74| Nebraska

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Sorry guys I've been gone for so long. I had school and it's almost Christmas time. What do you get your boyfriend for Christmas? He already gotten me 6 presents and we only agreed to getting eachother two!! Omg that's it the point. I hope you guys liked this one. I'll try to update more sooner maybe even more today. Thank you so much for the support! I love you all!!


"One guy told us there was the coast guard sitting in the gulf, sending ferries to the islands" Tony added in. As he spoke he made sure to look at every single one of us.

"The latest was a rail yard in Montgomery running trains to the middle of the country: Kanas, Nebraska" Dave told us. He had a tone in his voice almost like in the real world anyone would believe him. With the calm, easygoing personality. But in here? You can't trust no one.

"Nebraska?" Glenn asked almost confused.

"Low population, lots of guns" Tony added in.

"Kinda makes sense" Glenn said looking down.

"Ever been to Nebraska, kid? A reason they call em flyover states" Dave joked as he took a nothing sip. "How about you guys?" He asked us.

"Fort Benning, eventually" Rick says going back to Shane's stupid idea.

"I hate to piss in your cornflakes, officer, but... umm... we ran across a grunt who stationed at Benning. He said the place was overrun by lamebrains" Dave said slowly and well throughout.

"Wait, Fort Benning is gone? Are you for real?" Glenn asked.

"Sadly, I am" Dave said. I got a weird feeling in my stomach. I didn't trust this guy not one fucking bit. And they're making poor Glenn do so too.

I knew Rick wouldn't be to stupid to believe anything these guys say. You could tell by the way he was standing. He was leaned up against the wall. He had one hand free and the other holding a glass.

"Oddly, the truth is there is no way out of this mess. Just keep going from one pipe dream to the next, praying one of these mindless freaks doesn't grab ahold of you when you sleep" Dave said, he voice brought he out of my thoughts.

"If you sleep" Tony added softly.

"Yeah, it doesn't look like you guys are hanging your hats here" Dave said almost getting impatient. "You hold up somewhere?" Here we go. I almost wanted to laugh. I knew this was coming.

I feld the handle of my sword under the counter. They had guns so the best bet was Rick. Hershel was out of it and Glenn maybe he will come through. It's not like I don't have faith in him it's just sometimes he gets scared. With my other hand I squeezed his hand. He looked over at me and smiled and place a soft kiss on my temple. See completely unfazed?

"Not really" Rick said it took him some time to speak up. I wanted to smile but I know that would give it away.

"Those your cars out front?" Dave asked as he pointed to the back.

"Yeah, why?" Glenn said. I kind of poked him in the side. He looked up over at me. I went to stretch my back and mouthed "Let Rick handle this" He nodded.

"We're living in ours. Those look kinda empty, clean. Where is all your gear?" Dave kept prying at us.

"We're with a larger group" Hershel told them. And that larger group is going to leave you behind Hershel if you don't keep quiet. "Out scouting, thought we could use a drink" Hershel fixed himself.

"A drink ? Hershel, I thought you quit?" Dave asked feeling proud of himself for trying to catch us in a lie. "Well we're thinking of setting up around here. Is it safe?" Dave asked us.

"It can be, although u killed a couple of walkers around here" Glenn answered.

"Walkers? That what you call them?" Dave asked almost stunned.

"Yeah" Glenn let out a small laugh.

"That's good. I like that. I like that better than lamebrains." Dave said as he started to scratch his neck.

"More succinct" Tony said.

"Okay Tony went to collage" Dave huffed at his friends big vocabulary word.

"Two years" Tony said. Then there was an awkward silence. That last for almost maybe even a minute. It caused everyone to look around and for Tony to wink at me.

"So what, you guys set up on the outskirts or something? That new development?" Dave asked throwing ideas out.

"A trailer park or something?" Tony asked as he got up. "A farm? Old McDonald had a farm" He started to sing to himself.

"You got a farm?" Dave asked us. I heard Tony take a piss on the floor. He looked back at me and winked again.

"Ew gross" I mumbled under my breath as I looked away.

"Is it safe?" Tony asked as he was done.

"It's gotta be" Dave answered for himself. "You got food?" Dave asked us again.

"You got cooze? I haven't had a piece of ass in weeks" He said. "And I'm looking at you" He said as he looked at me.

"Oh choke on my dick" I snapped right back at him.

"Feisty, that's how I like them" Tony said to himself.

"You'd probably crush me" I mumbled to myself as I mean he did look like a fucking iron giant is anything.

"Listen, pardon my friend. City kids got no tact. No disrespect. So listen, Glenn-" Dave tried to say before Rick cut him off.

"We've said enough" Rick said, he seemed kind of pissed off, after the whole thing with Tony Glenn got way closer to me.

"Well, hang on a second. This farm- it sounds pretty sweet. Don't it sound sweet, Tony?" Dave asked as he looked at his friend.

"Yeah real sweet" Tony said as I could tell he was looking at me.

"You're a disgusting pig" I snapped at him.

"You're going to regret that" He said as he kept staring at me.

"How about a little southern hospitality? We got some buddies back at camp, been having a real hard time. I don't see why you can't make room for a few more. We can pool our resources, our manpower" Dave pleaded.

"Look, I'm sorry. That's not an option. The way your friend was talking to Y/n, no way I'm letting you guys come around ours" Rick said standing up.

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