17| Bit

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Im thinking of making a Daryl Dixon one and Carl grimes... let me know...


"Y/n? You okay?" Glenn asked. It was been awhile sense my outburst. And I was still I. The tent. I was glad Glenn left me alone.

"No" I mumbled. Even though it was hot as shit I used the blanket to cover me up.

"Wanna talk? Everyone's worried about you" he said as he sat next to me.

"Let them worry" I said as I flipped over so I was away from him.

"It's just you've been through a lot. And people say a change in you" he said. I slightly perked up to that. Change?

"I thought that's what everyone wanted" I said as I sat up.

"That's what Daryl wanted. Dale liked how you sat with him in the mornings, Lori loved how you were so positive, Carol loved how sweet you were to Sophia. You are one of the sweetest people out there. And this world shouldn't change you" he said as he cupped my face.

"Wanna know something great about this world?" I asked him.

"What?" He asked.

"If there were no walkers there wouldn't be a you and me" I told him with a smile.


I've thought about what Glenn said. Maybe I can kill walkers with a positive attitude? It seemed kinda weird but I'll be willing to do that.

All of the sudden I heard screaming. I was helping Glenn make sure there were no more bodies left until we heard someone yell. We ran up to see what was going on.

Everyone was circling around Jim. I grabbed Glenn's hand. Daryl looked at us and quickly looked away. I know he was still hurt after what I said and I needed to apologize soon.

"Show it to us" Shane told Jim. I looked around confused, until Jim grabbed a shovel in defense. I held my other hand out just in case I needed to grab my sword.

"Jim, put it down. Put it down" T-Dog told him calmly. There was a lot of shouting.

People saying 'grab him' or 'show us'. Then it hit me. He got bit. U grabbed ahold of Glenn's arm tighter.

All of the sudden T-Dog came up behind him and grabbed him. The shovel fell down on the ground.

"I'm okay. I'm okay" Jim repeated. In a way it was like he was telling himself that no us. Then Daryl ran forward and lifted up Jim's shirt.

There was a bite mark on his side. No way of saving him. We wouldn't cut off his whole stomach area. Then Daryl lowered the shirt.

Jim repeating I'm okay. Over and over again. I looked down. Jim was always a nice guy. He was super sweet and he played cards with me. He taught me new games too. Like poker. I sucked because I would smile when I got good cards. He taught me how to keep a straight face.

It's like everyone you got to meet soon you had to bury. I'm a way it was completely unfair.

T-Dog let go off him and stood next to Daryl.

"I'm okay. I'm okay" Jim said okay not so confident and more quiet.

Jim was going to turn and so was Amy. And everything we worked for was gone.

I leaned closer into Glenn and I felt him out his arms around me.


"I say we put a pickaxe in his head" Daryl said. I rolled my eyes.

"I saw we do that to you" I fired back. I regretted it as soon as I said it. I just wish Daryl had some sort of a heart. At least.

"Is that what you'd want. If it were you?" Shame asked him.

"Yeah, and I'd thank you while you did it" Daryl said as he shrugged him shoulders.

"Of course you would" I mumbled.

"I hate to do it... I thought I wouldn't have to but maybe Daryl's right" Dale said. It completely shocked me.

"Jim's not a monster, Dale or some rabid dog" Rick said to him.

"I'm not suggesting-" Dale tried to explain before Rick cut him off.

"He's sick. A sick man. We start down that road, where do we draw the line?" Rick asked him.

"The lines pretty clear. Zero tolerance for walkers" Daryl said. I was about to have zero tolerance for him. "Or them to be"

"What if we can get him help? I heard the C. D. C was working on a cure." Rick said almost pleading in a way.

"I heard that too. Heard a lot of things before the world went to hell" Shane told him.

"What is the C. D. C is still up and running?" Rick asked Shane.

"Man, that is a stretch right there." Shane said. I knew what he was saying. Everything went down hill when the military started going crazy.

"Why? If there's any government left, any structure at all, they'd protect the C. D. C. At all cost, wouldn't they? I think it's our best shot. Shelter, protection-" Rick pleaded with us before Shane but in.

"Okay, Rick, you want those things, all right? I do to okay? Now if they exist, there at the army base. Fort Benning" Shane told us.

"That's 100 miles in the opposite direction" Lori told him.

"That is right. Buts it's away from the hot zone." Shane said.

"Any place is going to be a hot zone. You saw what that military did to us. What makes you believe that they are not going to shot us down?" I asked him.

"Well maybe there different. Now listen to me. If that place is operational, it'll be heavily armed. We'd be safe there" Shane said completely ignoring what I said.

"The military were on the front line of this things. They got overrun. We've all seen that" I argued back.

"The C. D. C is our best choice and Jim's only chance" Rick said backing me up.

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