Chapter 36: Eggs

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Dream POV.

When I returned from the bathroom I had used I was met with an amazing sight. George was sitting on the bed with his hair slightly damp and dressed in my oversized clothes. He just smelled amazing as he sat enveloped by my scent. I wanted to just grab him and pull him into my nest and cuddle with him for the rest of my life.

He looked up at me and smiled before standing up and I approached cautiously. With slow movements, so that I didn't scare the brunette and he had every chance to back out if he wanted to. I pulled the brunette into a hug and buried my nose into his hair, taking slow inhales to make sure this was really happening.

When I finally let go of him I just stayed looking into his eyes. He looked like such a sweetheart. I wanted nothing more than to be able to continue holding him but I figured my perfect soulmate was hungry. "Are you wanting some breakfast?" I asked, my gaze soft as I spoke.

"Yes please." He quietly murmured in response in what must have been the cutest voice on Earth. At his confirmation I wrapped an arm around his waist to escort him downstairs as any good soulmate should.

Both Drista and my father were in the kitchen, neither of them saying a word as my sister scrolled through TikTok on her phone and my father made himself a cup of coffee. They finally acknowledged the two of us when I pulled out one of the chairs at the kitchen table for the brunette human to sit on.

"Good morning you two." My Dad greeted, stepping away from the kitchen counter as he had obviously finished making his drink. "It's good to see you again George." I could barely hear George's quiet response, seemingly embarrassed about the fact that my whole family knew he had spent the night here.

"It's good to see you again too." His words were whispered, before my father could make any more conversation I asked what he wanted for breakfast, since I wanted to make something he enjoyed. "I don't mind." The human told me and so I just started making something which I hoped he liked, while Drista pulled George into a conversation.

"So you are my brother's soulmate?" She asked, eyeing him up and down. Not sure how to react, George nervously nodded, shifting on his seat as he did. After a moment of judging him, my sister finally said 'you're too good for him' before going on to ask all sorts of questions about him. I huffed at her before getting out a frying pan to make some eggs.

"So are you two a thing?" My father quietly whispered his question to me, not sure about our relationship and how far along we considered ourselves. I told him that, not moving my eyes off of the pan on the stove before hearing him let out an 'mhm' sound in understanding. "He has definitely warmed up to you."

George did have a couple of things to drink last night, I could smell the faint alcohol over him throughout the entire evening but thankfully it was gone after he had a shower and instead smelt like me. The worst thing about the alcohol was that it could mean he didn't actually like me and it was all booze telling him to say these things.

"I'm honestly surprised anyone would want to be Dream's mate, regardless of whether they were human or werewolf. I mean he is just so annoying." My sister scoffed.
"Well you haven't found your soulmate yet so maybe he found you annoying and ran off." I retorted before getting a harsh look from my father telling me to cut it out.

I was meant to be setting an example, not just for my sister, but for the whole pack as well, so I was rarely allowed to act like this in front of her, but George was giggling at what I said and therefore, I was proud. With a smug grin I continued what I was doing while Drista complained about me.

Then she began to do something much more annoying and began questioning George about what his life was like as a human since apparently it was for a science project she was working on. Even though I wanted to be the one to get to know about George's life and not her I couldn't help but listen to all of his answers.

My sister did finally shut up though when I brought two plates of eggs on toast over to the table, muttering quietly for her to scram as I did. As we ate I remained fixated on George, wanting to make sure he was enjoying his food.

Soulmates were funny like that. We didn't always care about what was happening with us, as long as our soulmates were alright. I even knew that I wasn't the best at cooking, so I made sure that he ended up with the better of the two plates; the one with runny, not overcooked eggs, and the least burnt pieces of toast.

I was already planning on buying a recipe book to learn to cook, mainly for George's sake so he wouldn't get sick from my terrible cooking skills, among many other things. Maybe though, I was moving too fast. Humans don't understand the way soulmates work as easily as werewolves do, and often after meeting them we tend to move quite fast, humans however weren't like that.

I had no clue as to whether George was comfortable about how fast this relationship was going or not. Part of me was scared to even ask him that out of worry that he would be and he wanted me to back off. If he did that, I knew I'd probably fall back into the month-long slump that I had been going through.

My mind was travelling a hundred miles a minute as I finished my food, not saying a word to George and leaving him to his thoughts. He stood up after clearing his plate and carried it over to the sink to clean it. I followed afterwards with my own empty plate, wanting to offer to clean for the brunette since it was a thing that good soulmates did.

We had a playful bickering match between the two of us over who should be the one cleaning up (it should have been me). He had insisted that he should be the one to wash our plates after we ate breakfast. Eventually our argument wrapped up, and he and I returned to  my bedroom to hang out.

I had expected it to be the two of us curling up on my bed to watch a movie, but before we started doing that he wanted to go and get another warmer hoodie. I thought nothing of it as he disappeared into my closet, but then he appeared face-to-face with my nest.
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