18| How many times?

718 18 10


"You go looking for aspirin, do what you need to do" Daryl said. He quickly turned around and ran for Jim. "Someone needs to have some balls to take care this damn problem" He said as he swung his axe. But Rick pointed a gun at Daryl's head.

"We don't kill the living" Rick said. Daryl lowered his weapon and Shane stepped it front of him. Daryl turned around and looked at Rick.

"That's funny coming from a man who just put a gun to my head" Daryl snapped back.

"We may disagree on some things, not on this. You put it down. Go on" Shane told him. Daryl scoffed and walked off.

I sighed. This is complete shit. Everything. I saw Rick grab Jim to take him somewhere. I assume safe so no one would try to kill him before it was time for him to go.

I looked at Glenn. "This is such a mess" I said. He nodded his head and pulled me into a hug.

I looked over. Andrea was still with Amy. I'm surprised amy hasn't turned yet though. Even though it has been almost a day. But I was glad Andrea had a little more time with her.

"We will be safe one day" Glenn said as he looked down at me. "One day we will be together and have cute little kids running around" I smiled. He wanted to have kids with me.

"Really? I've always wanted kids" I said as he grabbed my hand and we walked.

"I figured. I've seen you around Carl and Sophia" he said as he smiled. It made my heart do little flips.

"Your a creep for watching me" I said with a giggle. Even though I loved it.

"What? I had a big crush on you" he said as he cheeks turned red.

"That's what Lori told me. I didn't want to believe her because I would of never guessed you would like me back" I said as I looked at the ground.

"So you had a crush on me too. Was it the car?" He asked me.

"You are such a dork" I said as I pushed him.

"Well I glad I asked you before Carl did" he said with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Carl. He likes you. It's cute though. He said he had plans to ask you out. Before I did I had to get Carls permission" he said with a laugh.

"I never would of thought. That is actually kinda cute" I said.

"He told me to watch out when he is older because he is going to his words not mine 'snatch you up'" he said with a even bigger laugh.

I couldn't help it and I had to laugh. It was a little disturbing and cute at the same time. Of course I was never going to date Carl. I kinda liked how a kid was obsessed with me. Now that sounds weird. I do not like little kids.

"You better watch out then" I told him as I giggled and ran off.

Maybe things would be better. We would find a good place to stay and everything would be okay. But first I had to talk to Daryl.

He was sitting at his tent sharpening arrows. I slowly walked up.

"Remember what daddy used to say? About last Dixon standing?" I asked him. He turned around and looked at me.

"Yeah" he mumbled.

"Well if Merle's is dead and so if dad it's just you and me" I joked as I sat down next to him.

"Let the best Dixon win?" He asked me with a smile.

"I guess so. And I don't blame on dying anytime soon" I said as I poked him.

"Neither do I. But do you really think Merle is dead?" He asked me. I thought for a second.

"We never saw a body so I'm not sure. But Rick is right about the blood loss. He could be anywhere" I told him as I looked at the ground.

"Do you want him to be dead?" He asked me. I stopped for a second.

"After all he has done to us. I wouldn't be upset either way. I mean, he is my brother and yes I want him back. But a little part of me is saying maybe it's for the best. You know what he was going to do to this group" I said as I shook my head in disgust thinking about it.

"But he didn't" Daryl said backing him up.

"He was if we weren't there" I argued back. I was hurt that Daryl always defended him.

"He did some stuff to us but he is still our brother" I told him as he stood up. Now he was easing his voice.

"Brother or not. He treats us like shit. Like we don't matter. Like we're not good enough for him. But if we're being honest he is not good enough for us. He left as soon as he got the opportunity too. He left us with dad. He let us get the beatings. How many times where you hit because of Merle?" I asked him. I was no upset and tears were in my eyes.

He didn't say anything. And I couldn't help it. After everything he is going to defend him.

"How many fucking times Daryl?" I asked again raising my voice. He didn't answer me he just walked away.

I collapsed on the ground. I couldn't help myself anymore and tears were falling down my eyes as fast as they could.

I bet the whole camp heard that. And now they heard that we where some sorry ass rednecks with a drunk abusive dad.

"Y/n?" I heard someone say. I quickly wiped my years and turned around. It was Carl.

"Hey buddy. What's up?" I asked him as I stood up walking to him.

"I heard yelling. Are you okay?" He asked me. My heart broke a bit. And I walked up to him leaning down.

"Of course bud. Don't worry about me okay? Worry about your mom and dad. There the most important people you got. I'm going to be okay" I said as I grabbed his hand and led him to the group.

AHHAHAHAHAH. anyways, how did y'all like it?? I made a Carl grimes one and it's just posted. Give me some time because I have a good bit of stories to work on. And also I have a Daryl Dixon one working on it and I'll try to get that out as soon as I can. After this I could prolly memorize TWD script 😭😭

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