77| How many?

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Rick stands up as soon as the first gunfire starts and shoots right back. "Get outta here! Go!" He shouted at us. I quickly stood up my hand still in Glenn's firm grip. I made sure Hershel was following right behind. His drunken state seemed to completely wipe away.

We ducked down as we raced back to the back of the bar. I crouched down under a table, as Glenn as leaning on a wall and Hershel was behind the counter. The rapid gunfire came from every corner it felt like.

Hershel slid the gun to Glenn and Glenn grabbed it holding it close to him. We all stated still, there was no more gun fire or voices.

Daryl POV

okay I know I'm a asshole for leaving my sister out there. But it's her dumbass for going after that old fuck. She didn't listen to me. I tried to warn her it was dangerous and even for the baby.

She gets killed it's her fault. Just like it was Merle's for him dying too. I knew that son of a bitch was still alive, but something it's hard to think like that when he is not standing right next to you.

"We can't find Lori. And they others aren't back yet either" I heard Carol call from behind me. I kept my focus on my fire and making sure it was doing the job of keeping me warm.

"Yeah. That dumb bitch must've come off looking for em" I grunted at her.

"What?" She asked with a confused tone.

"Yeah, she asked me to go. I told her I was done being an errand boy" I snapped at her.

"And you didn't say anything? Daryl, that's your sister out there. And you don't care?" She scoffed and started to walk away but then she stopped and looked back at me and walked back. "Don't do this. Please. I've already lost my girl." She begged softly.

"That wasn't my problem either" I said in her face as I walked away. I know that's a dick move, but think of it in my shoes. My sister is gone because she has a good heart. People with good hearts don't make it in this world.


"Hey! We all know this is not gonna end well! There's nothing in it for any of us. You guys just.. just back off, No one else gets hurt!" Rick yells as he reloads his gun. It was silence. You could hear your own heart beat beating in your chest.

I closed my eyes as I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I'm stressed out and it's not good for the baby. I groaned quietly. I needed to calm down and hear is not the best time.

Rick movers his head to the side posting Glenn to head to the back door. I wait for Rick to give me a signal for me to go to. He gave me it and I hurried off to follow Glenn. Hershel behind us.

Glenn slowly opened the back door. Hershel and I waited behind him to clear the place out before we go. I prayed for him to be okay. The place was so quiet you could hear the creaking of the stairs.

I heard a gunshot and my breath stopped in my throat. "Glenn!" I shouted as I ran towards the door. Ricks shouts behind me. I went inside at the top of the steps and saw him standing there completely fine.

"I'm alright. I'm all right" He calls to us as I saw him hide behind a poll. I nodded with tears in my eyes before I went back so I wouldn't be an easy shot.

My heart beat was beating fast inside my chest. I wiped the tears that were falling on my face. I shit my eyes and took a nice slow deep breath. We were going to make it out of here.

"I'll hold em here, you cover Glenn. See if you can make it to your car. Tell him to pull up back. Well run for it. Get the hell out of here" Rick tells Hershel as we're behind a poll.

"You want me to cover Glenn?" Hershel asks almost like he was scared out of his mind.

"You missed all that gun training. It could've come in handy now" Rick tells him with a sour tone in his voice.

"Nah, I can shit. I just don't like to" Hershel told him sourly.

I groaned in pain again like I was about to fall over. I grabbed ricks shoulder and squeezed. Maybe a little too hard? I have no idea. But the pain was horrible.

"We need to get going" I said thru gritted teeth.

"Is the baby coming?" Rick asked standing down at my level.

"No it's too early. Somethings wrong" Hershel said voice laced with concern.

"It's just I'm stressed and I'm stressing this baby out. It's not good for it. We need to go" I said as I sat back up. I dead sweating like crazy.

Hershel and I walked away from Rick. I gave him one last nodds before I followed after, I had faith in Glenn nothing bad would happened.

I guess Glenn was really on edge when we walked into the room because as soon as he heard footsteps he wiped around and pointed the gun at us. When he say us his body relaxed and he Hershel pulled the barrel of the gun out of his face.

"Sorry" He said as he lets out a deep breath.

"Rick wants you to try for the car" Hershel tells him.

"Try?" Glenn asks almost frustrated. It was something very dangerous to do. And not knowing how many men are out there just waiting for us. All the doors and windows could be blocked off and we are just walking into a death trap.

Knowing by the glass shot out from Glenn there were more than 3. Just how many more?

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