Chapter 38: Party

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Sorry for late chapter. This was written by Ezra and he was slow to send it to me (I only got it half an hour ago), so hate on him.
Karl POV.

I yawned as I woke up, feeling tired after such a wild party last night. Sapnap had brought me back to his house to sleep since I figured that George’s parents would be concerned if I returned drunk and without their son. The ravenette however, seemed more than eager to have me staying at his house.

Currently I was in his bedroom, which was bigger than my own bedroom back in North Carolina and even had a large walk-in closet and an ensuite bathroom with a spa bath. If I hadn’t been wasted last night, I probably would have spent hours laying in the warm bath water and watching a movie on the TV which was also in the bathroom.

Last night at the party

After George had left Sapnap and I chatted with a few of his friends from school. Some people called Techno, and Wilbur, and Skeppy, and Bad, all of which were slightly strange names (I suppose they could have been nicknames), all of whom were really nice. I wished that George had told me more about them when we chatted online, since they were really fun.

“What was George like before he came here?” Bad questioned me, a wide grin present on his face as he held a plastic cup that was full of Sprite (he told me that he and Skeppy don’t drink alcohol).
“To be honest I… I never met George before he came here.” I replied.

That caused a lot of confusion from through the group and Techno was the one to ask the next question. “What do you mean by that?” his nose scrunched up as he asked.
“Well he is from the UK and I’m from North Carolina. We met while playing minecraft and have been online friends since then. Yesterday was the first time we’ve seen each other in person.”

“That’s cool!” Wilbur said with a grin, at least that’s what I thought he said. The music was playing so loud that it made my head thump and disoriented me slightly, the other’s all seemed fine though. Maybe they were used to parties I guessed. This is the first high school party I’ve ever been to, perhaps if I went to more I’d get used to this.

I felt a body brush up beside mine and looked to see Sapnap had returned, holding two glasses of alcohol he’d left to get a few minutes earlier. Throughout the entire party so far he had been reluctant to leave me alone, probably because I was new to this town and he’d feel bad leaving me alone, but he was reassured by his friends that I’d be fine with them.

“Thank you.” I spoke just loud enough for him to hear me as I took one of the glasses from him before taking a sip. It wasn’t the first time that I’d had alcohol, since me, Jimmy, Chris, and Chandler would often raid our parents' liquor cabinets during birthdays or weekend hangouts just to spice up the evening.

Still though, I felt the rush as the burning liquid raced down my throat and let out a hum of satisfaction as it settled. My body pressed back against the wall of the hallway we’d been standing and talking in and I felt the eyes of several members of Sapnap’s friend group on me, not that I cared at the moment.

I leaned over onto Sapnap and whispered about how I wanted to go and check out the living room, where I had seen several traditional party games set up including beer pong and spin the bottle. Beer pong wasn’t that exciting, we’d tried it in North Carolina but changed our mind when we realised we’d drink beer which had been touched by hands and a dirty ping pong ball.

So instead I went over to where the crowd was gathered playing spin the bottle and sat down in an empty space. “Do you mind if I play?” I asked curiously, the alcohol providing a great cure for all of my social anxiety. The group looked over at me before raising their gazes to Sapnap who was standing behind me.

I didn’t bother to look, their expressions told me all I needed. The nine other people in the circle all shifted slightly before letting him sit down, right beside me. “What have you guys been doing?” I asked them, watching as a brunette with several piercings grabbed the empty beer bottle from the centre circle.

“Well we were playing classic truth or dare.” He admitted. “Y’know, spin it and whoever it lands on you get to ask truth or dare. If they refuse either they take a shot..”
“Yeah, the game was just wrapping up.” A girl with her hair dyed red told me. Her eyes never moved off of Sapnap, or perhaps she was trying to avoid his eyes instead.

“Maybe we should move.” Sapnap suggested, his hand moving to the small of my back. “It seems like the game is over.”
“Could we play something else?” I asked. “It’ll be fun. Something like seven minutes in heaven!”
“I’m not so sure.” The ravenette muttered. “You seem kinda drunk.”

“ ‘m fine. Please.” I gave him puppy dog eyes, steering into his beautiful eyes to try and convince him. He paused, his breath hitching as he refused to take his eyes off of me. For a few moments his words were caught in his mouth before he anxiously nodded. Even though he agreed, he still seemed tense.

“We don’t usually play seven minutes in heaven, but how about you two go first then?” The same girl with red hair suggested, earning a look from Sapnap. “Usually we spin the bottle for it, but we need people to start us off strong.” Sapnap nodded before offering his hand out to me. I took it, standing up and leaning into him as the boy with piercings led us to a hall closet.

“It’s going to be locked from the outside.” The boy explained to the both of us. “After seven minutes we’ll come and let you out.”
A girl who had been following us let out a shrill tease of ‘have fun!’ before they shut the door, trapping us in darkness.

Sapnap didn’t do anything, instead staring at the door. I let out a drunken huff before pulling the ravenette into a kiss. Any anxiousness that he had melted away as my lips connected with his. I felt his hands snaking around my waist and sliding his tongue into my mouth. Both of us pushed into each other until there was no room between us.

Despite the possessive way he was holding me, his actions were soft. I felt my breathing picking up, the two alcohols we’d been drinking mixed in our mouths to create the perfect blend. His hands brushed down my side and I leaned back against the wall with Sapnap’s lips chasing mine.

His hands continued to rest on my waist as he lightly nipped along my neck, his teeth much sharper than I would have expected. In response, my face was buried in the soft hair on his head and I managed to keep my moans quiet. “God Sapnap~” I groaned, “you’re so amazing~”

Before I could let out another sound there was knocking against the door. “Guys, it’s been seven minutes. Straighten yourselves up!” My cheeks were red and I panted as I looked over at Sapnap whose hands had already moved to begin fixing up my outfit, not even caring about his own appearance.

I yawned before leaning on him, feeling utterly exhausted. “Wanna go back to the party or should we head to my house?” I nodded against the ravenette which he took to mean the second option. His hands continued to hug my waist and he led me out of the closet.

Present time

I smiled as I reminisced last night, even if I was drunk at the time. Beside me, sleeping soundly was the ravenette who had brought me home with him, still sound asleep. It felt quite early, and so I yawned tiredly before cuddling into Sapnap, who had already been hugging my waist, but now as I moved closer his grip tightened protectively.

His gentle hands wrapped around my waist mixed with his quiet breathing lulled me into a peaceful sleep.
1424 words

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