7| Toughen Up

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"Isint that right?" Lori told Rick. They looked at eachother for a moment.

"I'm going back" Rick said. Lori steps into the R-V after she hears that. Maybe Rick was a good guy after all. What am I kidding? No one is bad.


"Daryl please let me go" I said as we were back at his and I tents.

"No. You stay here. I don't want to loose another sibling" he told me as he grabbed his crossbow.

"You talk about him like he is already dead" I scoffed at him.

"Daisy look, you are too good for this world. Your to sweet and kind. You need to toughen up. I don't want you to think those walkers are just some humans that are still alive because they arent" he told me. I knew it was the truth.

"But Grammy said-" I said as before I was cut off.

"Grammy was a druggie and most of the time she was stoned when she gave you the advice" he told me as he walked away.

He was right. I hated when he was right. Grammy said it's not good to say the world hate. Because you don't really hate anything.

Oh boy what am I kidding? He was right. I had to toughen up.


I walked up to the group. If I was going to toughen up, I wasn't going to be bossed around.

"I'm going" I said as I reached the van. T-Dog, Glenn and Daryl looked at me. "No" they said at the same time.

"I'm going to get my brother. Daryl you told me to toughen up. So the first thing I'm going to do is not be bossed around. I'm going" I said as I stood my ground.

They looked at each other and finally gave in. I smiled to myself as we got into the truck and closed it. T-Dog and Rick were up front, while the rest of us were in the back.

"I'm glad we're doing this" I said with a smile.

"Of course you are" Daryl mumbled.

"What? You told me to toughen up so I'm going to kill a... walker" I said as trying to be tough as possible.

"You can't even say it how you gonna kill one?" Daryl asked me.

"I'll show you. Maybe you should stop being such a jackass" I said. As soon as I sailed it a covered my mouth.

"Is that the first cuss word that ever came out of Miss Y/n's mouth?" T-Dog asked me with a laugh.

"Yeah it was. I'm never doing that again. My mouth feels so dirty" I said with a glum look on my face.

"Don't worry you will get used to it" Rick said as he looked back at me.


We made it to the train tracks. The entrance of the city. This is the first time I've been here to be honest. Well after the apocalypse. It's so different.

"He'd better be okay. It's my only word on the matter" Daryl said to T-Dog.

"I told you the geeks can't get at him. The only thing that can get him is us" T dog explained to him.

All of the sudden the car stopped. "We walk from here" Rick told us. My nerves were high. This was my time to show myself and get Merle back.

We all hopped out of the car and headed to the department store.


We have been walking for only a short bit when we reached a gate. Glenn then cut the gate so we could all fit through. I looked around for any zombies just in case. You could never let your guard down.

"Merle first or guns?" Rick asks as we all make it through the fence.

"Merle! We ain't even hanging this conversation" Daryl said as he was getting frustrated that the question was even asked.

"We are" Rick said as he looked at Glenn. "You know the geography it's your call" Rick said as we hurried under the tunnel.

"Merle's closer. The guns would mean doubling back. Merry first" Glenn said. This was a suicide mission.

The pace was quicker and quicker by each step. We had no time to sit around and what my Grammy would say if we're were slow "this ain't no Sunday stroll".

We soon reached the department store. Rick was doing some weird hang signals that to be honest it made him look funny. And I held back my laughter.

He pointed to a Walker. I stiffened up. Sooner or later I would have to kill them but not now. Or at least I hope so.

Since there was only one I assumed they would handle it. For now. Plus I really didn't know how to kill one. Expect for aim for the brain. That's what the radio told us. The day of the apocalypse.

I remember multiple radio products or the news repeating that. Over and over again. There was one News reporter, Andy Briggs. Men always found her attractive with her blonde hair and blue eyes. I remember her saying aim for the head. When a Walker came up from behind her and ripped her neck out. Her camera man tried to warn her but he didn't get the chance.

That's when we knew we were screwed. Daryl and Merle backed stuff while I was in shock.

I remember freaking out as dad was getting attacked by walkers. I didn't know what to do. I was a mess and I was on the floor by his body while it seemed like Merle and Daryl were packing. Like they had everything together.

They didn't seem to care to much when dad turned. Merle grabbed a knife and aimed for the head.

I mean I don't blame them so much. In fact I'm a way he deserved it, after all he did to us.

"Y/n?" I heard Glenn say as he brought me out of my thoughts. The Walker was already killed. He grabbed my hand and lead me deeper into the department store.

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