Chapter 71: Ride home

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Ride as in 😏
Since they are in the car alone
Dream POV.

I refused to leave George’s side the remainder of the time that he was in the hospital. He didn’t belong in this place of injury, illness, and death, and now I wanted to make sure that nothing bad happened to him for the remainder of the time that we were here.

When we finally arrived to the safety of his family’s car I immediately latched onto him, pulling him into a hug with a low hum. He settled down into my arms and leaned back into me, both of us having missed the comfort after the five and a half weeks we’d been separated. My head immediately rested on his and began inhaling his scent.

“You are so perfect.” I muttered, my hands holding his arms. They’d gotten slightly thinner in those five weeks. He obviously didn’t get to eat in those weeks while he was in that medically induced coma, instead relying on an IV. I would have to make sure that he ate more than enough to make up for it when we get home.

“How is everyone back home?” He questioned, not even acknowledging his parents as they got into the front seats and began driving. They both smiled, probably happy to see their son happy after what had happened to him.
“All excited to see you again.” I told him.

“Karl has gone back to North Carolina.” I also explained. “That was about three weeks ago, but he stayed an extra week for you. He says he’s going to try and come down for a weekend before the school term starts to check on you, and that he’d try and bring his friends for Sapnap to meet.”

“I would have thought that Sapnap would have gone with him,” the brunette snickered. “I’m surprised that he stayed in town.”
“Well… given how I was for the most part, Sapnap had to take over my jobs to… help the wider community.” I said while glancing cautiously at his parents.

“That is sweet of him.” George hummed. Then his hand drifted up to his face so that he could brush his hair out of his eyes. I saw him cringe and let out a small hiss as he touched a scar.
“Are you okay?” I questioned anxiously, moving his hand away from the scar so he didn’t hurt himself before squeezing it.

“I’m fine.” He replied, wanting to reassure me as he squeezed my hand back in response. “Just stung a little.” After a grin appeared on his face he continued. “You seem a lot more protective than you normally are.”

“You can’t blame me for that.” I responded, rolling my eyes as I did before snuggling further into him (as well as I could with seatbelts on in a moving vehicle). “It is my job to protect you, you know that sweetheart.”
“I do,” he replied, pressing a kiss to the side of my face. “So how do I look?”

“Like an angel incarnate.” I immediately told him, running my hands through his hair. “You look like you should be a fashion model, and you are smart enough to be a scientist.”
“Not like that,” he allowed himself to laugh. “The scars, and the marks. I’m thankful the bruises are gone so I don’t have to ask about those.”

I leaned close to his ear and whispered softly so that neither of his parents could hear my words. “They make you look like a warrior.” I cupped his face and moved him to look at me so he could see how utterly breathless I became when I was around him. “But I’m still sorry that this ever happened to you. The people who dared to hurt you have been dealt with.”

“Thanks.” He muttered, then he pressed another kiss to the side of my face.
“You two are quite cuddly back there.” George’s father observed, glancing back in a rearview mirror as he turned into a strip-mall parking lot. “Getting reacquainted?” He teasingly asked, making both of us blush slightly.

“We might be.” I commented proudly, smirking at the brunette who’s face just kept getting redder. “We’ve been apart for far too long.” Then I nuzzled my face against his.
“Dream,” he hummed quietly enough that his parents couldn’t hear, leaning back into my touch.
“Just make sure that you wear protection when you do.” His Dad chuckled.

“Well I think it’s cute, Richard,” his wife swatted him on the shoulder while shooting him a playful glare. “Anyway boys, we are going to get a late lunch before heading back home. Anything either of you want?”

Both of us looked at all of the different shop fronts. There were all sorts of things, Indian, Japanese, Italian, and then your standard McDonalds and Starbucks. Obviously my opinions didn’t matter and so I looked over at George, just wanting to get whatever made him happy after all he had been through.

George didn’t speak until the car was parked before eventually deciding. “Can I get a curry with rice and naan bread?” He asked, clearly wanting from the Indian restaurant. “And just a bottle of water as a drink.” His mother nodded and repeated the order to make sure she had it right before turning to me and asking the same thing.

“I’ll have the same.” I told his parents, they both nodded and got out of the car, leaving us in there alone. Neither of us spoke for a few moments as we watched them walk over to the Indian restaurant but then I went back to kissing the brunette. I wanted to make up for time lost over the past four weeks and he didn’t seem to mind.

“Y’know,” I hummed as I pressed a kiss onto the side of his forehead. “Since you haven’t been here for so long I don’t think that I can leave you alone. I’ll need to be beside you for the rest of the holiday, reminding you how perfect you are.”
“That would be nice.” He replied.

We both just began talking, with him asking questions about how everyone was, and what’s been going on in town, all of which I happily answered. It made me sad though, seeing him like this. He was tired, cuddly, and covered in bandages and scratches. While I found two of those okay, the third and fourth however were not.

“I’m never going to let anybody hurt you again.” I promised him.
1094 words

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