Chapter 75: Smut 2

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George POV.
Smut warning

The two of us were back to making out. Although I was wanting Dream desperately, being able to taste myself on his tongue was a massive turn on. He was back to cupping my face as our tongues fought for dominance between our mouths. My body was hot and sweaty even though we’d barely done anything yet.

“You are so amazing.” Dream growled lovingly against my lips. “I wish I could just kiss every inch of you for the rest of eternity.”
“I wish I could kiss you too.” I replied with a giggle. “But hurry up. I love you so fucking much and I want you.”

“Fine.” He said happily. The two of us broke apart from his embrace and I grabbed his shirt before pulling it over his head. Then I began to kiss down his chest as he held my waist. The blond’s hands were gently holding onto the bandages, seeming cautious not to hurt me.

Then his hands moved down to begin unbuttoning his own pants while I continued to kiss the werewolf. “I want you so badly, please hurry up!” I told him as he ripped his pants off, followed by his boxers. Before he could do anything I pulled him down onto the bed and climbed onto his lap, taking my time to admire his naked body.

“George.” He muttered, his voice low. “What’re you doing?”
“You were taking too long.” I told him. “I was getting impatient.” My hand moved down to his cock and I stroked it momentarily, feeling the blond shiver.
“W-what’s wrong with me wanting to savour you, darling?” He stuttered breathily.

Without a word I hoisted myself up before lowering myself onto his dick. Both of us moaned out in unison before I buried my face into the crook of his neck. My face screwed up in the combination of pain and pleasure caused by the stretch. “Fuck.” Dream groaned. “Georgie. So perfect.”

I breathed rapidly, attempting to calm myself down from the stretch before even thinking about doing anything else. The blond hugged me close, a possessive almost inhuman growl falling from his lips as he held me.

“Why didn’t you use lube?” He asked with an eye roll. “Or even stretching yourself darling. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“You were too slow.” I replied, trying to hide the pain. “Now just give me a minute to adjust…”

“Take all the time you need, baby.” He told me, continuing to pepper kisses over the side of my face. For a few minutes I did that, slowly exhaling while sucking softly on his neck. When I felt like I was adjusted enough I began cautiously bouncing up and down on the blond’s cock, whining out with every stretch.

“F-fuck.” I whispered, feeling completely and utterly full. “Dream.” I continued with my movements, each bounce was able to reach somehow deeper into me.
“You’re doing so good, baby.” The werewolf praised, his hands holding my waist and assisting with my movements.

We both were wanting to keep quiet with my parents just being a few rooms over, busying our mouths with kisses and lovebites over one another's face, shoulders, and torsos. I continued lovingly sucking patterns into the werewolf’s neck which would quickly blossom into a wide array of colours (most of which I could see).

I felt my head getting fuzzy, drawing a low whine from my lips as I struggled to keep my movements consistent. “Are you all good sweetheart?” Dream asked, noting the way my movements had stuttered. Any words I could have told him got caught up in my throat, so I just whined before nodding. “Alright baby. Just tell me if you need help.”

Once again I nodded and attempted to continue, but it didn’t work well and when I let out a whine he took over. He pressed a kiss onto the side of my face before effortlessly flipping me over. My back landed against the sheets and my hands flopped above my head. Wordlessly I huffed up at the blond who lifted me up slightly to just move a pillow under my head.

“There, now you just relax and I will take care of you.” For a moment the blond admired me before he started thrusting into me. My head fell back in a moan as he somehow instantly thrusted into my prostate. It was loud and the blond immediately shushed me with a kiss. “We don’t want your parents to hear.”

I whimpered at his words but nodded, one of my hands moving to clamp over my mouth, just as he hit my prostate directly again. His hands were holding my waist, seemingly captivated by touching my bandages. Each time though it seemed to remind him of what had happened and about how he was never able to protect me.

His expression became slightly anxious but before he could act any more I held my hand out to him. “Dream, hold it please!” I whined, parting my fingers around my lips so that he could hear me. Dream immediately did as I requested, his left hand moving to hold mine lovingly.

However his other hand was still holding my waist and so I let out a small grumble. “Both.” I told him stubbornly. Without any complaints the blond moved so that his other hand was also holding mine, basically clasping it protectively. “Thanks,” I muttered, seeing the way he brightened up as he did as I asked. “You are so perfect.”

“Thank you.” He replied. “I’m close Georgie.” He then whimpered. I moved the hand that was covering my mouth up to brush through his hair.
“I-I’m close too.” I told him before kissing him again. My erection was painful, even more than the previous one had been.

We went back to kissing before I suddenly released over our chests without warning. I moaned into his mouth while pushing up into him. My body was beginning to get sensitive, overstimulated from just releasing twice and still getting fucked. Dream’s hands continued to clutch mine tightly before he released inside of me, causing both of us to moan out.

Dream’s bucked his hips a few more times, thrusting his cum deeper into me before stopping and cuddling into me. "I love you so much." He whispered into my ear before kissing along the side of my face. "If it were up to me I'd lay here like this with you forever." I giggled at his words, noting the way he dopily grinned at me.

"As much as I would love to do that, I am covered in cum, we are naked, and my parents are next door. So perhaps not forever."
The blond seemed upset at the suggestion but he nodded. "Fine," he huffed. "But I'm only moving if you promise to wear my hoodie."

“That can be arranged.” I nodded while kissing him lovingly.
1186 words

If I were to make a Truman show DNF (or maybe Karlnap or Skephalo fic) who do you guys think could be each character?

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