35| Highway

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(Doesn't it make the story a bigger twist if she is pregnant? Makes it more fun, trust me you guys will love it)


Pregnant? I bet y'all didn't see that one coming. Trust me, more is coming. But I need to get this story done before Crazy bat man comes and kills us. Or maybe..?

I looked around and saw Rick run. I looked to my side a whole bunch of walkers. I felt Glenn pull my hand.

We ran straight to a big truck and slowly went under it. I felt my breath hitch as I saw walkers walk by us. I shut my eyes.

I needed to be calm. I can't freak out or I'm screwed. I felt Glenn pull on my arm. I looked at him and he brought a finger to his lips. I'm so thankful I am not 7 months pregnant because h would not be able to fit.

I looked around and I saw some of our group members. I saw Carl and I was glad he was safe. I saw Sophia too but it was hard to see her because Lori was blocking some parts of her.

I didn't see Daryl but I know Daryl. He is under one of those cars. I shut my eyes. I wanted this to be over as soon as possible. Not to mention I hate being cramped in tight places.

I held on to Glenn's hand as I saw walkers walk by. I heard them growl as they stumbled over us. I was hoping none of them tripped because it would be over for all of us.

I didn't see how many there were. But judging by the fact it's been a good 5 minutes and we are still under these things. If there were a couple, I would assume that we would just knock them out.

More and more walked by the car I was under. I felt like I couldn't breath properly. A few more walkers were coming by. It seemed like most of the herd was already passed.

Just a few more stranglers we're passing by. I felt my heart rate slow down a little. We were going to get through this. I looked at Glenn. And nodded a bit. He smiled at me and squeezed my hand.

All of the sudden no more we're walking by us. I didn't want to get out just to make sure. I looked around and everyone was waiting too.

All of the sudden I saw Sophia attempt to get out from under the car. A Walker saw her and was climbing down to get her. I panicked. She crawled out of the other side. I saw the Walker grab at her. My katana was laying on the ground beside me. I reached for the katana.

I saw her run. Two walkers were chasing after her. I quickly got out of form under the car. I heard Glenn's protest and him trying to grab at me and pull me back. I shook him off. Rick got the same idea as me and I followed him down the hill.

I wasn't going to let Sophia get away. I couldn't do that to Carol. I ran following the sound of Sophia's whimpers. I felt Rick close behind me as I dodged branches.

I didn't slow down. All of the sudden I saw Sophia trip and I ran up to her. She tried to run away but I grabbed her.

"Hey hey, are you alright? Are you okay?" I asked her as I kneeled down in front of her checking for any bites.

"Shoot them!" She said trying to grab my gun that was in the holster. I pulled her back.

"No. No! Those walkers on the road would hear it. Then it wouldn't be just two, it's be hundreds. Come here" I said a so picked her up bridal style.

"Come on" Rick said as I carried Sophia. I still could hear the walkers from behind us. We got to a creek and I set her down.

"You stay here. Wait" I said as I jumped down it, Rick following me.

Rick carried her from the water and hid her in the creek bed.

"Sophia, you have to do exactly as I say. Hide in there. Squeeze in tight" Rick told her as he grabbed her shoulders.

"We will drawl them away" I told her and I tried to calm her down.

"Don't leave me" she begged. My heart broke into two. I had to do this and she was going to listen and then I was going to get her back to her mom.

"Listen listen. They don't get winded, I do. We can only deal with them one at a time. We wouldn't be able to protect you. This is how we all survive, you understand?" Rick whispered to her. He nodded her head.

"Okay? Go go go go" he said as he ushered her into the hiding spot.

"If we don't make it back, run to the highway, back to the others, straight the way we came. Keep the sun on your left shoulder" I told her.

My dad used to blind fold me and leave me into the woods. And then I had to find my way home. Daryl taught me to stay calm and look for surroundings or tracks. And that's exactly what I did.

Rick nodded his head at me and I pulled out my katana.

Rick started splashing the water.

"Come on!" He shouted at them.

"Come here you ugly little shits" I yelled at I splashed too. They slowly looked at us and followed there way down.

"You ugly some of a bitch! Come on!" Rick shouted at them.

One fell down into the river. I took the liberty to slice its head off as it was still on the ground. I then to make sure stab it in the head.

Then the other one followed Rick who went farther down the stream. I followed him to make sure just in case he needed help.

He ran farther and farther down the stream. All of the sudden Rick tripped and he fell straight into the water. The Walker then dropped on top of him. I took my sword and shoved it into his stomach and pulling to back. Then just enough for Rick to stab it in the brain.

I fell to the ground completely out of breath. I looked at Rick and stood up.

"You okay?" I asked him as I pulled out my hand for him to grab.

"Yeah. You?" He asked me as he took my hand and stood up. "Sophia?" He asked me. I felt my heart drop. She is still in the creek bed.

Daisies (Glenn Rhee x reader) Where stories live. Discover now