Chapter 43: Picnic

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Karl POV.

George and I sat chatting with one another on a picnic blanket we’d found in the back of his storage closet which was now spread out over the soft terrain. We’d decided to go for a walk in the woods because the weather was nice and sunny and decided to bring some food so we could have a picnic.

As we walked, George had told me about how he’d never had a proper picnic before, unless you included the indoor picnic he had with his cousins when he was about five during a storm, and I hadn’t had many either. So since we wanted to go exploring the woods we decided it was a good time to have one.

“I can see why this town is so great.” I commented after I’d finished the peanut butter and jelly sandwich I’d been eating. “I mean, a lot of the shops you’ve shown me are kinda bland compared to North Carolina, but the woods are nice.”
“Yeah.” The brunette nodded, snacking on an apple. “I see lots of people here, all the time.”

“Imagine playing out here as a kid!” I continued. “Climbing all the trees and never ending games of tag and shit!” My gaze drifted amongst all of the trees, squinting slightly on the odd occasion when a beam of sunlight would reach between two branches and hit me in the eyes.

“Dream and Sapnap would sneak through the forest to come harass me at my house.” The brunette told me. Then he took another bite of his apple while I looked at him in disbelief.
“There is no way Sapnap would harass you.” I said defensively. “He’s much too sweet for that.”

George merely scoffed. “He’s obviously been nice to you.” After pausing for a moment he decided to add. “Perhaps he has a crush on you.”
My eyes widened before a grin grew on my face. “No way!” I responded, brushing him off immediately. “There is no chance that Sapnap would have a crush on me!”

“You smile any time I mention him.” George pointed out.
“Because you mention him so often, perhaps you have a crush on him!” I retorted playfully.
“You’ve told me about how big and muscly his body is.” He continued to list.
“He’s a football player. They are a completely different breed to Wattpad nerds like us!”

“So you are saying that you don’t have a crush on him?” The brunette scrunched up his face in mock confusion, the half eaten apple still in his hand as it rested on his lap.
“Of course. I would not have a crush on a guy that I met less than a week ago.”
“Even if you made out with that guy and slept in his bed?”

I clamped my mouth shut and just glared at him. My best friend who was sitting on the opposite side of the picnic blanket with his stupid, smug, British grin. He made me want to just punch him but instead I just burst out laughing. “I wouldn’t have had to sleep in his bed if you hadn’t left me at the party while you went off with Dream.”

Then I continued. “Speaking of Dream, are you sure the two of you don’t have some sort of relationship going on?”
“Not really.” George replied. “I mean, we’ve cuddled a couple of times, but homies do that all the time. I’m sure you’ve done that back with the guys in North Carolina.”

Before I answered I received a text. I pulled my phone from my pocket the moment that it vibrated and my face lit up as I realised who it was from. “What is it?” George asked nosily from where he sat before scooching over. I ignored him, continuing to type out a response before the brunette snatched my phone away.

“Hey!” I responded, grabbing it back almost instantly. Unfortunately for me, he had seen who the text was from.
“I knew you liked Sapnap!” He exclaimed triumphantly. “I fucking knew it!” Then he calmed down for a moment. “You two would be perfect for each other.”

“Would we?” I questioned. “I’m not so sure about that.” My gaze fell back to the blanket before I reached over and grabbed a handful of chips from an open bag. George just rolled his eyes before pulling his own phone out and beginning to text someone.

For a while we were silent, both of us on our phones instead of enjoying the bright and beautiful day that was surrounding us. Instead of talking, the only sounds passed between us was the chewing of our food.

Dream POV.

“How can you be that fucking stupid!” I yelled into the mic at Sapnap. “My God, you just jumped into lava in hardcore! You wasted a month's worth of work, you idiot!”
“It’s not my fault that a skeleton shot me into lava,” he responded. “You are making it sound like I’m an idiot!”

“Cause you are an idiot!” I told him. “How many times have I told you to put up fences around the lava, or to put up more torches so mobs don’t spawn?” Sapnap growled out something which I didn’t understand as I saw it saying in chat that he left the game. Once he had disappeared I left the game after him and just sat patiently on the home screen.

“Maybe I should invite some other people onto the world.” I spoke to myself. “Maybe I could give Bad and Skeppy your house, I mean it does have a double bed. Techno might like to have your netherite armour…” I rambled, planning on annoying him.

Sapnap didn’t respond though, and so I switched over to discord and saw he was messaging someone on his phone. “Wow, now you’re ignoring me?” I scoffed playfully. “That’s not a way for a beta to be acting towards his alpha.”
“Shut up, idiot.” Sapnap responded, not moving his gaze off of the phone.

I couldn’t make fun of him since I got text myself. My face lit up when I realised it was from George and a grin grew on my face as I read it. “Hey Sapnap.” Without taking my eyes off of the message the brunette had sent me I decided to tell him.
“What?” He asked, still not looking up.

“George sent me a text.” I informed him. “He says that Karl has a crush on you…”
1080 words

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