234 words

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