Chapter 58: Grandparents

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George POV.

"So what do you want to do this afternoon?" I questioned, my arm wrapped around Dream's as we walked.
The blond looked as though he was about to answer before he noticed something up ahead and muttered out an 'Oh no'.

He walked ahead of me and I grew confused as I followed after him. "Dream?" I asked as I ran after him. "What's wrong?"
It took him a few minutes to acknowledge me as he continued to look at a silver car parked in front of his house. "My grandparents are here." he said, not looking over at me.

"What?" I questioned, feeling my accent push through as I asked the question. "Why is that an 'oh no'?" He was peering through the windows of the car shamelessly but moved back when I asked the question.

Much to my worry or perhaps much to my fear, he didn't respond. Instead I watched as he looked around at the car, the house, Sapnap's house, down the street, and then finally at me. It concerned me, as it would for anyone, but I didn't say anything out of confusion.

After one final glance in the car window he turned and began walking towards the door, looking overly cautious as he did. I was also cautious, not sure what I should think because of the fact that his grandparents were here. The blond opened the door and I was immediately overwhelmed with a strange smell.

Because I was a human and I could smell it that meant that it had to be incredibly strong, and when I glanced at Dream he seemed even more affected than I was. In an attempt to calm him in his anxious state I grabbed his hand, holding it in order to ground him. This action seemed to calm the werewolf and as he walked through to the living room his eyes were on my hand.

When we entered the room I felt my gaze drawn to the two new figures sitting at the couch. They were surrounded by Dream's family. His father was sitting beside the elderly woman with the elderly man to her left. Drista sat opposite them on an armchair, her expression that of stone. Dream's mother was just setting down a tray of food in front of the group.

The elderly man was the first to catch my attention. He had grey hair and soft yellow eyes (which were probably green). He was dressed quite formally and had his wrinkled hands sitting on his lap. His pale lips twitched into some unexplainable expression as he looked over at the two of us before pressing back into a line.

To his right was the elderly woman. Unlike the man, who was slightly relaxed, she sat upright as though she would get attacked if she did something bad, even as simple as slumping her shoulders. Her eyes were grey and carried little emotion, and her hair was wispy and blond. When she saw the two of us she stood up and walked over.

"Dream." She greeted without too much care. "I'm disappointed that you weren't here to meet us when we arrived. That's not alpha behaviour."
"Sorry Grandma." He responded, his gaze staying on the floor the entire time. "I was helping comfort a friend who was distressed."

"Well all of your friends will be even more distressed if you ruin this pack." She responded with a low growl. "I built this place up over forty years to make it the most powerful werewolf pack in America." The blond stayed silent, listening to his grandmother's insults. Then her gaze finally moved to me. "And who might you be?"

Dream perked up slightly as she mentioned me. "This is my soulmate. His name is George and he is the best person you could ever meet." The blond explained proudly, untangling his hand from mine to instead wrap it around my waist.
"George," his grandmother repeated, testing out the name.

A moment passed of her eyeing me up before she shook her head. "This can't work." She told me, although it seemed more like an announcement to the entire family.
"What do you mean this can't work?" Dream asked anxiously. "Is there something wrong?"
"What's wrong is that your soulmate is a male."

Oh. So Dream's grandmother was homophobic. That was the issue. "I don't see any issue with it." Dream told her. One of his hands moved to brush through his hair and I could tell that he was anxious. "I think that George is perfect as a male."
"He might be perfect, but that doesn't change the fact he is a male." She continued.

"Mother." Dream's father James spoke from behind them. "You understand the way that soulmates work. Gender doesn't matter."
"I understand that, James." She told him. "The issue is that if Dream is mated to another man, then we can't have a pure-blooded heir to take over as alpha when he's grown up."

"Well I was thinking we'd get a surrogate." Dream piped up, completely shocking me and he knew. "When George and I are both ready for kids, of course."
"If you have a surrogate then your child won't be pure blood." She explained. "You won't even be sure if it's yours. Whoever you hire could be sleeping with someone else."

Her words creeped me out. I notably took a step backwards and tightened my grip on the werewolf beside me. "Evelynn here is very concerned about 'blood purity'." Dream's grandfather explained. "Pure blooded children are better leaders."

"I don't care." Dream scowled. "George is pure enough for me. I love him and I don't care whether he's male or female, human or werewolf."
"Are you saying that he is a human?" His grandfather asked, the yellow eyes widening as his gaze flickered between his wife and his grandson.

"Yes, I am a human." I was growing annoyed as they pretended I wasn't there.
"You told a human about werewolves?" The elderly woman asked, no longer focusing on the blond but instead at her own son. "Do you know how dangerous this is? He could tell the whole world about our existence! We'll be hunted like the dark ages!"

"He's just a child, Evelynn." Dream's mother told the elderly woman. "George is sweet. He'd never tell anyone about us." I didn't bother to mention how much I told Karl about werewolves since it didn't seem helpful.
Evelynn sighed before looking back at Dream. "What about that nice girl you introduced me to last time I was here? Addi?"

"Her name is Maddy." Dream explained. "When we found my soulmate she moved."
"Well she would have been a much better mate. At least she was a werewolf, and can have children." His grandmother growled. "How did you manage to get both a human and a male? This is just fate showing that you are going to be a terrible alpha."

"If it's that big of an issue then make Drista the alpha. She knows as much as I do." Dream snapped at her, motioning at his sister who seemed shocked and terrified as she was brought into this.
"The alpha is always the first born." His grandmother told him. "Anything else is too weak."

As they continued yelling I noticed her husband or mate or whatever the term was, standing up and moving two boxes out of sight, not before I caught a glimpse though. "I was expecting a nice trip Dream." The female werewolf said with a sigh. "Come back to the place I'd built up over the years and help you into the role, but you've ruined it. You've ruined everything."

Those words really seemed to break Dream. His hand dropped away from me and his gaze forced itself to the floor. I watched as his hands balled themselves into fists and tears threatened to spill.

She leaned towards me and subtly sniffed. It was strange, but even more so when her face screwed up in disgust. "And he smells completely like you. Did you have sex with a human being? God, you are such a disappointment. I thought you'd been raised well enough to know that you can't be with a human being, he'll weaken you."

Neither of us said anything as we both looked away from the woman's firm gaze. "I brought gifts from home for you." She continued. "A beautiful suit for you and a dress for your soulmate, but I think it's a waste of money now regarding your behaviour, and the..." her eyes flickered momentarily over to me. "...current situation."

"Stop being so harsh to them." I heard Dream's father growl, causing Dream's grandmother to turn and face him. As the two of them began bickering I took Dream's hand again and began wordlessly leading him out of the house.
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