5| Gymnastics

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I can't believe I just blown up in front of my group. This is horrible what if they think I'm a horrible person? At this point I couldn't hold my emotions. Grammy used to say "it's better to cry once in awhile"

I went into my tent. It was with Daryl and Merle's. If funny because it felt like Merle was planning for something like this to happen.

I heard footsteps. I froze. Maybe it's a walker? I didn't like calling them walkers. It didn't seem human to do so.

I held my breath. Maybe it was just pacing. We were a little fair from the group. My brothers didn't like socializing. Merle said making friends makes you weaker. Which is a complete lie. I don't like calling him a liar, but in this case yes.

The footsteps got closer. I shut my eyes. "Y/n?" A voice called out. I let go of my breath. Thank god.

I peaked my head out and say Glenn. I smiled a bit.

"Was I to mean?" I asked quietly, he came closer to me and crouched infront of my tent.

"No. You have every right to be upset. That's your brother. And I guess everyone was a bit shocked that you yelled at them" he said with a smile.

"Yelled? I have to say sorry" I said while trying to get out, Glenn stopped me.

"No it's okay. They understand" he said as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Can you stay here tonight? Daryl isint back yet, and we're close to the woods. I don't want to be alone" I said quietly.

"Yeah of course. Do you want to go to my tent. It's closer to the group" he said as he stood up and reached for my hand.

"Yes" I said as I followed him. It seemed like the rest of the group went off to bed. It was hard to tell what time it was, since no clocks. But it did feel pretty late.

Glenn lead me to his tent. He unzipped it. "Ladies first" he said with a smile. I went in. It was a nice space. He had clothes in one corner and his hats too. It was a pretty big tent.

I went on the side closer to the campfire and laid down. It was a nice breezy night. Not so bad but it was okay. I grabbed my blanket and put it over me.

"You can get closer to me. I don't have a disease" I said with a giggle. He scooted closer to me. Our faces were about a foot apart.

"What are we?" He asked, I could hear a his shakyness in his voice.

"Umm what do you want to be?" I asked him.

"I like you. I've liked you since you got into this camp. Being around your brothers and you if a total difference. You are always so happy and you look at the glass halfway full. And I'm totally like that. The way you always help Sophia or Carl find one of there lost toys, how your always the first one to help the older ones when the need help getting out, how you always spend time with Dale when he is on lookout, how your the first person to help with Landry" he said as he looked me in my eyes.

"I like you too" I said as I leaned in to kiss him.

(If you read my other stories, I HATE SLOW ROMANCES)


"Good morning sleepy head" I said as Glenn stirred to wake up. I like waking up in the mornings. I love starting new days it's always so fun.

"How do you wake up in such a good mood?" He asked as he opened his eyes.

"My Grammy used to say, the faster you start your day, the faster it gets over with. She was always a Debbie downer sometimes. But I love her and being a downer is never a bad thing" I said as I stood up.

He just laughed at me and followed my head.


We were all waiting for Daryl to get back. I said sorry to everyone and no one seemed to hold grudges which I was very thankful for.

They all said it would be better for me to tell Daryl. And Rick would back me up if it went hay wire. Since he was the one the locked him up. They told me the full story and i got why they did it but at the same time I was a little hurt. I told him that the only person that could hill Merle was Merle.

I knew he would find a way out. T - Dog apologized over and over again. I told him I had no hard feelings and he tried to help get him out.

"I did gymnastics for 6 years" Sophia told me as we were sitting around.

"I always wanted to do gymnastics when I was a kid" I told her. We never had a lot of money but my Grammy taught me how to do a kart wheel. It ended up my breaking my arm, but I got to spend time with my Grammy.

"I stopped because I broke my ankle. Some of the girls were mean anyways" she told me, I gave her a sad smile.

"They are just mad that you were the best one there" I told her as I ruffled her hair. I looked up and Carol sent me a smile.

"I never did gymnastics" Carl said as he sat down with us.

"Boys don't do gymnastics" Sophia said with a giggle.

"Actually boys do. And I bet Carl would have been amazing" I said as I laughed along with Sophia.

"I played soccer. I didn't like it very much" Carl said as he looked back on his past memories.

"I tried to do soccer and a ball hit me in the head. I wasn't very good at sports" I told them and they laughed at me.


It's been a couple more hours, I guessed. Not very good with time. I was teaching Glenn how to play Miss marry mac, which he wasn't very good and couldn't get the song down right.

"Why did she want to see a whole buckboard of elephants jump over a fence anyways?" He asked me. I giggled. I was about to tell him why but then we heard a scream.

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