88| Spilt

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I followed Daryl around today like a lost puppy dog. He found it pretty annoying but I I didn't really care I knew he liked knowing where I was 24/7. We were by the blue Truck when T-Dog came by.

"Only got so many arrows" T-Dog said as he handed Daryl a gun.

"Is that Dales gun?" I asked as I leaned against the truck to get a better view.

"Yeah" T-Dog let out a sad sigh as he pulled up the truck bed.

"Wish I knew where the hell mine is" Daryl said as he shoved the gun in his waistband.

"Ready?" Rick asked. I think he was mostly talking to Daryl but I wanted to be involved in this. Before I could say or do anything T-Dog ushered me to go along with him.

"Good luck guys" I said as I hurried off. "Where are we going?" I asked as I cut up to him.

"Going to check up on Randy. I didn't want to go alone" He said with a smile as we made it to the barn.

"Randy!" I sang as we made it up to the barn. T-Dog did the honor of banging on the door.

"Governor called. You're off the hook" T-Dog told him as he unlocked the door.

He held his gun in his hand to make sure as he opened up the barn door. I looked inside and there was nothing to be found. No Randy, no sign of him getting our or anything.

"Where the fuck is he?" I asked as I jumped inside looking around. I weird feeling set into my something.

"Somethings up" T-Dog said as he moved a barrel out of the way to look behind it.

"Damn right"


We called everyone in. There was no way the guy could disappear like that. But something was off. There was no Shane to be found.

"What's wrong?" Lori asked as she came down to the barn.

"Randel's missing" Glenn told her. I stood by Daryl and grabbed his arm.

"20 bucks Shane had something to do with this" I mumbled to him making sure no one could hear us. He nodded his head in agreement.

"Missing? Now?" Lori asked as shocked as everyone else.

"How longs he been gone?" Herhsel asked around. None of us knew an extract time frame.

"What's going on?" Beth asked as she walked down beside Maggie.

"It's hard to say" Herhsel said not fully understanding everything.

"The cuffs are still hooked. He must've slipped em" Rick said as he walked out of the barn.

"Is that possible?" Carol asked.

"Oh yeah hurts like a fucking bitch" I told her. Everyone looked at me.

"Oh come on. I did some crazy stuff" I said as I rolled my eyes.

Daisies (Glenn Rhee x reader) Where stories live. Discover now