70| Funeral

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I was back down at the barn with a couple of the others. I was paying respect and also helping taking care of the bodies. I was glad Andrea covered Sophia because I do don't know if I could be able to look at her lifeless body.

I didn't know if we were supposed to bury the bodies or not. Because if we were that would be a lot of hard work to due. But I do not know how longer we are going to be here anyways.

"You want us to start burying?" I asked Rick as I noticed he walked up to us.

"We need a service. Carol would want that." Andrea said. I nodded to her.

"Yeah. We would all want that" T-Dog agreed.

No one said anything. Nor did any of us know exactly what to do anyways. Because this isint our people. It was Hershel, and his whole town.

"Let's-let's dig a grace for Sophia, Annette and Shawn. Over by those trees. And we'll need a truck to move the bodies" Lori suggested.

"I'll go get the keys" Jimmy said as he started to walk but Shane held out his hand to stop him.

"No, no. I got the truck" Shane said as he walked away.

"And the others? That's a lot of digging." Jimmy asked us.

"We bury the ones we love and burn the rest" I told him.

"Let's get to work" Lori said to us.

We all moved out. I had a lot on my mind. This was going to be a lot of hard work. God knows where Glenn is. My back hurts like fuck. I moved around trying to keep myself busy.

The smell wasn't so bad. I've been around a lot of them. I think we all really smell bad. So there is not much to it anymore.


All the graves were done. I went to go find Carol to tell her that the funeral was ready. I walked up to the Rv and i saw Daryl sit right next to the counter. I gave him a small smile as i walked into the RV.

"They're ready" i told her as i leaned against the wall. She shook her head no. "Come on" i told her.

"Why?" She asked me. I could see the pain all over her face.

"Cause that's your little girl" Daryl chimed in.

"That's not my little girl. That's some other...thing. My Sophia was alone in the woods. All this time i thought...she didn't cry herself to sleep. She didn't go hungry. She didn't try to find her way back. Sophia died a long time ago" she said. I let out a small sigh and walked out.

I could t change her mind. If she felt that way it was completely understandable. I walked back to the burial. I felt Daryl walk behind me and put his hand on my back.

I leaned into him as we walked back. Eventually everyone was there. Minus Carol. We all stood around the 3 graves. Not much was said either.

I wiped my tears as people started to scatter away. Poor Sophia. She didn't suffer like we all thought she did. She was in a better place. Same with Hershel's family.


I was doing my best helping getting the walkers on the truck. Even though i was pregnant, I didn't want to stand around doing nothing.

Rick walked up to us as Andrea and T-dog were handling a Walker to put on the back of the truck.

"Few more trips?" He asked them.

"We got lucky. If that barn had any more, we could've been overrun" Andrea said as she put the body on the truck.

"Good thing Shane did what he did. When he did" T-Dog said as he wiped the Walker guts off of him.

"You can't tell me this was right" Dale spoke up.

"It wasn't. It'll cost us with Hershel" Rick told us. My heart snuck. This was the safest place around were all of us didn't have to sleep with one eye opened all the time.

"He's grieving. He'll come around, see we had no choice. Look I shot too. This wasn't all Shane" Andrea said as Dale looked at her.

"Look, I got no gualms about it. Walkers in my backyard? Hm-mmm" T-Dog replied.

"I'm not saying that we shouldn't have taken care of the problem but creating a panic?!" Dale said as his voice got louder.

"There's no point arguing. About it. It's done. There is nothing we can do about it" I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Better get moving" T-Dog said as he got into the car. Andrea nodded and got into the passenger seat.

Lori walked off as she patted Dale on the back. Rick and Dale took off walking.

I was outside. God knows where the fuck Glenn is until Maggie called out to me. I followed her inside to wear Beth was laying in her bed.

"What happened?" I asked as I saw her laying on the bed with her eyes open.

"She was just doing dishes and she passsed out" Maggie told me as she rubbed her sisters face. "What happened to her?" She asks.

"She might be in shock after what happened" I said as I got a closer look. "Where is Hershel?" I asked.

"We can't find him anywhere" Glenn said from the corner of the room. I looked up at him and looked away.


We told the group about Hershel being missing. Rick, Lori, Maggie, Glenn, Shane and I were in Hershel room. There were boxes and it seemed to be women's stuff in there.

"Your stepmothers things?" Shane asked.

"He was so sure she'd recover. They'd just pick up where they left off." Maggie said.

I was over by the dresser and I saw the flask. "Looks like he found an old friend" I said as I picked it up.

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