40| Church

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Right now I wish, I could hear those stupid church bells instead of whistling.

Rick pointed to where the sound was coming from. Then he took off. All of us following after him. Sophia must of heard the sound by now. If it wasn't her thag made the sound she most of heard it too.

We made it to some clearing. And we all stopped still listening to the bells ringing.

"What direction?" Shane asked Rick as we stopped.

"I think that way. I'm pretty sure" he pointed straight ahead.

"Damn it's hard to tell out here" Shane told us.

"If we heard them maybe Sophia did too" Carol told us. I agreed with her. It was worth a shot.

"Someone is ringing those bells, maybe calling others" Glenn pointed out.

"Or signaling they found her" Andrea added.

"She could be ringing them herself" I said too. I feel like I needed to speak. Everyone else was.

"Come on" Rick said as we lead the way. We all picked up our pace.

We made it to the church. I was out of breath but I didn't want to show it so much. So I put my arms over my head to get a deep breath.

"That can't be ur. Got no steeple, no bells" Shane said as we approached the church. "Rick!" He said as Rick completely ignored him and kept on walking.

We all ran after him. Well I did. There had to be a reason why they were playing in the first place.

We ran past gravestones. I surprised no one tripped. They weren't planted correctly anyways. We finally made it up to church. I was right behind Rick when we made it to the doors.

Rick put his hand to his mouth for us to be quiet. Daryl and Rick opened the door. I saw 4 walkers.

"Okay so-" Rick started before I rolled my eyes. I wasn't going to do this plan.

Before he could finish it wet to the first Walker and sliced his arms off. Then his head. I heard one creeping up behind me and I sliced his head clean off his head. I turned around and did the same to the third one. And then with the fourth one I sliced it right in half. When I was gone I moved the hair out of my face and looked at the four men.

"Y/n, you shouldn't of done that!" I heard Rick say sternly.

"What? You guys were being pussys so I did it on my own" I told them as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Your pregnant, you have to be careful" Glenn told me. I could tell he was super upset with me doing that.

"Oh cry me a river" I mumbled as I pushed pass them and walked to a nearby tree. I set sprinkles down.

"I saved their lives and they getting all made at me" I said as I walked back and forth talking to sprinkles.

"Your just too amazing. They can't see that" I mimicked a high pitch Mickey Mouse sounding voice.

"Why thank you sprinkles" I said as I cleaned off the blood from her.

I got over myself and I walked back into the church. Sprinkles in my hand.

"I'm telling you, it's the wrong church. It's got no steeple Rick" I heard Shane say. Then the bells rang again. We all raced out side again. We made it to the side of the church .

Glenn opened up a box and flipped a switch. Then the Bells stopped.

"A timer. It's in a timer." Daryl said out of breath.

"I'm gonna go back in forth a bit" Carol told us. I nodded my head as I watched her go back into the church.

I followed her and took a seat in the corner. I felt Glenn sit next to me.

"Be careful. That's all I asked" he said. I could tell he was really pissed off. Which made me pissed off because all I did was kill four fucking walkers.

"Yeah? And I was careful" I snapped right back at him. "I'm tired of you guys treating me like I'm a glass that's going to break. I'm okay" I said as I hugged my knees to my chest.

"Y/n, you are carrying a baby. We need you to be safe and not be all reckless to get yourself killed. I don't want you to end up like..." he stopped himself. I knew what he was going to say. Merle.

He didn't want me to end up like Merle. As far as we know he is dead in some ditch.

"You can say it. Merle. Don't want me to end up like Merle!" I shouted at him. I got up and walked out of there.

I was tired of people tip toeing around me. Afraid that they were going to say something bad and tick me off. Or barely not even touching me because they were afraid that they were going to kill the baby.

Ugh. I can't take this anymore. All I have done is sit here and play fucking house wife. Did the laundry, played with the kids and made food. But the one time I wanted to be something more. Dad was fucking right. I wasn't going to make it out of here in the real world.

I then punched the tree. I'm really not a violent type of person. I felt warm blood fall down my fist. I cursed and shook my hand. It wasn't very deep cut or anything bad. I took of my back pack and grabbed some bandages. I wrapped my hand before anyone could say something or baby me even more.

Merle would tell me to toughen up. He would say this world is out to get you and all you had to do is be a man and yell right back at the world. I wiped some tears that were falling down my face.

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