72| Im here

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I left out a small yawn as I got back up to sit straight. "Are we almost here?" I said in the best sleepy voice I could mange.

"Good morning to you too" Rick joked as we made it into a town. I assume Hershel's town that once when there was no dead strangling around that there was once humans and many to be exact.

"Yeah we are" Glenn said with a nervous smiley. I saw them make eye contact and Rick shook his head.

We stopped in front of a building that is the bar. It looked like one of those old time houses that they changed into a store of building. With the brick walls and big doors.

Rick turned of the car as we were about to get out Glenn said something. "Rick, we know about Lori. Her being pregnant. I got her those pills" Glenn confessed quietly.

"I figured" Rick said as he climbed out of the Car. Is Cortes my way out and Glenn opened the door for me. I smiled at his cute gestures.

"Hey Im really sorry I kept it form you" I told Rick. I did feel bad that Rick knew nothing about the situation.

"Don't be. You did what you thought was right" He brushed us off. I did feel better knowing that he didn't care so much. "It just so happens it wasn't" fuck.

We all kept walking towards the building keeping an eye out for any straggling walkers.

We got to the doors. Rick put his finger to his lips to be quiet just in case Hershel was not in there and other things were. He quickly opened the door and went in. Glenn and I following.

I didn't have a gun but I brought my katanas just in case if things went bad. It wasn't a problem to come pretend in the worst case scenario.

We saw Hershel at the end of the bar what I assume was drinking. He didn't even turn around to look at us. Was he that buzzed?

"Hershel?" Rick called out as we got closer to him.

"Who's with you?" Hershel answered. Still not turning around to look at us.

"Glenn and Y/n" Rick called back as he kept walking.

"This was Y/n idea?" Hershel called back. I can tell in his voice he was smiling.

"Of course it was" I called to him.

I walked up to Hershel. We needed to get back and Beth was not doing so good.

"How many have you had?" I asked him as I leaned on the bar.

"Not enough" Hershel replied with a sober tone in his voice.

"Come on. Let's finish this up at home. Beth, collapsed, she is in some sort of state. Must be in shock and I think you are too" I told him as I took a sit next to him.

"Maggie is with her?" Hershel asked. Rick come up with me as backup.

"Yeah, but Beth needs you" Rick answered.

"What could I do?" Hershel asked with a sad tone. He lost his wife for the second time and he wasn't doing so good but he needed to snap out of it. "She needs her mother or rather to mourn. Like she should've done months ago. I robbed her of that. I see that now" He went on.

"You thought there was a cure. Fuck we all did. Can't blame yourself for holding out for hope" I told him kindly.

"Hope? When I first saw you running across my field with your boy in your arms, I had little hope he would survive" Hershel confessed.

"But he did" Rick told him.

"He did. Even though we lost Otis. Your man Shane made it back. And we saved your boy. That was the miracle that proved to me miracles do exist. Only it was a sham, a bait and switch. I was a fool and you people saw that. My daughters deserve better than that" Hershel replied as he opened another bottle of wine.

We walked over to the door to talk about what's going on. The place was dusty so Glenn opened the door so we could get some air in.

"So what do we do? Just wait for him to pass out?" Glenn asked Rick and I.

"We tried talking to him maybe that's a good idea" I said as I thought about just filling up his cup every time he finished a drink.

"Just go!" Hershel called from the end of the bar. "Just go!" He repeated.

"I promised Maggie I'd bring you home safe" Rick told him.

"Like you promised  that little girl?" Hershel chucked.

"Okay Hershel. I've tried being nice okay. You can't just fucking sit around and waste all of our time because you want to have a pity party? Your wife and step son are dead and im sorry. We all lost some people...but please" I said as I begged the last part.

"Y/n is right. What is your plan Hershel? Finish that bottle? Drink yourself to death and leave your girls alone?" Rick asked him as he got closer.

Hershel spun around and slammed his glass down. "Stop telling me how to care for my family, my farm. You people are like a plague! I do the christen thing, give you shelter, and you destroy it all!" Hershel started to yell.

"The world was already in bad shape when we met" I told him as I was getting fed up.

"And you take no responsibility!" Hershel yelled back.

"Well im here now, aren't I? I'm here trying to get you to stop drinking so you can go back and take care of your daughter Hershel!" I told him. I didn't want to be angry but sometimes I had no choice because no point was getting a cross.

"Yes. Yes. Yes you are" he said as he turned around and walked back to the bar and took a seat.

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