84| Our baby

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i was reading some of y'all's comments and you have to bear with me. I know it's bad but trust me, I'm trying okay!! They do make me laugh tho!


"Look? Say we let him join us, right? Maybe he's helpful, maybe his nice. We let our hoard down and maybe he runs off, brings back his 30 men" Shane puts into the atmosphere.

"So the answer is to kill him? To prevent a crime that he may never even attempt?" Dale asked, he was not letting this go.

"Are we forgetting that his men killed my fucking child? What's the difference that he would hurt one of us two? It seems like you have all forgot about that" Glenn shouted as he stood up.

We were all kind of taken back about his sudden outburst. No one spoke. I didn't want to forget it was still stuck in my brain. The moment. Everything.

"Glenn-" Maggie said before he cut her off.

"No. Save it." He said as he walked to the door. He passed Lori and slammed the door shut. I jumped at the sound.

"Let him cool off" I said as I debated going after him. I felt everyone look at me.

"Y/n, you know we didn't mean it like that" Dale said as he touched my arm.

"I know" I said with a small smile. It wasn't Dales fault. He didn't mean for none of this to happen. I knew Hershel was pretty shaken up afterwards. He kept apologizing. He thought it was all his fault.

"Could you drive him further out? Leave him like you planned?" I asked trying to forget about what just happened.

"You barely came back this time" Lori said to Rick. "There are walkers. You could break down. Y-You could get lost" Lori said thinking about the possibilities.

"Or get ambushed" Daryl added.

"They're right. We should not put our own people at risk." T-Dog said.

"If you go through with it, how would you do it?" Patricia asked. "Would he suffer?"

"We could hang him, right? Just snap his neck." Shane mentioned. Of come on he is not no fucking witch. Plus we would have to watch him get hanged.

"That doesn't sit well with me" Maggie said as she shook her head. (That's rlly funny you say that Maggie)

"I thought about that. Shooting may be more humane." Rick said to us, nothing about this is humane.

"And what about the body? Do we burn him?" T-Dog simply asked.

"Hold on, hold on." Dale quickly said. "You're talking about this like it's already decided." Dale said, with hurt in his eyes.

"You've been talking all day, going around in circles. You just wanna go around in circles again?" Daryl asked Dale. I knew what he was doing. He was trying to push him.

"Daryl" I said in a warning tone not to go any farther.

"This is a young man's life! And it's more worth than a five minute conversation! Is this what it's come to? We kill someone because we can't decide what else to do with him? You saved him and now look at us. He's been tortured. He's gonna be executed. How are we any better than those people that were so afraid of?" Dale finally said. He was right about all what he said. It was definitely a hard decision. (I spelled it right this time :) ).

"We know what needs to be done" Shane said somberly.

"Do you even listen to anyone but yourself?" I asked him getting frustrated.

"No. Dale is right. We can't leave any stone unturned here. We have a responsibility- " Rick was trying to say then no other then Andrea had to interrupt him.

"So what's the other solution?" Andrea said right in the middle of Rick.

"Let Rick finish" I told her as I leaned on the wall. I really wanted to hear what Rick was saying. Because if he agrees with Dale it's pretty much, we win.

"We haven't come up with a single viable option yet. I wish we could" Andrea kept saying.

"Did you not hear what i said? Let Rick talk" i told her. She was seriously pushing me over the edge.

So let's work on it!" Dale told her.

"We are" Rick said.

"Stop it. Just stop it. I'm sick of everybody fighting and arguing. I didn't ask for this. You can't ask us to decide something like this. Please decide. Either of you, both of you...but leave me out." Carol said quietly.

"Not speaking out of killing him yourself— there no difference." Dale told her.

"Dale don't push it. It's not Carols decision. If she doesn't want to be apart of this she doesn't have to" I told him. Carol smiled at me slightly.

"Anybody that wants the floor? Before we make a final decision, have the chance." Rick told us. Maggie and Patricia sat down. It was very quiet. Not anyone said anything. I had no more to say.

"You said that we don't kill the living." Dale tried one more time.

"That was beside the living tired to kill us" Rick told him.

"But don't you see? If we do this, the people that we were... the world that we knew is dead. And this new world is ugly. Harsh! It's... it's survival of the fittest. And that's a world u don't wanna live in. And I don't believe that any of you do. I can't. Please. Let's just do What's right." Dale said with tears in his eyes. I hated when people started crying, I feel way too bad. "Isint there anybody else who's gonna stand with me?" No one said anything. Expect for the one and only:

"He's right. We should try to find another way." Andrea said as she looked at Shane.

"Anybody else?" Rick asked.

"Are y'all gonna watch too? No you'll go hide your heads in your tents. And try to forget that we're slaughtering a human being.Whoa. I want be a party to it" Dale said as he walked to the exit. He stopped at Daryl before saying "this group is broken"

I walked out of the house. I needed to go find Glenn. I knew he would probably be out in our tent.

The walk was quiet. It was a small kind of clear my head. I didn't know Glenn was hurting that much. I mean I could have known if I told to him sooner.

I took a deep breath beofre I walked into the tent. I opened it up and Glenn was facing the other way.

"Glenn?" I asked as I sat down behind him. I put my hands on his back and lead my head on his shoulder.

"Our baby. It's gone" he said as tears slipped down his eyes. I felt my eyes prickle up with tears as well.

"It's living a better life. Up there. I bet your sisters and your mom are watching after it, very well" I said as I rubbed his back.

He turned around and fell into my arms. I fled his body shake. It broke my heart. He cried into my arms until there were no tears left.

I cried with him. We talked about what we were going to name it, our parenting skills, our rules. Everything. It was our little baby.

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