60| Kicking

382 8 1


I made my way to the barn. It was a quiet and peaceful trip. Besides my feet killing me. Why couldn't we like meet somewhere closer? It definitely had to be something special then.

I looked around the night sky. It was nice and peaceful. For a minute I could believe that there were no walkers even existed.

I made my way to the barn. "Glenn?" I whispered yelled. I felt a breeze and it sent chills down my spine. "Glenn come on it's cold" I said as I wrapped my arms around myself.

"Over here" I heard him say. I huffed and walked over to the side of the barn.

"What are you doing?" I asked him as I made my way. He was standing there, his hands in his pockets and he was rolling back and forth on his feet.

"I know this might sound stupid, but I also know that we might not live till tomorrow-" before Glenn could find ish Maggie ran over.

"Guys, don't go in the barn!" She said. Her voice was still a whisper but she seemed urgent.

"We weren't going to" Glenn told her. He seemed kind of frustrated of being interrupted.

"What's in the barn?" I asked her.


"You can't tell anyone" I told him the next morning. We were in our tent getting ready for the day.

"People could be in danger" he told me. He was sitting on his sleeping bag with his head in his head.

"We stayed this long without anyone noticing. Plus that barn feels pretty sturdy" I told his as I but my hair in my a pony tail.

"The barn is full of walkers Y/n. We can't sweep this under the rug! You know I can't!" He told me as he stood up.

"First of all Glenn We're guest here. So if you want to go around and telling everyone and get us kicked out go ahead. The only reason why we're still here is because I'm pregnant. Glenn please just try" I pleaded with him.

I didn't want to go on the road again where we're not safe. It's easier to sleep here at night because I know we have some sort of safety. But out there there is nothing.

"I'll try" he sighed as he got up. He wrapped his arms around me. I sinked into the hug. It was nice to know that he had me in this fucked up world.


We were outside. I was still practicing with sprinkles so I knew I still had that after this baby goes. Glenn was using his binoculars to look at the barn.

I shook my head. He sucked at being distract about it. He was totally making it obvious. I pretend to slice a zombies head. My stomach started to hurt. I took a seat.

I set my hands on my stomach. I let out a sigh and moved my legs apart. The pain was not terrible but it was okay to deal with.

I saw Maggie come up to us with a barrel. She walked up to Glenn "could you be more obvious?" She asked. He jumped a little. I let out a breathy laugh. "Here enjoy" she said as she passed me an apple.

I gladly took it and winced a little. This baby was a fucking pain in my ass.

"Are you going to buy my silence with fruit?" He asked her.

"She bought mine" I said as I took a bite of the apple. It was really juicy and a little sour. I made a face as I swallowed it.

"Of course not. There's also jerky" She told him.

"Hey pass me some" I said as I was way to tired to get up and go over there myself.

"Will you please tell me why your dad has a secret barn full of walkers?" Glenn asked her as he put his hands on his hips. "It's creepy" he told her.

"Shhh" she tried to tell him.

"You know that, right?" Glenn asked her.

"Shhh. Just trust me on this okay? Y/n, clearly has" She said as she pointed towards me.

"Yeah come on babe. There has to be a reason" I told him as I continued to eat my apple.

"But I suck at lying! I can't even play poker it's to much like lying" Glenn told her.

"You have to keep this to yourself. You have to. Please" she said as she walked away.

Glenn sat down next to me and sighed. He took of his hat and ran his fingers through his hair before setting the hat back on his head. I but my hand on his back.

"You got this" I told him as I kissed his cheek. All of the sudden I felt my stomach move. "Oh!" I said. I reached my hand on my stomach.

"What?" Glenn asked me as he looked over at me.

"Gimmie your hand" I said as I grabbed his hand and placed it on my stomach. I felt Glenn's hand move a little on my stomach.

The baby! It was kicking. I let out a little laugh and I could feel tears fall a little of my eyes.

"I can't believe this" Glenn said as he turned his body to fulley face me. I smiled and nodded.

He smashed his lips on to mine. I laughed into the kiss. I wiped the tears coming from my eyes. This was actually happening. My baby. I wanted to scream because of how happy I was.

"The baby is telling you to keep your mouth shut" I joked with Glenn. He laughed and kissed my head as I leaned on his shoulder.

This would be a nice time to settle down. This place is safe for our baby and us. I'm not really worried about the barn. It's kept them in this long. To be honest it's the Greenes business and not ours. I wish we can leave it that way.

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