10| Say Bye to Your Feet

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I am writing this on computer, so if there is spelling mistakes, I am very sorry I can not see them. Also this will not be starting in the middle (You will understand when you start reading) like normally because it will not give me that option. I usally use my phone but since I have the oppertunity (I know this word is spelled wrong) I will take it. But Please enjoy this chapter!!! <3 Tell me what writing style you like better. I hope this does not other anyone.

     We got to the alley way. We stopped and waited. I hope this did not go heywire for Glenns sake. I bounced my knee. Nervous habbit.

I used to pick the skin off my lip but evrytime I did thst my dad ended up slapping my hand. He said 'No boys would ever want to kiss those nasty lips' I guess it just stuck with me.

     We waited longer until we heard smeone scream something. It sounded liek spanish. I didn't take spanish, everyone else did it i chose French. I looked at the others. This would deffentily (I know this word is wrong too) going to attract walkers.

     I hope Glenn would be back and by now. Let's hope that the screaming had nothing to do with them and it was competly others. Rick nodded and we took off running. The shouting got louder and it sound like a car door slammed and raced off.

     When we got to the alley ot as only Daryl. I quickly gave him a hug. He looked pretty shaken up. I looked around and sa a boy laying on the groun Maybe 18 or 19? Maybe he was the one screaming.

I looked behind them and saw a hole bunch of walkers slaming and growling at the fence My eart dropped. Where was Glenn?

     "They took Glenn. That little bastard!" Daryl shouted over the sound of the walkers. H epointed to the boy laying on the ground. "And his little homie bastard friends. Im going to stomp you ass!" Dary shouted.

By now the boy got up and tried to run away but T-Dog stopped him. Rick held Daryl back frm going offon the boy.

     "Guys! Guys! Were cut off!" I said as I looked t the fence in fear that the walkers were oing to bust thriugh and e had no hope of saving Glenn.

     "Get to the lap! Go!" Rick shouted at T-Dog, the boy and I. I nodded my head. We raced to the lab.

I looked behind me and saw Daryl and Rick following us. With a few quick turns and walkers dodged we got into the Lab.

Daryl tied up the boy. He looked frighten in a way. I didn't have time to feel for him because his guys took Glenn.

"Those men you were with, we need to know where they went" Rick said as he sat on a stool infront of the kid. I guess he was taking the good cop position.

"I ain't telling you nothing" the kid said. It made my blood boil.

"Jesus man, what the hell happened back there?" T-Dog said as he shook his head.

"I told you, this little turd and his douchebag friends came out of nowhere and jumped me" Daryl said as he paced back and forth.

"Your the one who jumped me, puto. Screaming about trying to find his brother like it's my damn fault" The boy said as he leaned his head to the side.

"They took Glenn and they could've token Merle too" Daryl said as he stopped pacing.

"Merle? What kind of hick make is that? I wouldn't even make my dog Merle" The kid said. That's when Daryl was able ur to pounce on him when Rick yelled him back. "Damn it Daryl, back off" Rick said as he pushed Daryl Back.

I was getting tired of this bullshit. I wanted to find Glenn so I took this into my own hands. I went over to the bag and pulled out Merle's hand. My back was to him. So he couldn't see what I had.

"Wanna know what happened to the last guy that pissed me off?" I asked him as I turned around and through the hand in his lap.

He jumped up and screamed. He went to the back wall and I followed him there and I grabbed his shirt. "I'll start with the feet this time" I said as I got into his face. I felt Rick pull me off of him.

T-Dog looked at me and raised his eyebrows. I shrugged my shoulders. I was done messing around I wanted Glenn back.

"Then men who took our friend. All we want to do is talk to them, see if we can work something out" Rick said as he remained calm.


The boy broke. I think the hand thing pushed him to tell us. I'm our way there Daryl asked me what that was about. I told him I wanted to find Glenn.

We got to a building. It looked like the back of something. A big wooden door. I'm a way it looked deserted it. Rick put T-Dog on the roof if things went hey wire.

I wanted to take control and get Glenn back my way if it had to come down to it. Rick could tell that so when we got to the door he stepped back. He nodded his head. I knew he would back me up.

I pushed the kid infront of me. Just in case he called the guy that Owned the place G or whatever. I wasn't listening. I had my gun in my hands.

The gun was a little shaky. I never done this before. I needed to. Daryl hand his crossbow and stick had a gun and we kinda were in a triangle formation. I trusted them to back me up.

I was going to get Glenn back even if I had to kill someone.

ANYWYASYYSYS how did y'all like that?? I'm gap exicted for season three because it's gonna be so good and Y/n will show her badass side. Not like she isint already but when someone messes with Glenn she would be there

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