90| Flames

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We made it back to the farm. We quickly went inside to inform everyone what has happened. I was out of breath and so happy to tell everyone I was right.

"Rick and Shane ain't back yet?" Daryl asked as we scanned the room.

"No" Lori said quickly.

"We heard a shot" Daryl said.

"Maybe they found Randel" Lori said trying to be optimistic.

"Nah we found him" I told them.

"Is he back in the shed?" Maggie asked.

"He is a Walker" Daryl said.

"Did you find the Walker that bit him?" Hershel asked us.

"Nope. Weird thing is he wasn't bit. His neck was broken. So imma say it again, Shane had something to do with it. We also found fresh blood on the tree, fucker head butted a tree so it could look like Randel punched him in the face" I said as I pointed out to them all the obvious things.

"Yeah. The thing is, Shane and Randel's were right on top of each other. And Shane ain't no tracker, so he didn't come up behind him. They were together." Daryl said backing us up.

"Would you please get back out there, find Rick and Shane? And find out what on earth is going on?" Lori begged.

"Nah wait a minute. We went out there risking our lives and now you're making us go right back out there to find your husband? And that fucking asshole that obviously is trying to kill us? Oh yeah sure right on it" I said sarcastically. I was tired of either me or Glenn, or Daryl having to do the heavy lifting. What ever happens to girl power Lori? I groaned as I walked past her to go back outside.

"You know I didn't mean it like that Y/n" Lori said softly.

"Oh yeah sure whatever. Hope no Walker eats me in half" I said as I walked close to the door.. There lucky I'm doing this for Rick. "Nah fuck that" I called as I looked outside .

Hundreds and thousands of walkers were coming right our way. They were out by the barn. That gunshot probably sent them coming our way.

The others worse around me by now looking at the same thing I was. We were fucking screwed.

"Patricia kill the lights" Herhsel whispered to his first born daughter. She nodded and went right on her way.

"I'll go get the guns" Andrea said as she headed inside. I looked at her as if she was fucking crazy.

"Yeah no way in hell we can get through this with guns" I mumbled as I was trying to be positive. But there was no way in hell we were making this out alive.

"Maybe there's just passing, like the herd on the highway? Should we just go inside?" Glenn said as he stayed outside on the porch.

"Not unless there's a tunnel downstairs. I don't know about that" Daryl said to him.

"We're fucking trapped" I cursed as I looked around. Why are we justs standing here waiting for them to come to us. Do we need to throw out a red carpet? Hand written invitation? Make them a godamn sandwhich?

Daisies (Glenn Rhee x reader) Where stories live. Discover now