1| Daisy

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Third person

"Daryl I'm scared" the little girl told her older brother. It was another one of Merle and her fathers fights.

They never ended good. There dad didn't like how Merle came home at late times and Merle didn't like how there dad was always drunk.

There fights always ended up in one of the sibling best and bruised. But Daryl did everything in his power to protect his sister.

She was only 6. No kid deserved to go through what Daryl did as a kid. The fighting went on.

Daryl hoped someone would hear and then the cops would get called. His only fear would be that he was turning 16 the next year. He would have to get split up from Y/n.

"I know Y/n it will all be over soon I promise" he said as he hugged the girl close. He knew his words were a lie. They were never over soon. These fights usually last until someone hit someone.

He wished Y/n could grow up in a better household. She was just like there mother. There mother was the only one who could calm down there dad. And after she died, he drank.

Even though Y/n, was like her, she didn't have that same touch there mom did.

There was a loud crash. It made Y/n scream and hood her brother even tighter.

"Look what you did! Your scaring Y/n!" There dad screamed at Merle.

"Me? Your the crazy drunk one that likes to hit everyone" Merle said as he yelled right back at him.

Merle always cared for his little sister. She reminded him of mom and it gave him a sense of hope. She would always right to him in Juvie and Daryl would mail it out. Even though, Daryl knew she was going to get hurt it made her happy.

Y/n, was a bit of a mistake it a way. She was a slip up. Having the massive age difference did have a little bit of a problem to the situation.

After a year Y/n was born, there mom started to get sick. There mom did spend every day with Y/n. Just to have a little time.

Y/n doesn't remember much of her mom. Being so little it's hard too.

"Daryl make daddy and Merle stop arguing" she pleaded to her older brother.

"I wish I could Y/n, it's almost over I promise" he said as he hugged her tighter.

End of flashback
*Year before the apocalypse*
Third Perosn

"Daryl I got accepted!" The 20 year old told her brother. Y/n was working hard to get accepted at a collage. Penn State actually.

She had the grades. That's all she needed. She wanted to be better for her brother. So when she hit a house and everything she would let Daryl live with her.

"I'm so proud of you kiddo. I knew you could do it" He said as he hugged his little sister.

Y/n, never had an idea for a family. Seeing hers scared her. She didn't want it to end up like hers. So she would stick with living with her brother. She was going to school to become a nurse.

She likes the idea of saving people. It made her feel good about her self. There was many close calls with Merle and overdosing.

Merle could be an asshole but he always had a soft spot for Y/n.

"When I didn't nursing school you can go up with me and we can find a house and" Daryl let his sister ramble on. He didn't want to go with her I'm fear of pulling her down.

She had a life ahead of her and he didn't want to stop it. She worked so hard. She put up with dad and Merle and even him.

There have been times Daryl used to beat himself up about. How dad ended up hitting Y/n and he was to busy tracking down Merle instead of being there.

It was only a few. Y/n was just at the wrong place wrong time. Maybe if dad was sober and mom was alive they would all have a good life.

Good life's, jobs and family to go to. It was his dream. But with his past it would be hard to love a guy like him.

But for Y/n on the other hand no way. She was a nice, beautiful, sweet girl. She was nothing like her dad in any way. She wouldn't even hurt a fly.

If there was a spider in her room she would get Daryl and he would kill it then she would cry afterwards.

"Daryl are you listening?" The girl asked her brother, she waved her hand infront of his face.

"Yes I am. When do you leave?" He asked as he was trying to keep conservation.

"Well school starts September 2nd so mid August to get prepared. Can you take me down?" She asked her brother with pleading eyes.

He was afraid to let her go because he thought someone was going to hurt her. It was his fear. He didn't want anyone to hurt her. There have been run ins with past boyfriends.

Daryl wanted to kill them. Y/n never told Merle because he would actually do so.

"Your going to do well" he told her as he smiled at her. Y/n was the very few people that would but a smile on any of the Dixions faces. In fact maybe the only one.

Even though dad hit her she never blamed it on him. That was her way of thinking. She loved her father with all her heart and it was never her dads fault.

That's why everyone loved Y/n no matter what you did she always looked at you on the Bright side. That maybe there is still some good left in you. And that's why she was loved.

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