57| Daryl

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"Your going to make me sick if you keep pacing back and forth" Maggie said as we were up in her room. The heat was terrible and it was doing numbers on my feet.

"I'm sorry! It's just I know there is something up" I told her as I finally took a seat down on her bed.

Her room was just like any teenage girls stuck in time. When the outbreak hit she was in the city. She trussed back to here. So there were pictures of singers, photos, flowers. Anything a teenage girl would have. A room I dreamed off.

"It's Daryl. I haven't known him forever but from what I picked up he knows what he is doing" she said as he sat down on her carpet floor.

"It's the hormones" I said as I huddled a little. Maybe it was because he was the only family member I had left.

"Y/n! Maggie!" I heard Glenn shout from downstairs. I tried my best to get up quickly as possible so I wouldn't fall. Maggie took the lead.

The pain in my feet shot up when I began to take fast steps down the steps. It was like I was walking on knifes. I hurried down as fast as I could.

When I made it to the bottom of the steps Shane and Rick were carrying in Daryl. His face was all dirty and bloody. It looked he had came from hell and back. He didn't look awake. His shirt was covered in mud and there was blood coming out of his side.

I stood there in shook. It was like I couldn't process any of it. Rick was about to say anything before I ran up to him. I grabbed his face in my hands.

"Daryl are you okay?! Can you hear me?!" I shouted as I took his face. He didn't even up his eyes before he let out a groan.

"Y/n, let Hershel take care of it" Dale told me as he put his hand on my shoulder pulling me back.

I wanted to argue and shout that I could fix it. But I only had one year in medical school. I couldn't let him die. I slowly walked back. I saw everything go before me. Hershel rushing in yelling orders to his family for medicine.

I slowly stepped back trying to process what happened. The door burst open and it was Andrea. Her face red form tears.

"Is he okay? I'm so sorry" She cried out as she walked further into the house.

Why would she be sorry? It didn't make any sense. Before I could do anything Rick popped in front of me.

"Y/n? Can you hear me?" He told me. His voice just sounded like ringing noise. It was hard for  me to even put together the words.

"Yeah?" I managed to say. I barley even heard myself say it.

"Andrea, she was trying to protect the camp. She thought he was a Walker. The bullet only grazed him" He said as he grabbed my shoulders. The words took seconds to process. After it did, I stopped.

Ricks hands were more of a hold me back type of thing. I nodded my head. I mumbled a 'im okay'. He slowly let go of my shoulders.

He quickly turned around. As soon as his back was facing me I launched at Andrea.

"YOU STUPID FUCKING WHORE!" I shouted at her as I punched her right in the nose. I felt someone grab onto to me and pull me back. I tired to pull away so I could get another good hit on her.

I ignored the pain in my hand. I was sure I broke at least one fingers. I wanted to scream and shout at her. This was all her fault. Daryl would be fine if it wasn't for her.

"Let me go you asshole!" I shouted as I tried to get myself out of his grip.

He only held on me tighter. Before I could crawl and scratch on his arms to get him off of me Glenn came in. He was in the room with Daryl to be an extra hand for Hershel.

"Let her go Shane" Glenn told him. Before Shan e could argue Rick putted in.

"Let her go" Shane mumbled something I cojdjnt hear not I couldn't care about hearing. He let go of me. Glenn rushed towards me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me as he grabbed me hands. I nodded. I was trying to calm myself down. I looked down and my hand was already starting to bruise. I cursed as I pulled away.

He looked down at my hand and groaned slightly. "Y/n, we seriously need to work on your anger issues. Hershel said you can't be acting like this when the bag is in your stomach" he tried to reason with me. I could tell he was getting upset with me.

"I can't help it when stupid fucking bitches wanna shoot my brother" I told him.

"I said I was sorry you crazy bitch" she said as she held an ice pack on her nose.

"Yeah? I'm gonna fucking rip your tits off then we will be even" I told her behind Glenn.

"Y/n! Carl!" Lori said to me. I rolled my eyes.

"It's the fucking apocalypse Lori! I don't think a couple swear words would ruin his innocence" I told her as I held on to my hand.

"She does have a point" Dale said from behind Andrea.

"Now is not the time" Lori snapped at him. She grabbed Carl and walked out of the house. Everyone was looking at me.

"Oh come on. Stupid shots my brother and somehow it's all on me?" I said as I put my hands in the air.

"Come on Y/n, let's go for a walk" T-Dog said as he tried to pull me out of the room.

"Yeah take crazy out of here" Andrea groans in pain.

"That's it you fucking cunt. I'm tired of hearing your mouth all the time. Saying that you shouldn't be stuck with all the women here in the kitchen. Well maybe if your ass could actually do shit instead of shooting random ass people maybe Rick would let you do shit. I'm sorry but we get it your sisters dead. So is my brother. I've gotten over mine. You can with yours" I spat at her before I walked out.

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