Chapter 63: Shower

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Probably a good place for shower sex. Let's see how this turns out.
George POV.

“So how is Dream going?” Karl questioned over the phone. “His sister came over to talk to Sapnap, apparently he sounded really shaken up.”
“Yeah, Drista told me he seemed close to tears.” Sapnap agreed, also on the other end of the call that I was on.

“Dream’s really anxious.” I answered. “He doesn’t want to leave me alone, and he barely comes out of the closet.” I then realised how strange that last part must have sounded to them and so I added on ‘I made a nest in there for him’.
“Aww, making a nest is so sweet.” Karl said.

“I feel really worried for him.” I admitted. I’d managed to talk the blond into having a shower, promising that he could use my shampoo and one of my towels(a clean one, obviously). He was in the bathroom now, having been in there for the past ten minutes.

“How bad is Dream’s grandmother?” My best friend questioned. “Did she abuse him or something? If he is acting like this after her getting mad.”
“Not abuse. Just really strict.” Sapnap explained to the two of us.
“How so?” I was the one to ask.

“Well she obviously wanted to keep our pack strong after she built it up, I think I’ve told you both that a couple of times.” The ravenette began. “When the two of us were kids we went to stay with her in Canada for a month so she could teach us how to be a good future alpha and beta and stuff.”

“We were only about six years old at the time, but she wanted us to have started learning even earlier than that. For thirty consecutive days she taught us all sorts of skills which are completely overwhelming for kids of any age. It had put a lot of stress on us and she’d often get really annoyed when we got something simple wrong.”

“That’s terrible.” Karl gasped. “She sounds like such a mean old woman. I’m sorry you had to go through that.” I let out a sound of agreement with my best friend, not knowing exactly what I should say to Sapnap and therefore thinking it was better to leave it to his soulmate to say.

“Dream had it much worse than I did. His family legacy as the pack alpha has been going back since settlers first arrived in Florida. My great grandfather had overthrown the old pack beta. Dream’s grandmother seemed to hate me for that and spent much less time on me because of it. I think it had something to do with purity or whatever.”

“Anyway, by the end of the month both of us were terrified of her. She never abused us, moreso just stressed us out and put us through some difficult tests meant to ‘help us lead’.” Sapnap finished, then he let out a sigh. “Perhaps I’m not the best at explaining this stuff. I’m sorry, both of you.”

“You have nothing to apologise for.” I told him, before hearing a sound from somewhere out of the room, and I knew that it meant it must have been Dream. “I’ve got to go, I’ll call you back later.” The three of us exchanged ‘goodbyes’ before hanging up the phone. I dropped the phone onto the bed before walking over to the door.

When I opened it, I saw the blond shuffling out of a door further down the hallway. He was dressed in the same wrinkled clothes he had been wearing yesterday, and was running his hands anxiously through his hair. “Hey.” I greeted when he saw me. I walked over to him and embraced him, noting the way his tense posture relaxed when I held him.

After a few moments we let go and I led him back to the bedroom, watching as he laid down on the bed and wriggled himself under the covers. I joined him after a few moments, pulling him close. “How are you feeling?” I asked him. “Now that you are clean.”
“Still upset.” He whined. “I don’t ruin everything, do I?”

“No.” I replied. “Of course not. I’ve not met a lot of werewolf alphas, but you are definitely one of the best ones.” He whined out before pushing himself closer to me. “Y’know, I am jealous. You are so great at everything and I just wanted to let you know that regardless of what you think, I know that you are amazing. So do all of your friends.”

“They do?” He asked, his eyes wide as he looked at me as though I had told him the most bizarre thing in the world, which I hadn’t of course. What I had told him was simple, straightford, and one hundred perfect true.
“Of course.” I kissed his face lovingly.

The blond started kissing me back. We sat entangled and pressed kisses to one another for a while before I moved even closer to him. “Is there anything I can do to help you?”
“Just laying here.” He spoke softly. “Being able to hold you close helps a lot.”

“I’m glad.” I responded before nuzzling closer to him. Neither of us spoke for a while, instead just holding each other close.
“Thank you.” He finally whispered.

Sapnap POV.

“Should we go and buy Dream some kind of gift?” Karl questioned as we laid on the couch together. “Y’know, something to cheer him up.” I nodded, thinking that it was a good idea.
“That could work.” I replied. “But what would we get him?”

“I’m not sure.” Karl shook his head. “Perhaps some chocolate? Although if he’s a werewolf then I don’t know if he can eat chocolate.” His gaze then flickered over to me. “Do you know what kind of candy he likes?” Before I could answer there was a knock on the door. Both of us looked over in that direction before I stood up to go and answer it.

An old blond woman with an expression of stone was standing there, one I immediately recognised as Dream’s grandmother. “Good morning,” I greeted her politely, balling up my fists at my side as I did. “Can I help you?”

“I’m looking for my grandson.” She spoke in a monotone voice. “He seems to like hanging out with impure job-stealers like yourself, do you know where he is?” Karl peeked out from over my shoulder to look at her. “Oh great, another human soulmate.” The woman barely managed to hide a growl as she looked at him. “I need to find Dream, do either of you know where he is?”

“We don’t.” Karl answered. “We haven’t seen or talked to him since yesterday.” It wasn’t a lie, we hadn’t seen or talked to him, we’d been talking to George though, who was with him.
“Nevermind then.” She hmphed. “I figured it would be a waste of time coming to see you.” Then she shut the door and left.
1192 words

No shower sex. 😔😭😔😭👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🚿🍆🍑❤️

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