Chapter 88: Ride to NC

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Sapnap POV.

“So that’s why they are all at your door?” I asked after hearing their explanation. They quickly rambled to me about how the pack hated the idea of a human soulmate living here (which I did already know). Then the pair explained that after Dream attacked his grandparents while protecting George, and now the pack hated him for it.

“My father and I had thought that it was about him, since it seemed the entire council besides him was there.” I said, recalling the conversation which we had heard earlier. “We’d thought perhaps they were planning on overthrowing him.”
“Nope,” George shook his head. “It’s all about us… unfortunately.”

The three of us were sitting in my car, with the two of them in the backseat and me in the driver’s seat. After they’d gotten into the car they told me to drive off and so I did, planning on taking them to George’s house. While we were driving they were explaining everything.

“So that doesn’t explain how you were on the street without them seeing you.” I continued. “I mean… surely they would have seen you walk out of the house.”
“We didn’t walk out of the house though.” Dream allowed himself to briefly smile. “We climbed out of the tree by my window. Only Drista knows we got out.”

“The two of us just needed to get out of there… the yelling was freaking Dream out.” George continued, and as he said that he moved one of his hands to squeeze the blond’s. I couldn’t help but think, if I had found Karl first and the pack knew about it, then wouldn’t the exact same thing happen to me.

This only made me glad that I hadn’t revealed the existence of my soulmate to the entire pack, instead only telling my friends and family. But if George and Dream ran away from home (with me and Drista being their accomplices), did this mean that they weren’t coming back. I felt confused about it, so I asked them.

“We aren’t sure what it means.” Dream said, speaking sadly. “I don’t know what my parents are going to do about being harassed daily by the pack council. I’ve told them that Drista could take my job and be alpha, that I’d happily give up the role if it meant I could still be with George but… my grandparents were there and started yelling about how the first born had to be alpha.”

“Maybe you could come and stay at Karl’s.” I suggested. “If you guys wanted at least. He’s kind enough to let you stay and you can meet his friends at the same time.” Talking about how kind my soulmate was made me grin bashfully to myself.

“Well I guess if we go to Karl’s then they won’t be able to follow us.” George shrugged, and both Dream and I nodded in agreement.
We just reached George’s house and he went to step out of the car before turning to us. “I’ll call Karl and ask him and if he says it’s fine then I’ll pack my bag and bring some stuff out.”

The two of us once again nodded before he turned and walked into the house. We both let out a quiet sigh as we leaned back in our seats (almost in perfect unison, like it was choreographed). I looked over at Dream, “so how are you feeling?” I asked him. “It’s probably a lot to be having to go through this.”

“I mean it’s upsetting.” The blond responded. “These people I’ve known all my life… the pack council were pretty much like my aunts and uncles. They were the same for you weren’t they?” He glanced over at me and I nodded. “They’re like family and yet… they hate me because I want to protect the love of my life.”

“They will probably do the same for me.” I said, upset at the thought but knowing it was most likely the case. If they hated Dream for having a human soulmate and wanting to protect him, then they’d hate me for Karl. “I’m just glad that I get to go to school in North Carolina… hopefully. It would mean that they couldn’t do the same thing to me.”

“You’re lucky.” Dream nodded. I turned around in my seat to see that he was staring at the doorway to George’s house, looking for any sign of the brunette. “I’d gladly give up everything in my life just to be with George,” he said, but I wasn’t sure if it was directed to me or to himself. “I just want him to be happy.”

That’s all I wanted for Karl as well. I wanted him to be able to get a good education and have a career that he loved, with me supporting him regardless of what he does. We would have a flash house, and a large, loving family, it would be perfect. Neither of us would ever have to worry about anything ever again.

We didn’t speak for a few minutes, both just thinking about our human soulmates and the struggles that we had when we were living in werewolf packs. Then I saw George walking out of his house, carrying two suitcases alongside a backpack.

I allowed myself to chuckle. “Are you bringing everything in your bedroom with you?” I teasingly asked him. He scrunched up his face before poking his tongue out at me.
“These are for me and Dream to put our stuff in. It’s much easier than a bunch of backpacks.” He explained.

“Does that mean that we are allowed to stay with Karl?” Dream asked. “He’s letting us go to North Carolina and stay with him?”
“He did want to meet up with me again before the end of the holiday.” George recounted. “I’m looking forward to seeing him.”

“I’m looking forward to seeing him too.” I grinned to myself. “I’ve missed him so much. I want to be able to hold him and kiss him and…” I cut myself off. It probably wasn’t appropriate to say anything else to Dream and George.

“I told my parents what was going on.” George said. “My mother insisted that I bring snacks to eat the whole way.”
“What kind of snacks did your mother buy?” I asked, feeling both curious and hungry. “Hopefully something edible for werewolves.”

“They are.” George nodded. “Bacon bites, beef jerky, some potato chips, and a couple bottles of juice.” He listed them off while peering into the backpack. “My mother claims she ‘wolfed out’ when she found out about the pack.”
“‘Wolfed out’? You mean she found out about werewolves?” I asked.

The pair nodded in unison. “And they didn’t dramatically overreact?” Head shakes in unison. “Lucky. I hope Karl’s parents will be like that.” I whined out.
“Well we’ll see if they are like that when we get there.” George smiled, and I nodded before beginning to drive.
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Does this mean Karlnap smut some point before the story ends? Who knows.

I mean there is only 8 chapters left. If we add in three for smut (since Ezra loves buildup/foreplay chapter, then smut chapter, then aftercare chapter) then there are only 5 chapters left for lore.

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