46| Otis

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(So they only spent two to three weeks at the farm so let's just not to do. And make it more because it's not going to work with how I planned this)


I was sitting in the kitchen. I was listening to Maggie talk about Otis. I knew she needed someone, someone that wasn't family. You know?

I was with Glenn by the counter and we were listening to her talk.

"I've known Otis since I was a kid. He's run this farm since before my mother died" She sobbed. She was looking at her hands. I sighed a little and moved to the fridge.

I saw pictures on the fridge and people. I noticed it when I walked in. I never had a fridge like that so it made me smile a bit.

"Who else? Who'd you loose?" I asked her. She looked up at me. Tears were falling out of her eyes.

She slowly got up. She walked up to me. She wiped some of her tears. She pointed to one picture of a women sitting on a rocking chair. She had a real blouse on with a blue sweater. Her hair was up in a bun. It seemed like she was laughing at something when they took the picture.

"Stepmother" She finally said. Then she solwoly moved her hand a little to the side and it was a picture of a boy. Maybe in his teens. His brown hair falling over his forehead. He was smiling but looking at something. He had a blue Jean jacket over his button up. "Stepbrother" she told us. She took a deep breath. Then continued.

She pointed at pictures and faces. She even smiled at some and told us little stories about them. She stopped crying and she was pointing and remembering the good times. It was good to see her not cry anymore.


Hershel came in and told us the boy was in good shape. We followed him outside to were Rick and Lori where.

"He seems to have stabilized" Hershel told him. Rick let out a big sigh. It seemed like he was holding his breath the whole time.

"Oh god" he mumbled and lowered his head. I smiled.

He walked up to him and gave him a hug. Hershel was a little taken back and then eased into the hug.

"I don't have words" Lori said as happy tears hell down her face. I held Glenn's hand and smiled. I was glad Carl was okay. The kid was starting to grow on me.

"I don't either. Wish I did. How do I tell Patricia about Otis?" He asked us. I felt Maggie tense up. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. She looked to me and smiled.

"You go to Carl. I'll go with Hershel" Rick said. Rick was a good guy and I always known he was. It was nice to think how he would do that for someone he barely even knew.

Hershel nodded and opened the door. We all followed in. Maggie was sitting with us in the living room. We listened to Patricia sobs. She then excused herself and said she needed a minute.

I sat there with Glenn. It was a comfortable silence. I hoped that everyone on the highway was doing okay. Well I knew Daryl was. Even though he may get on my nerves he was my brother.

I moved closer to Glenn. H held on his hand and I grabbed ahold of it. He rubbed his thumb over my hand.

"How is the baby doing?" He asked me. I smiled.

"I don't feel it kicking. So id say it likes it in there" I joked to him.

"I can't believe you have a baby inside you" he said as he looked at my stomach. I pushed him away slightly.

"Your a dork" I mumbled.

Maggie came back into the room and smiled. Patricia left to go into her room. She walked over to me. And sat next to me on the couch.

"I'll ask daddy to check you tomorrow" she said. "I mean, my mom taught me how to do it. So I could do it with you like" she said, she seemed like the type of person to do stuff to get her mind of things.

"If you want too sure" I said with a smile. She nodded to me and left the room.


Glenn and I fell asleep on the couch. I got up and hurried to the bathroom. This morning sickness was killing me. Not to mention my boobs hurt like shit.

I stayed on the bathroom floor not moving. I feel like I puked my guts out. I heard a knock on the door.

"Y/n? It's Maggie" I heard the girl say. I slowly moved over and opened the door.

"Hey" I replied and then I felt another wave of nausea. I held up my finger and went straight for the toilet. She went over and held my hair for me.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled as I flushed the toilet.

"Hey it's okay. I brought you some of my clothes. Your clothes are kind of not to be mean. Bloody" she said with a smile and sat next to me.

"It's the new fashion. Gosh if someone told me this is what pregnancy feels like I would cut Glenn's balls off" I groaned as I popped a breath mint.

I quickly chewed that and grabbed my bag. I had my toothbrush and toothpaste.

"Do you know how far along you are?" She asked me as I started to brush my teeth.

"Ongmonths" I replied with toothpaste in my mouth.

"Huh?" She asked me.

I spit out the toothpaste. "One month. I think" I said as I did he'd up brushing my teeth.

"Well your in for one hell of 9 months" she said as she got up. "There's your clothes, I'll be waiting outside when your done" she said as she left.

She gave me a flannel and jeans. I nodded my head. I had a tank top which I would leave the flannel unbothered. There was only a little bludge in my stomach. Which the tank top rode up a little.

I smiled at myself in the mirror. I do make a one hot pregnant women.

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