50| The Well

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"Glenn, she could be freaking pregnant" I told him in hushed voices as stated where we were when Lori left us.

"No way" he said as he snatched the paper right from the hands.

"But who is the father? We know she was messing with Shane" I told him as I looked up at him.

"Oh no" he mumbled.

"Glenn you can not tell anyone" I warned him.

He nodded.

"Guys come look at this!" Dale shouted from a well. I grabbed Glenn's arm and we hurried to the well.

Andrea, Lori, Maggie, Shane, T-Dog we're waiting for us and we walked to the well.

We looked down and we saw a fat ugly Walker. It was in the Glenn and probably messed up the well.

"Looks like we've got us a swimmer" Dale said as he shined the flashlight on the Walker.

"How long do you think it's been down there?" Glenn asked us. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Long enough to grow gills. We can't leave it in there. God knows what it's doing to the water" Andrea mentioned.

"We got to get it out" Shane said. I looked at him. No dip.

"Easy. Put a bullet in its head" T-Dog replied. "I'll get a rope".

"Whoa whoa guys. No" Maggie said stopping us.

"Why not? It's a good plan" Glenn told us.

"It's a stupid plan. If that thing hasn't contaminated the water yet, blowing it's brains out will do the job" I told them as I watched it move around.

"She's right. Can't risk it" Shane said. I know I'm right. I rolled my eyes slightly.

"So it has to come out alive?" T-Dog asked his eyes trained on the well.

"So to speak" Shane mumbled.

"How do we do that?" Glenn asked.

Maggie said she would be right back. She came back with a block out some sort of meat. T-Dog then tied it to a rope and we lowered it down.

The meat was in the walkers grasp. But the Walker didn't do anything.

"He is not going for it" Dale said as he looked down into the well.

"Maybe cause canned ham don't kick and scream when you try to eat it. "T-Dog said as we watched the Walker continue to move around.

"He's right. That's a reason the dead doesn't come back to life and start raiding our cupboards" Lori joked. I snorted a bit as I watched the Walker do nothing.

"We need live bait" Andrea said. Everyone looked to Glenn and my eyes widened.

"I can do it" I quickly said. I didn't want Glenn to risk his life.

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